Are men and women actually equal? (1 Viewer)


Planarian Leader
Jun 3, 2010
Fuck all this 'glass ceilng' bullshit. I'd like to see women try and do the work that top tier finance bankers do. That's why a majority are men. If women want to "close thegap" or whatever then work harder ffs. I think men have higher expectations placed upon them at work so fair enough they obviously earnt it.
The male dominance within the finance industry has little to do with the male vs female work ethic and more to do with their disposition to the job. Men tend to go into the finance stream more so than women and that is reflected with men taking up the majority of executive positions. I think Lolsmith(?) posted a link before on gender income inequality and I'm just reiterating the info. From my experience, women tend to work harder than men anyway


Callipygian Member
Mar 14, 2010
Gliese 581 d
Men and women aren't equal, I just don't get why everyone assumes that I mean one is superior to the other when i say that...
Aug 11, 2011
As someone else pointed out, the female and male IQ is probably the same, but because of how IQ is distributed across a population, if the standard deviation of one group is different to the SD of another group, that will affect what percent of people in that group falls into each percentile. This is the reason men have a higher percentage of geniuses at one extreme, but they also have a higher percentage of mentally handicapped at the other extreme.

Picture it with this graph:

Male SD set at 15 and female SD set at 14.5 (I have no idea what it is in reality).

Though in the HSC in recent years, girls have been doing better than boys in previous years across pretty much all subjects. What could cause such a dramatic shift? Consider the different psychological makeups of the two sexes:

The international feminist conspiracy has it out for men, because nature has a male bias.
yes, i agree completely.


dvds didnt exist in 1991
Nov 5, 2006
difference within range you fucking faggots


Feb 16, 2011
On the Wings of Eagles
Are Men and Women equal? Yes, and anyone who believes otherwise can go back to the stone age as far as I'm concerned. Does this mean they are the same? No. They are two complimentary elements of a whole.

Right down to every last gene the sexes are unique: (XX,XY chromosome)
Studies have proven that differences are neurological and genetic in origin and are highly resistant to change by the influences of culture. Men and women are the same the world over!
Socializing: Whether tennis or cards: women often use the event as an excuse for fellowship and pleasant conversation. For men, the name of the game is conquest.
A man's world is focused outside the home in work and recreation. A women's world is strongly focused within the home and on family.
Self-esteem: Men develop the evidence of their worthiness primarily from their jobs, being respected in business, profession or craft. Women, and especially homemakers, depend primarily on the romantic relationship with their husbands for ego support. This explains why the emotional content of a marriage is usually more important to women and why the little tokens of affection are appreciated more by wives, who obtain esteem from these expressions of love and generosity.
Women need continual reassurance from their husband that they are loved, needed and valued. Because men do not need this kind of reassurance from their wives, they often fail to see their wife's need for it and neglect to give it. The wife then develops a feeling of being "unloved and unvalued", which the husband will assure is unfounded.
Women tend to remember anniversary dates and birthdays. Men tend to remember dates like when the mortgage payment is due and feel their wife gets "overly upset" if they forget the anniversary.
Mothers become emotionally attached to their children prior to birth by the virtue of carrying the child in her body. Men do not become emotionally bonded to the child for several months after the birth when the infant begins to smile, respond and interact with him.
Sexual arousal: Men are visually oriented, caring less about the romantic component or personal identity. Men can easily separate love and sex. She is attracted not to a photograph of an unknown model or by a handsome stranger, but to a particular man with whom she has entered into an emotional relationship. Women usually combine love and sex.
Men do not have as strong a desire and need for stability, security and enduring relationships as women do.
Women experience emotional influences that men do not because of the reproductive capacity: (cycles, pregnancy, lactation, menopause)
At a birthday party of five year olds, its not usually the girls who pull hair, throw punches or smear each other with food.
The play habits of young girls is almost exclusively in real life domestic situations, playing house, school etc. In contrast, young boy's play is usually in the fantasy world, blasting Martians with a laser gun to save the world.
In a time of crisis, women tend to react with reference to their feelings. Men tend not to react with reference to feelings but with deducted thought and reason.
In our material society, we place a higher value on the quality of being a "rational calculator" for it is this quality which is necessary for success in business and making money. Yet this quality is of little value for the happiness of the home. So while the man may be better equipped to lead and support the family, it is the woman who is better equipped to keep the family itself happy and emotionally healthy. The sexes are equal, but different.
Women are usually credited with possessing "mothers intuition" in regard to not just her children but all personal relationships. She may not be able to explain it, but she has a feeling about the situation that the man does not. She is usually right! Yet while she may be single-handedly responsible for sensing the situation, the man can usually chose the most appropriate course of action.
Husbands and wives have qualities the other does not. Each has qualities the other needs. The two are one flesh, a unit, incomplete without the other. Society places much greater value on the masculine qualities. This has driven many women to feel "unfulfilled" in the home environment. Many women, being influenced by society and the images of TV, do not feel valued unless they are working outside the home for money. They would feel ashamed to be "just a housewife". This is very sad indeed.
School: Boys tend to excel girls in math and science subjects. Girls tend to excel boys in English and arts subjects.
Women possess a strong "maternal instinct" that men do not.

Is this stereotyping? Absolutely! Of course there are always going to be people who fall out of expected categories.

But in the main I think that this is a reasonably accurate portrayal.


Well-Known Member
Oct 15, 2009
Motley Crewcastle
Are Men and Women equal? Yes, and anyone who believes otherwise can go back to the stone age as far as I'm concerned. Does this mean they are the same? No. They are two complimentary elements of a whole.

Right down to every last gene the sexes are unique: (XX,XY chromosome)
Studies have proven that differences are neurological and genetic in origin and are highly resistant to change by the influences of culture. Men and women are the same the world over!
Socializing: Whether tennis or cards: women often use the event as an excuse for fellowship and pleasant conversation. For men, the name of the game is conquest.
A man's world is focused outside the home in work and recreation. A women's world is strongly focused within the home and on family.
Self-esteem: Men develop the evidence of their worthiness primarily from their jobs, being respected in business, profession or craft. Women, and especially homemakers, depend primarily on the romantic relationship with their husbands for ego support. This explains why the emotional content of a marriage is usually more important to women and why the little tokens of affection are appreciated more by wives, who obtain esteem from these expressions of love and generosity.
Women need continual reassurance from their husband that they are loved, needed and valued. Because men do not need this kind of reassurance from their wives, they often fail to see their wife's need for it and neglect to give it. The wife then develops a feeling of being "unloved and unvalued", which the husband will assure is unfounded.
Women tend to remember anniversary dates and birthdays. Men tend to remember dates like when the mortgage payment is due and feel their wife gets "overly upset" if they forget the anniversary.
Mothers become emotionally attached to their children prior to birth by the virtue of carrying the child in her body. Men do not become emotionally bonded to the child for several months after the birth when the infant begins to smile, respond and interact with him.
Sexual arousal: Men are visually oriented, caring less about the romantic component or personal identity. Men can easily separate love and sex. She is attracted not to a photograph of an unknown model or by a handsome stranger, but to a particular man with whom she has entered into an emotional relationship. Women usually combine love and sex.
Men do not have as strong a desire and need for stability, security and enduring relationships as women do.
Women experience emotional influences that men do not because of the reproductive capacity: (cycles, pregnancy, lactation, menopause)
At a birthday party of five year olds, its not usually the girls who pull hair, throw punches or smear each other with food.
The play habits of young girls is almost exclusively in real life domestic situations, playing house, school etc. In contrast, young boy's play is usually in the fantasy world, blasting Martians with a laser gun to save the world.
In a time of crisis, women tend to react with reference to their feelings. Men tend not to react with reference to feelings but with deducted thought and reason.
In our material society, we place a higher value on the quality of being a "rational calculator" for it is this quality which is necessary for success in business and making money. Yet this quality is of little value for the happiness of the home. So while the man may be better equipped to lead and support the family, it is the woman who is better equipped to keep the family itself happy and emotionally healthy. The sexes are equal, but different.
Women are usually credited with possessing "mothers intuition" in regard to not just her children but all personal relationships. She may not be able to explain it, but she has a feeling about the situation that the man does not. She is usually right! Yet while she may be single-handedly responsible for sensing the situation, the man can usually chose the most appropriate course of action.
Husbands and wives have qualities the other does not. Each has qualities the other needs. The two are one flesh, a unit, incomplete without the other. Society places much greater value on the masculine qualities. This has driven many women to feel "unfulfilled" in the home environment. Many women, being influenced by society and the images of TV, do not feel valued unless they are working outside the home for money. They would feel ashamed to be "just a housewife". This is very sad indeed.
School: Boys tend to excel girls in math and science subjects. Girls tend to excel boys in English and arts subjects.
Women possess a strong "maternal instinct" that men do not.

Is this stereotyping? Absolutely! Of course there are always going to be people who fall out of expected categories.

But in the main I think that this is a reasonably accurate portrayal.


cliffs please.

I think women want to be equal but then do all this contradicting stuff like women who falsely claim rape/abuse/whatever. Want equality but expect men to do things for them etc.
Also, the women who, when men offer to do something for them, get all bitter and man-hating because 'they independent women they don't need no man'

women need to sort themselves out before there can be true equality. Who cares anyway, why can't people just do their own thing and let other people do their own thing?


Active Member
Mar 16, 2011
the hyperplane
you cant really compare men to women cause each gender specializes in a particular field. its like saying whether or not an assassin is better than a mage

cosmo kramer

Apr 29, 2010
Forever UNSW
toad was faster than pulling up the turnips but luigi could jump the furthest. peach could float basically she was the best character and i never played any other character other than her.

men and women are not equal mario bros 2 proves it
Last edited:


Premium Member
Jan 27, 2009
toad was faster than pulling up the turnips but luigi could jump the furthest. peach could float basically she was the best character and i never played any other character other than her.

men and women are not equal mario bros 2 says so
OMG best post.


Active Member
Oct 25, 2007
I think great minds, and great people, should be praised to the same extents. Regardless of their gender, culture, religion etc.
what an unexpected response from a mod!

but as the distribution from that IQ graph shows, women on average are more intelligent (yes, intelligence is subjective, whatever) than men, however men have a high distribution at the higher ends of the spectrum.

also it's not a large stretch of the imagination to suggest that men's and women's brains are predisposed to excelling in different areas; i.e maths vs. english, business vs. human studies

cosmo kramer

Apr 29, 2010
Forever UNSW
i don't know where you guys got that graph from but men and women have the same general intelligence


Active Member
Oct 25, 2007
i agree it's essentially the same. the difference is quite small, yet it is notable. you're probably talking into a couple of decimal points at least.

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