I wish, I wish that people would stop this "communism is great in theory" thing. Yes, it is, I concur. But to use that as a way of saying that it's shit irl is silly, because capitalism is just as shit irl.

Why do I bring this irrelevant point up? Oh, it's interesting is all.
Interestingly, the point of the law is often to ensure that what is good for society takes precedence over what is good for an individual, so long as human rights aren't curbed. As in, if an individual wants something that's harmful for another person, or society, then the law steps in and ensures that thing doesn't happen!cosmic doris said:Ok, so let's say for argument's sake that communism is a good idea for people in downtrodden countries, and maybe it is. Though, I can't help but think that after a while, people would start to think less about what's good for everyone and more about what they themselves want. You can't stop that kind of thinking, and personally I wouldn't want to see it stopped, because it's quite a natural way to think. A person who never thinks this way has either been brainwashed or is a robot.
Why do I bring this irrelevant point up? Oh, it's interesting is all.
Since when does a socialist society nessecarily involve a cap on the media? Look at some of the European social democracies eh? Not much restriction of the media there, and they're far closer to communism than you'd think! Now that's a form of government that I like! They enable those who work hard for their money to keep it, but at the same they ensure that, er, no-one is left behind. Those countries usually rank right up the top of the human development indexes, above total capitalist havens such as the beloved US. So in relation to what dieburndie said, The US - a capitalists dream. Unfortunately though, the more communist societies outrank it in terms of quality of life. Lower living standards indeed. :rofl:cosmic doris said:There are some things about communist states that irk me too much for me to trust that such a system can be implemented for long without getting corrupt. E.g. state control of the media. Also, since communism is supposed to operate for the 'greater good', does that not mean that opposition to the regime effectively constitutes treason? that's something i can't morally accept. everyone has the right to freedom of speech, thought and expression.