Australian Muslim man travels to Syria to carry out suicide bombing (2 Viewers)

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Active Member
Sep 8, 2012
'The purest joy in Islam is to kill and be killed for Allah'

Ayatollah Khomeini.

Not a true Muslim.

Religion of peas.
And is not fighting for your country or dying for your country known as one of the greatest achievements?
If there is a war on Muslims, if one threatens to murder you unless you denounce your beliefs in Islam, then indeed, i would rather die.
And if your mother or your father or anyone as dear to you were held hostage, or had a gun aimed at their heads, you would much rather yourself go through pain than them. You would much rather their presence remain on this Earth than your own.
And that's not immoral.
That's not wrong.
It's actually beautiful.
The love a believer has for Allah (swt) is something beautiful, unmeasurable, and, for a true believer, can never deteriorate. Think of the love you have for someone on this Earth or something in which the love is so extenuate that it was incomparable, now times that by infinity, make it unconditional, that's our love for Allah (swt) and our Prophet (pbuh). Being killed for Him would be an honour. And defending Islam is an honour. For me, personally, i couldn't hurt a fly. But soldiers kill for their countries in time of need. And essentially a person of ANY faith would do so if it is essential and there are no other options.

you guys are right, i was wrong to say that suicide bombing is a pillar of islam. clearly it is forbidden in islamic theology and jurisprudence.

but which pillar do improvised explosive devices and car bombs fall under?
None. No one ever said it was halal.

Parents with kids wont let them play in my street cos the people livin across the road from us are Indian.

I mean they could be Hindu but who wants to take a chance in this day and age.
Oh dear, oh my oh my, if your kids were to play on the street across the road from indians they're going to release their magic upon your kids and transform them into someone who believes in a God. Dear oh dear. Oh the likelihood is too damn high!

i would never let my kids play with indians, i don't want them to get sikh
You speak as though it's a pathogen.

yet people forget suicide is a huge sin in abrahamic religions. jews christians and Muslims go to hell if you commit suicide, so suck shit for suicide bombers they end up in hell.
This is true. Suicide is forbidden.

Is a muslim blowing him or herself up suicide though?
Yes, they are taking their life with their own hands and with their own intention. This is classified as suicide.

- "What religion are you"
- "Islamism, alhamdulilah"

HAHA! :")

i'd be okay with muslims if they didn't follow the haram
I'm sure you wouldn't care if muslims were mostly halal but drank alcohol or ate pork or any other harams that are similar. If it doesn't affect you why do you care so much? 99% of muslims in Australia, where you live and will ever be even slightly affected by them, only commit harams like drinking alcohol, eating haram foods, and things considered "minor sins", if any at all. So if no one around you is constantly suicide bombing and doing those harams that affect others, then what's the problem?

its only martrydom if you die with honor for god, not blowing yourself up in a street market killing women and children.


dvds didnt exist in 1991
Nov 5, 2006
And is not fighting for your country or dying for your country known as one of the greatest achievements?
no you fucking barbarian

If there is a war on Muslims, if one threatens to murder you unless you denounce your beliefs in Islam, then indeed, i would rather die.
yes this is essentially the premise of Qutbism, and ipso facto suicide bombing. glad you admit that jihad matyrdom (suicide bombing) is the logical consequence of islamic precepts.

The love a believer has for Allah (swt) is something beautiful, unmeasurable, and, for a true believer, can never deteriorate. Think of the love you have for someone on this Earth or something in which the love is so extenuate that it was incomparable, now times that by infinity, make it unconditional, that's our love for Allah (swt) and our Prophet (pbuh). Being killed for Him would be an honour. And defending Islam is an honour. For me, personally, i couldn't hurt a fly. But soldiers kill for their countries in time of need. And essentially a person of ANY faith would do so if it is essential and there are no other options.
this is literally how a suicide bomber thinks

You speak as though it's a pathogen.
are you dense

I'm sure you wouldn't care if muslims were mostly halal but drank alcohol or ate pork or any other harams that are similar. If it doesn't affect you why do you care so much? 99% of muslims in Australia, where you live and will ever be even slightly affected by them, only commit harams like drinking alcohol, eating haram foods, and things considered "minor sins", if any at all. So if no one around you is constantly suicide bombing and doing those harams that affect others, then what's the problem?
sorry you missed the cultural reference
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Active Member
Sep 8, 2012
no you fucking barbarian
excuse me? :L
Is this why soldiers have medallions and trophys and badges and all that for what they've achieved in the wars? And is that why we have a minute's silence annually out of respect for those who died in the war?

yes this is essentially the premise of Qutbism, and ipso facto suicide bombing. glad you admit that jihad matyrdom (suicide bombing) is the logical consequence of islamic precepts.
Would rather die as in have them shoot me or knife me or whatever it is they are threatening me with. Wouldn't suicide bomb and kill people around me or kill them. lol. Your arguments don't make any sense so you just manipulate my words to make your arguments look better. ha.

this is literally how a suicide bomber thinks
And can you confirm this first hand? If not, don't make false or unproven claims.

sorry you missed the cultural reference
What was your cultural reference?


dvds didnt exist in 1991
Nov 5, 2006
excuse me? :L
Is this why soldiers have medallions and trophys and badges and all that for what they've achieved in the wars? And is that why we have a minute's silence annually out of respect for those who died in the war?
a minutes silence is a somber commemoration of the infinite tragedy of war, not a ritual glamourisation of the warrior. i didn't give any soldiers any medals or trophies. and who the fuck is this proverbial we?

Would rather die as in have them shoot me or knife me or whatever it is they are threatening me with. Wouldn't suicide bomb and kill people around me or kill them. lol. Your arguments don't make any sense so you just manipulate my words to make your arguments look better. ha.
Being killed for Him would be an honour.
defending Islam is an honour.
But soldiers kill for their countries in time of need.
no, this isn't how a suicide bomber thinks at all! and let me tell you, they don't call themselves "suicide bombers", because they do realise that suicide is haram.

And can you confirm this first hand? If not, don't make false or unproven claims.
what if I told you I could? it's immaterial, anyways. do you think that suicide bombers do what they do out of malice? do you think they don't share your infinite, immeasurable love for Allah (swt) and your desire to honour the Prophet (pbuh)?
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Active Member
Sep 8, 2012
a minutes silence is a somber commemoration of the infinite tragedy of war, not a ritual glamourisation of the warrior. i didn't give any soldiers any medals or trophies. and who the fuck is proverbial we?
I don't find anything okay with wars. But they happened. And many soldiers risked their lives to keep others safe. I respect that. I don't respect those who started the war. Don't see how this is barbaric.

There's this thing you're taught as a child - it's called respect. No need to swear. This website isn't only for people who graduated 7 years ago, there are 13-14 year olds on this site too. Absolutely unnecessary to swear.

no, this isn't how a suicide bomber thinks at all! and let me tell you, they don't call themselves "suicide bombers", because they do realise that suicide is haram.
"BEING killed" - i.e. not killing myself, not killing others, not harming others, but dying with islam in my heart. IF AND ONLY IF i was being held hostage and was threatened to be killed if i did not revert, then i would let them kill me.
"DEFENDING Islam" - i.e. IF someone puts down muslims and islam and Allah (swt) then i will defend what i believe in, as i am doing right now.
And anyone who commits suicide via blowing themselves up or via any method and considers it okay and thinks what they are doing is okay are clearly uneducated in their own belief. And just as ignorant as those who take one ayat from an entire Surah or even taking one ayat from the entire Quran and saying "this is what Islam is all about". When you read a book you don't read one sentence and say "this book is about such and such", you read the entire book, understand it's context, and once you have read it completely, you can explain to me what it's about.
The way you take things out of context is actually funny. And a little saddening.

what if I told you I could? it's immaterial, anyways. do you think that suicide bombers do what they do out of malice? do you think they don't share your infinite, immeasurable love for Allah (swt) and your desire to honour the Prophet (pbuh)?
I'm sure they do believe they have infinite, immeasurable love for Allah (swt), but sadly they are uneducated. And need someone who doesn't choose one ayat from a surah to say "yes, Jihad by sword is what Allah (swt) always wants".

My bad, what was the point of this response? Are you attempting to suggest that I have intentions to blow myself up and mass murder? Wow, I am truly and highly offended by such claims. But it's also a little humorous. That you have to go out of your way to pull words out of context to make a 17 year old girl look like a suicide bomber in order to support your points...
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shepherd of the people
Mar 28, 2013
sorry you missed the cultural reference
One nation senator news wasn't that popular originally, you made a vague one liner reference to it now that it's old news too.
Ofc she and most people who read it missed it.

I want to know why you spend your time asserting e-dominance over girls who are a decade younger than you.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2012
One nation senator news wasn't that popular originally, you made a vague one liner reference to it now that it's old news too.
Ofc she and most people who read it missed it.

I want to know why you spend your time asserting e-dominance over girls who are a decade younger than you.
Hahahahaha... Funniest thing I've read all day.


dvds didnt exist in 1991
Nov 5, 2006
I don't find anything okay with wars. But they happened. And many soldiers risked their lives to keep others safe. I respect that. I don't respect those who started the war. Don't see how this is barbaric.

There's this thing you're taught as a child - it's called respect. No need to swear. This website isn't only for people who graduated 7 years ago, there are 13-14 year olds on this site too. Absolutely unnecessary to swear.
i apologise for my vulgar language, i forgot that some of the cunts on this site are as young as 13.

"BEING killed" - i.e. not killing myself, not killing others, not harming others, but dying with islam in my heart. IF AND ONLY IF i was being held hostage and was threatened to be killed if i did not revert, then i would let them kill me.
"DEFENDING Islam" - i.e. IF someone puts down muslims and islam and Allah (swt) then i will defend what i believe in, as i am doing right now.
yes, defending the faith from benign criticism seems to be a bit of a theme.

And anyone who commits suicide via blowing themselves up or via any method and considers it okay and thinks what they are doing is okay are clearly uneducated in their own belief.
the language of 'suicide' is used to sanitise these attacks of the frightening religious zeal that inspires such a bewildering act of self-sacrifice, and as i have mentioned, 'suicide bombing' is not a term used by organisations that perpetrate such attacks. i struggle to tell the difference between a man who commits an act of bravery in spite of the certainty of his own death (say, someone taking a bullet for another), and the similarly brave, though deplorable, act of a suicide attack committed in defence of the faith or of the people. certainly, the organisations that perpetrate such attacks do consider this distinction meaningful.

the incredibly satisfying irony is that, in contradiction to your incredibly naive, privileged and unsurprising belief that suicide bombers just aren't as good at being a muslim as you and couldn't possibly be as educated in their faith as you, they are most often well educated and, indeed, model students of the quran. in fact, i would wager that many suicide bombers were more knowledgeable in their faith than you will ever be.

My bad, what was the point of this response? Are you attempting to suggest that I have intentions to blow myself up and mass murder? Wow, I am truly and highly offended by such claims. But it's also a little humorous. That you have to go out of your way to pull words out of context to make a 17 year old girl look like a suicide bomber in order to support your points...
i have cast no such aspersions, but this is a frightening possibility. a number of suicide bombings have been committed by girls between the age of 17 and 20. please promise you won't do anything so foolish, حاشا لِلّهِ , حاشا اللّهِ , لا سَمَحَ اللّهُ , لا قَدّرَ اللّهُ.

One nation senator news wasn't that popular originally, you made a vague one liner reference to it now that it's old news too.
Ofc she and most people who read it missed it.

I want to know why you spend your time asserting e-dominance over girls who are a decade younger than you.
go back to tending your fields you peasant


Horse liberty
Jul 17, 2007
And defending Islam is an honour. For me, personally, i couldn't hurt a fly. But soldiers kill for their countries in time of need. And essentially a person of ANY faith would do so if it is essential and there are no other options.
Why is killing enemy soldiers in the legitimate defence of islam with a thrown hand grenade considered heroic, but killing to defend islam via a grenade strapped to my body considered reprehensible? Assuming the victims in both cases are military targets who are oppressing islam.


Well-Known Member
May 13, 2013
Why is killing enemy soldiers in the legitimate defence of islam with a thrown hand grenade considered heroic, but killing to defend islam via a grenade strapped to my body considered reprehensible? Assuming the victims in both cases are military targets who are oppressing islam.
coz youre committing suicide and most suicide attacks aren't against military targets. all this is sectarian violence bullshit, it's muslims killing muslims and its got nothing to do with "defending islam."


Horse liberty
Jul 17, 2007
coz youre committing suicide
And getting in a fire fight with professional soldiers isn't suicide? There's a term in emergency services 'suicide by cop', just because you don't pull the trigger on yourself doesn't make it not suicide, any fight you voluntarily enter where the odds are stacked against you (which is usual in insurgents vs professional soldiers), could be considered suicide.

Sure you might win a gun fight with soldiers and live. And a suicide bombers bomb might not detonate. But suppose you do lose a gun fight against insurmountable odds, an effective suicide, are your actions then going to be condemned as sinful? Not likely. You've performed the same effective actions as a suicide bomber, but there's a moral hypocrisy.

and most suicide attacks aren't against military targets.
Maybe so, it's a conceptual ethical question, not a practical one. Obviously where shooting would be unacceptable (innocent victims), suicide bombing is unacceptable, but I'm interested in the validity suicide bombing in cases where shooting is acceptable action.


Well-Known Member
May 13, 2013
And getting in a fire fight with professional soldiers isn't suicide? There's a term in emergency services 'suicide by cop', just because you don't pull the trigger on yourself doesn't make it not suicide, any fight you voluntarily enter where the odds are stacked against you (which is usual in insurgents vs professional soldiers), could be considered suicide.

Sure you might win a gun fight with soldiers and live. And a suicide bombers bomb might not detonate. But suppose you do lose a gun fight against insurmountable odds, an effective suicide, are your actions then going to be condemned as sinful? Not likely. You've performed the same effective actions as a suicide bomber, but there's a moral hypocrisy.

Maybe so, it's a conceptual ethical question, not a practical one. Obviously where shooting would be unacceptable (innocent victims), suicide bombing is unacceptable, but I'm interested in the validity suicide bombing in cases where shooting is acceptable action.
Insurgency warfare is entirely focused on the strategic level, not the tactical level. the US pretty much won every single firefight and battles against Iraqi, Afghani and even vietnamese insurgents, guess whose winning the war? Insurgents don't have to win at all, they just can't lose the will of the people. On the whole religious argument on what is suicide and what is not, suicide has to be committed upon yourself eg strapping bombs to yourself or slitting your own throat, but going out and getting killed because you want to die is A-ok. Just ask josephus during the siege of jotapata, they helped each other kill themselves for suicide, but in the eyes of god its ok.

Suicide bombing is to turn the will of the populace against working with an occupying/legitimate force for the insurgency. It's a two way sword, youre instilling fear against the population yet at the same time the insurgents is losing their trust. Insurgency can ONLY survive if the population is willing to help them. But most suicide attacks in Iraq are mostly religious targets eg sunni blowing up shiites and vice versa.


dvds didnt exist in 1991
Nov 5, 2006
coz youre committing suicide and most suicide attacks aren't against military targets. all this is sectarian violence bullshit, it's muslims killing muslims and its got nothing to do with "defending islam."
this is completely wrong. every single muslim extremist organisation perpetrating suicide attacks has been specifically motivated to do so, and has inspired its members to do so, with the overarching purpose of defending islam. these are fundamental premises of Qutbism and Takfir, which legitimate and promote the extreme methods and aims of such organisations. furthermore, the sectarian violence between Shia and Sunni is also quite clearly motivated by defense of the religion considering each consider the other to be apostates. this is not to say that these motivations aren't concurrent with non-religious power politics.


Well-Known Member
May 13, 2013
this is completely wrong. every single muslim extremist organisation perpetrating suicide attacks has been specifically motivated to do so, and has inspired its members to do so, with the overarching purpose of defending islam. these are fundamental premises of Qutbism and Takfir, which legitimate and promote the extreme methods and aims of such organisations. furthermore, the sectarian violence between Shia and Sunni is also quite clearly motivated by defense of the religion considering each consider the other to be apostates. this is not to say that these motivations aren't concurrent with non-religious power politics.
They're not defending islam as a whole because there have been tons of fatwas against AQ and other terrorists organizations by highly respected imams, it's just they BELIEVE they're fighting to defend Islam. There's mainly 2 sects of muslim insurgents: theres your global AQ, JI and Abu sayeff types and then there's your random farmer in A-stan or filipino dude living in the jungles fighting for MILF. Global jihadis like ISIS in Syria want to create a goddamn caliphate, and then theres your FSA dudes who only care about overthrowing the government. You can't really lump them all into one group.


dvds didnt exist in 1991
Nov 5, 2006
They're not defending islam as a whole because there have been tons of fatwas against AQ and other terrorists organizations by highly respected imams, it's just they BELIEVE they're fighting to defend Islam.
not a meaningful distinction. it doesn't matter whether they "are" defending islam as a whole (what a completely absurd notion) and whether they believe they are fighting to defend islam. and their belief in the imperative mission of defending islam DOES derive from foundational islamic precepts - this is not an extremist notion. highly respect imams are irrelevant because they are takfir.

There's mainly 2 sects of muslim insurgents: theres your global AQ, JI and Abu sayeff types and then there's your random farmer in A-stan or filipino dude living in the jungles fighting for MILF. Global jihadis like ISIS in Syria want to create a goddamn caliphate, and then theres your FSA dudes who only care about overthrowing the government. You can't really lump them all into one group.
the taliban are qutbists so the random farmer in A-stan or P-stan, recruited or coerced by the taliban insurgents, is participating in a global jidahist movement, in the vein of AQ and JI.
MILF are explicitly influenced by qutbism and supported by AQ, as were the GIA
FSA are relatively secular and comprise shias (very very few), sunnis, druze, yazidi kurds and are irrelevant to a discussion on islamism, although they have been responsible for several sectarian attacks (e.g. on christian and shia sites)

so quite contrary to everything you just said, it is analytically correct to lump these organisations into one group. i'm not sure what point you are trying to make.
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Well-Known Member
May 13, 2013
Just because those groups are supported by global jihadists doesn't make their end goal the same. That's like saying a communist leaning anti-colonialist group is inherently hell bent on spreading communist throughout the world when clearly they care more about their own situation rather than trying to spread their ideology globally.

either way dumbshits are going to be dumbshits. there was an american asian kid who went to libya to fight with the rebels coz he was bored. not even joking.
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