ok.. i cant believe u are making me talk about this..
simply.. we use it as a screening test
a) its cheap
b) detects alot of things... rectal cancers, pelvic inflammatory diseases in women, prostate in men
c) u feel and u kno wat a prostate will feel lik.. after a couple of normal ones..
in tumours (both the nasty one (cancer) and the not so nasty one (benign)) it swells up because of the rapidly incring cells in the prostate..
d) we send for a blood test and then a biospy ( via rectal and using a ultrasound) to confirm diagnosis
e) with a camera .. this is for removal of the prostate if the cancer if it is advanced.. its done laproscopically.. (think minimal surgery and with robotic hands at the end of chopsticks).. low blood lost.. and no open surgery just 4 hole lik scars..
heres the news.. prostate cancer is diagnosed in as many men as breast cancer for women.. but usualli 60+ men compared with 50+ for women..
usualli if its small the guy will dies from something else..
im not an expert in prostate cancer.. i did alot of the others.. and the priniciples are similar..
should hav a rectal if ure a man over 50.. and if ure wondering about gettin ure jollies off?... im not sure.. im yet to see

and its usualli an old fairly ugly doctor