Extraordinary Machine
Breaking up over sms is acceptable, in my opinion, when you've been together for a month or less, and it was like a fling, rather than a serious relationship. But once sex comes into the equation, it changes everything, especially when you're 18. Was it your first time? He sounds like an immature prick for a 20 year old. Forget about him, move on to greener pastures, as they say.
It sucks honey, I know how it can be. But at least you've lived and learned from the experience. And at least he didnt cheat on you... I think that would've been worse. You've got the HSC to worry about: and he probably did you a favour in that regard, because now you have no distractions. Just become an extremely wealthy young lady for revenge
It sucks honey, I know how it can be. But at least you've lived and learned from the experience. And at least he didnt cheat on you... I think that would've been worse. You've got the HSC to worry about: and he probably did you a favour in that regard, because now you have no distractions. Just become an extremely wealthy young lady for revenge