ATAR guessing Game (2 Viewers)

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Premium Member
Apr 30, 2009
:D I am a wanker :(
I honestly fail to understand why you continue posting as though you are the most experienced individual in terms of having a grasp of the whole scaling/aligning process. You're STILL in year 10 (technically this is true, because you have NOT started year 11 as yet), and you continue to make ridiculous and absurd remarks about the whole HSC process which have ABSOLUTELY NO correlation to the true process. You are insulting other high achievers and very inspirational members of the BOS community, e.g. Anna, and you are simply doing this (in my opinion) to increase your post count.

I say, GET OFF BOS SCHOEY93 - and come back when you are a little more mature, or when you are willing to ask legitimate questions - or when you are willing to stop insulting others/making unsubstantiated comments.

I am sure that I don't speak for myself when I say this to you.


Jul 14, 2008
Gold Coast
Uni Grad
This thread has just become a large bitch war.

Schoey93 (James I think): Back down and get lost. You are not the be all and end all of humans. "Multi-linguality" is cool but it's not going to do a great deal for you. I can also guarantee you that Anna's efforts in the HSC have far surpassed yours - she is studious and intelligent.

Anna: Kill it

Yash: Youre a cocky bastard, but extremely intellectual and can out do Schoey any day.

I don't know what you're trying to do with this thread anymore apart from knock Anna (for being asain?) and it's becoming rather ridiculous and pointless. She has been correct in all her posts with aligning and scaling.


Premium Member
Apr 30, 2009
This is what I'll guess my ATAR to be at the end of my HSC. Except I'ma beat you Anna >_<

I wish you all the very best aquawhite in getting that ATAR! You sure deserve it after all your help in those maths forums! All the best! :)


Aug 14, 2009
University is not compulsory. Quite a large amount of people (70% of HSC graduates) do not go on to pursue university study straight out of school. These graduates to be more well-rounded people as they have life experience rather than just academic expertise. Life experiences and work experience will trump academic results every time in a job interview.

My Mum works for BHSC (Baulkham Hills Shire Council) and they recently hired a ranga-girl named Liz. She just finished her 4/5-year Bachelor of Planning degree at UNSW. She was not hired on the basis of honours or an impressive academic results transcript. Mum told me that she was hired due to being a funny, interesting, well-rounded person who was able to do the job.

There are people who can teach at universities and TAFEs because they have attained a high knowledge of their subject area, and not always through a university degree.

TAFE is great. IT'S MORE PRACTICAL than university. My dad is an accountant. He did a B Bus (Bachelor of Business) and then a CPA vocational qualification through the UTS, UWS and MQ universities (in that order). He has an employee named Amanda working for him at Schofield and Smithers Pty Ltd and she recently (one year ago) completed her Advanced Diploma of Accounting through TAFE. Dad has had 30 years experience working and learning as an accountant and after looking at the homework she did for her TAFE course in Accounting, wishes he did the same thing as, "it would have made working as an accountant much easier to begin with due to the course having a more practical focus than my B Bus. The only downside is that although Amanda is a registered Accountant the the AIA [Australia Institute of Accountants] she would have to gain a university degree in Business, Economics, Commerce or Accounting to become a CPA."

So university isn't always best. TAFE offers very useful AQF (Australian Qualifications Framework) qualifications from Certificate I to Advanced Diploma that are recongnised in Australia and abroad. Advanced Diplomas and diplomas lead in to university courses and provide RPL and a strong foundation for further study, which is NOT a requirement for Amanda as she is already a qualified, "highly capable and impressive worker" of an accountant.

I agree on this aspect, but you also have to question the quality of the graduates that Tafe produces, I mean businesses being business usually looks for the best candidates, who can produce the most profits for it.Isn't this right.

BTW I'm not saying that Tafe produces less worthy graduates who are not as highly qualified, I'm just saying that the teaching appraoches are not as hard and strict at Tafe, which has the possibility of producing graduates who are more likely to have less of the knowledge that University students acquire.
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<3 Prophet 9
Jun 14, 2008
Oh and Amanda got straight distinctions (TAFE doesn't hand out HD's)
<sarcasm>And we all know who this great girl called Amanda is! I just spoke to her the other day when i we bumped into each other on at the shops.</sarcasm>
Learn to make valid arguments using logical reasoning, rather than drawing on your specific life experiences with people who no one (or hardly any if any at all) know.

I know what aligning is. Aligning is the process of CHANGING (making higher) marks from lower raw scores in a nutshell. It does nothing but making marks comparable between subjects. And the aforementioned argument for aligning is void given that no two subjects are alike (at least not strikingly alike) and therefore should not be compared. It's madness to attempt to compare marks in MX2 to Hospitality. It's just not realistic, no matter how much you align one or the other.

So Anna you believe the BOS on all this aligning crap? You'd prefer to not get your raw marks? Are you a retard? (lmao, of course not.) ???

*sighs. You've completely missed the point again. That's not what aligning does - it does not compare subjects at all. It merely changes your raw marks into the HSC mark given to you on your certificate but "matching" up raw marks to a corresponding HSC mark - the raw marks equating to band cut offs are are determined by a commitee and the marks are distrubited linearly in between each cut off. This has nothing to do with comparing one subject to another at all!

Therefore your argument is once again void.


LOL. I think you enjoy fixing Schoey's errors.
His misplaces pride and ridiculous arguments, coupled with his innate ability to fully highlight his own idiocy does amuse me quite a bit :)

This is what I'll guess my ATAR to be at the end of my HSC. Except I'ma beat you Anna >_<

Gluck. With your work ethic you should beat me easily :)

If you fail, i'm going to laugh so very, very much. Game on ;)


Dec 20, 2008
If Schoey actually spoke the things he posts, I'd slap the lips right off his face. Right now I just want to rip my eyeballs out and put them in a blender, or rip off Schoey's hands. Mr James Schofield have you ever heard of a summer internship? It's offered to Uni students and offers real life experiences and work experiences in the field of your degree. You actually work for a firm (SHOCK HORROR) and learn a lot on the job. It's an efficient way to keep occupied during summer, furthers your job oppurtunities plus gives you contacts. I can especially tell you first hand that heaps of accounting firms + banks are looking to snap up summer interns and groom them for the job. Plus you can become a CPA or Chartered accountant (it's just not worth it otherwise, you'll make fuckall for the same job, which is dead boring and straight forward anyways). How do I know all this? I did work experience for Citibank and spent an afternoon in the Accounting sector talking to their head accountant and doing some accounting myself (just when I had to take it home he cut out anything that could be given away). In addition I went to a Citibank seminar to watch them advertise for summer interns at UTS (part of my work experience as well, my supervisor told me it would be awesome to watch and it was) where accounting was one of the BIG BIG areas they wanted people (along with trading and investment banking). I am not going off anecdotes here, this is my first hand experience with a real big organisation doing things, and they are most definitely interested in Uni graduates (on the same day Morgan Stanley, Goldman Sachs, Deustche and JP Morgan turned up at UTS), as I don't see the aforementioned banks going to TAFEs to preach this stuff. They take special interest in people with B Eco, B Comm or B Bus, BUT for recruiting to their IT systems division they take an interest in B Comp Sci and B Eng (with Majors in IT). Don't see any TAFE diplomas there, they require solid uni Bachelor's degrees. Stop talking about small guppies, and think about the sharks of the banking industry, and who they want. They most definitely require Uni graduates.
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