For C_James' MW:
I read the beginning of the RS first so i could see whether your text successfully carried forth the concepts that you intended. I must say, you have definitely done that

Very blatantly too lol!
The concept itself is very good, espicially from my personal point of view. I don't know if it's been done before but I was quite impressed and i was wondering how you would pull off this battle between modernism and postmodernism through your work. It turns out that you did so in quite a straight-forward, blatant fashion. WHile this sacrificed subtletly, it certainly carried forth your ideas with no fear of us not understanding what your intention is!
However, in terms of the register and language used, i felt that it seemed...a little out of character?
Dear responder
I do apologise for my unwanted companion’s belligerence and literary blasphemy. He’s under some delusion, you see, that there’s beauty in madness and reality in nothing. Really, he’s a crackpot. That said, do read on, and pay him no mind when he spouts inconsequential buzzwords such as ‘paradigm’, ‘self-reflexivity’, and anything ending with an –ism.
Yours sincerely
Sir Bale F. Nottingham IV
I don't know whether i'm just being stupid because i haven't read the RS completely but like, the language, tone and overall register of that passage doesn't seem to fit a SIR Bale F. NOttingham if you know what i mean. I certainly couldn't picture...say...Sir Charles talking like that :rollseyes: Unfortunately, this aspect prevented me from being completely emersed in the work as i always had this nagging feeling that there was somethign amiss.
However, while i don't know whether you intended it or not, this style of writing did give the work a humorous undertone that made reading about postmodernist/modernist literary/social theory a LOT more entertaining. I"ve had enough of EE1 English to endure more serious discussions of such things. So it became quite a funny little, satirical exploration of i guess the excesses of postmodernism for me.
Overall, I honestly enjoyed it, which is quite hard to do with anything that explicitly explores literary theory ^-^. And the use of those conversation boxes was hilarious lol. The flexibility that postmodern texts allows is just amazing huh