In the past few years the total number of students achieving Band 6/Band E4 has been around 170, the highest 180 n the lowest 150. So the school is among the top 60 in the state?It would help if you could provide Band 6 average rank on average over the last few years (available on HSCNinja)
No worries!Thank you so much!
I checked the Matrix Education website and found this:
in 2019 no student at my school achieved band 6 in English Standard
4 students achieved E4 in Math Ext 2
13 E4 in Math Ext 1
5 B6 in Chemistry
4 B6 in Physics.
Also, if I performed better in Math Ext 2 in HSC exam than in the trial, does that help?
Yes.School ranking around 170
My assessment ranks:
Chemistry: 21/64
English Standard: 39/166
Math Extension1: 9/44
Math Extension 2: 9/10
Physics: 11/55
Any chance of getting 80?
Thank you for the encourage.No worries!
It seems that you may be on track for a band E4 in Mathematics Extension 1 which is very good as it boosts your chances of achieving an 80+ ATAR.
Good performance in the Mathematics Extension 2 is undoubtedly favourable as the Examination Mark, which is the mark you achieve in the HSC exam, contributes 50% of your HSC mark (final mark) for this subject. How well you have performed exactly will determine the extent to which Mathematics Extension 2 can positively influence your ATAR, hopefully allowing you to reach your desired ATAR.
No worries. As you know, your rank is an important element because it is used to determine your Assessment Mark, which contributes 50% of your HSC mark for Mathematics Extension 2. Based on this, the higher your rank, the better the Assessment Mark that you can expect. Although being ranked 9/10 may be detrimental to your overall performance, since you have performed well in your Mathematics Extension 2 HSC exam, the effect that your seemingly unfavourable rank will have on your HSC mark is likely to be reduced because the Examination Mark (the mark you receive on the HSC exam) contributes the remaining 50% of your HSC mark for this subject.Thank you for the encourage.
I was frustrated with my Math Extension 2 rank. The reason I believe was that I didn't perform well in the trial or assessment. So I was wondering how will the 9/10 affect my HSC mark and ATAR in the end?