christianity and dinosaurs> can they be friends? (2 Viewers)


Jul 31, 2004
Northern Beaches
beccaxx said:
i completely disagree.
besides that point, i would not call myself "religious" when u believe something with all ur heart and u know for a fact it is the absolute truth, its not a "religious" thing, it is a life style.
i am a christian. it is who i am. it is not what i "follow" its who i am. i am totally and utterly besottedly in love with Jesus, and i know he is real. i know it i know it i know it! and i would love u to know it too, but i am not going to jam it down ur throat. i dont need to convince u in order for me to have more security in my beliefs. i dont need to have u all apologise for trying to tear everythin i believe in to shreads.
i do NOT doubt the human races abilities.
but i would if we had decended from apes.
i love the human race. Becos they are all created by God! that puts SO much worth on a person, far more than stemming from ape like creatures. would u like to believe u are nothing? that u are seriously the result of a big bang blow up accident billions of years ago, which thruout time has resulted in an evolution from a single cell to an apelike mammal to a human being???? u would rather believe ur the decendant of some gorilla type?
no wonder so many people feel they hav no worth, no purpose. how could u possibly feel any amount of dignity or value on ur life when all u are is an educated mammal, decendant of apes. (or ape like mammals)

and no, modern christianity is not like a tool. u cant do that. its either all or none. and i am going 4 all of it without a doubt.
Dito. I entirely agree.


Oct 6, 2004
You are in love with Jesus? Besotted? Do you know how weird you sound? You can't be in love with him! He doesn't know who you are. As if he knows and loves everyone... it's propaganda!

You also cannot claim christianity is absolute truth. Nothing is absolute truth. Especially not something based on an empty document supported only by itself.


Oct 6, 2004
And in addition to this. Humans and chimps share 99% of their DNA. How can you refute the FACT that we absolutely have descended from apes with your blind belief in religion?

We were once apes. They are incredibly intelligent animals and this does not diminish our ability to love one another and keep on living. I am at a loss for words for someone who believes in a religion because it is easier to believe that than accept that the world is an accident of nature or that we were not the supreme beings we are made out to be in the bible.

There is something out there that made this world. But I don't believe being frightened of the fact of not knowing is reason enough to put blind faith in something with so many faults. How can you possible believe in something that discriminated against people purely for their sexual urge or for their sexuality? How can you possibly believe in something that puts women down so much and that directs women to be slaughtered for adultery? Is it not obvious to you that this religion has been out moded?


Mar 9, 2004
You know what??? Not naming any names, but by re-reading this post, some christians have no idea what they are talking about, seriously. And it embarasses me.

Someone deconstruct my previous posts already!!!


Apr 19, 2004
beccaxx said:
i completely disagree.
besides that point, i would not call myself "religious" when u believe something with all ur heart and u know for a fact it is the absolute truth, its not a "religious" thing, it is a life style.
i am a christian. it is who i am. it is not what i "follow" its who i am. i am totally and utterly besottedly in love with Jesus, and i know he is real. i know it i know it i know it! and i would love u to know it too, but i am not going to jam it down ur throat. i dont need to convince u in order for me to have more security in my beliefs. i dont need to have u all apologise for trying to tear everythin i believe in to shreads.
i do NOT doubt the human races abilities.
but i would if we had decended from apes.
i love the human race. Becos they are all created by God! that puts SO much worth on a person, far more than stemming from ape like creatures. would u like to believe u are nothing? that u are seriously the result of a big bang blow up accident billions of years ago, which thruout time has resulted in an evolution from a single cell to an apelike mammal to a human being???? u would rather believe ur the decendant of some gorilla type?
no wonder so many people feel they hav no worth, no purpose. how could u possibly feel any amount of dignity or value on ur life when all u are is an educated mammal, decendant of apes. (or ape like mammals)

and no, modern christianity is not like a tool. u cant do that. its either all or none. and i am going 4 all of it without a doubt.

after death.... lets say there is nothing. its ok i have lost nothing by believing in Christ my entire life, i hav felt security and value and purpose. and noone gets anything after death so we are all the same.
but lets say there is life after death. wat have u lost by believing nothing?

if ur saying the tool thing from spell check, that wasn't what he was ssaying, if its from someone else, then picking this point up was my mistake.
nice outlook either all-or-none approach...thats the way it should be. u dont pick and choose, cos then ur creating ur OWN religion. im not christian, and well, obviously for those reasons may not agree entirely with ur views on everything, but yes, he was real. hahaha, i laugh at all u ppl that believe darwin's trash about evolution...its rong. i will back up this argument with a site later. i cant vouch for christianity and dinosaurs, but i kno that evolution is a flwaed concept. darwin himself acknowledged it was rong, and rote to a frend to see if he should publish it or not...although there seems to be some correlation with the evolution of things, its not correct. it has flaws. the only thing i HATE abt darwin's theory is that it is accepted without any proof. there is no scientifical evidence that shows that we evolved from apes, or homonids or whatever they're called. the only other option was "god" and thus was accepted on the grounds that there need not be a god.
the concept is flawed. prove to me this theory and you'll not only win my praise, but that of MANY, and possible monetary benefits as well...the argument that it cannot be god, therefore this theory is correct is flawed. and any who believe this idea, are either misinformed, or do NOT want to be informed. no offense intended in this dont take any :)


Oct 6, 2004
If it was so simple for you to say evolution is wrong then why has it not been disproved by the billions of scientists studying it?


Mar 9, 2004
Could I remind some of you lovely people (and I do mean that) that Darwin came up with his theories where the dominant religious discourse was christianity??? First few who adopted Darwinism WERE christian??? These two things: christianity and Darwinism are not black and white - they do not clash. I'm disappointed with aspects of this arguement.

What is your point in deconstructing a faith??? So I can be free from it? The rules of Christianity have been changed anyway, through the change of language, and the rules set out by religious leaders, so "picking and choosing" has happened through the centuries. Why? Because if you've actually READ the bible, its a series of tales. As ALL texts, I'm sure you all know, stories contain discourses, constructs, whatever, but are able to be interpreted and re-interpreted. This is what priests have done over the years and enforced their reading toward the public. The "christianity" you are referring to is someone else's reading. There is no denying that.

"Modern Christianity" refers to merging "traditional" christianity with dominant discourses of today, such as equality between the sexes, the races, the celebration of multiculturalism etc. I think doing so is valid.

I am not denying the fact that atheists etc are not valid. I still believe that they're wise in seeing the constructs and discourses, and the way in which religion controls people.... but man, using a weird example...

Say for example you believe you'll one day fall in love. You can't know the future, you have no proof, but you believe in it. Sure you can deconstruct love and say that its something you've been conditioned to. You can also say that love is different to everyone - since everyone's idea of love is different. There may be faults in it, like possible patriarchy in love, or whatever... but if condemning or deconstructing their belief is pointless. It's like telling a kid that Santa doesn't exist. leave them alone for gods sake and let them try and avoid that lump of coal.

You can stick with not believing in a religion, I completly understand that. I really do, cuz I've been atheist before and I think it really opens your eyes, but it doesn't mean that having a religion isn't valid, or "wrong" or any means of being a fucken "tool." It's disgusting to do so.
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Aug 17, 2002
beccaxx said:
i completely disagree.
besides that point, i would not call myself "religious" when u believe something with all ur heart and u know for a fact it is the absolute truth, its not a "religious" thing, it is a life style.
I'm sorry, but you cannot know and do not know the existence of God. The correct phrasing is that you believe in the existence of God.

beccaxx said:
i am a christian. it is who i am. it is not what i "follow" its who i am. i am totally and utterly besottedly in love with Jesus
You know, chances are if you had been brought up on another religion, THAT would be who you are. And right now you'd be going on about how you love whatever God that particular religion advocates. What makes your religion the right one? Because it's been ingrained in your head. To shatter it now would be to destroy your fervent beliefs that as you said are so much a part of you. Which is why religious people find it so hard to change their views, because, notwithstanding pride or ego, it is destroying a part of them.

beccaxx said:
and i know he is real. i know it i know it i know it! and i would love u to know it too
I know pigs can fly! I know it, I know it, I know it! I wish you could know it too!

beccaxx said:
i love the human race.
That's great! Seriously, we need people who love the human race.

beccaxx said:
Becos they are all created by God! that puts SO much worth on a person, far more than stemming from ape like creatures. would u like to believe u are nothing? that u are seriously the result of a big bang blow up accident billions of years ago, which thruout time has resulted in an evolution from a single cell to an apelike mammal to a human being???? u would rather believe ur the decendant of some gorilla type?
no wonder so many people feel they hav no worth, no purpose. how could u possibly feel any amount of dignity or value on ur life when all u are is an educated mammal, decendant of apes. (or ape like mammals)
What is wrong with defining ourselves? The gist of your point shows how religion can be a giant blanket for humankind so they don't feel underappreciated. But I say there's nothing wrong with giving our own lives meaning, without having it handed to us by some mystical supernatural being because we're too afraid of discovering it ourselves.

beccaxx said:
after death.... lets say there is nothing. its ok i have lost nothing by believing in Christ my entire life, i hav felt security and value and purpose. and noone gets anything after death so we are all the same.
but lets say there is life after death. wat have u lost by believing nothing?
You're saying "I've got nothing to lose." Well that's a nice ignorance-is-bliss type of attitude that sounds quite immature in my opinion. It seems to stem from fear, perhaps our most primal instinct, which is another reason why religion has such an effect on people.
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Mar 9, 2004
Someone deconstruct my post I like a good argument :)

I stand corrected, spell check.


Aug 17, 2002
ur_inner_child said:
You can stick with not believing in a religion, I completly understand that. I really do, cuz I've been atheist before and I think it really opens your eyes, but it doesn't mean that having a religion isn't valid, or "wrong" or any means of being a fucken "tool." It's disgusting to do so.
Sure, there's nothing morally wrong with believing in a religion, so long as that religion does not advocate doing morally reprehensible things. I get what you're saying about the fact that religion may have positive effects and all.

But certain things are true or false, or have known ways of assessing validity. How many sides does a square have? 4. You cannot deny this no matter how you interpret it. To say a square has 2 sides is wrong. Some things are just incorrect.

"There is a God" is a proposition which is either true or false. One of us is correct, one of us is wrong, and one of us is modest enough to admit, "Hell I don't know. I can't prove either way." I'm guessing that these groups are athiests, believers, and agnostics, respectively.


Aug 17, 2002
spell check said:
i'm disappointed with your spelling of argument
Haha how do you do that? I don't know how many people you've corrected in completely random places. I hope you don't correct your teachers :)

ur inner child said:
Someone deconstruct my post I like a good argument
You like arguing aye? Prepare to meet your match muwahaha

Comrade nathan

Active Member
Mar 30, 2004
would u like to believe u are nothing? that u are seriously the result of a big bang blow up accident billions of years ago, which thruout time has resulted in an evolution from a single cell to an apelike mammal to a human being???? u would rather believe ur the decendant of some gorilla type?
Your reasoning for you believes are pathetic. You believe something because you dont want to believe something else. How foolish can you be, but just remember

Just because your happy, doesnt mean you right

So if you wish to be so ignorent to believe something so it makes you happy then you are pathetic.

Could I remind some of you lovely people (and I do mean that) that Darwin came up with his theories where the dominant religious discourse was christianity??? First few who adopted Darwinism WERE christian??? These two things: christianity and Darwinism are not black and white - they do not clash. I'm disappointed with aspects of this arguement.
We are the new generation, we have the new ideas and we have the enw technology. Darwin compared to Evolutionist atheist today was reactionary, we are progresive we are using what Darwin taught as evidence to back up Atheism. We cant just let it sit there and rot and be left for Theist to destroy and mutalate.
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Jul 31, 2004
Northern Beaches
MoonlightSonata said:
You know, chances are if you had been brought up on another religion, THAT would be who you are. And right now you'd be going on about how you love whatever God that particular religion advocates. What makes your religion the right one? Because it's been ingrained in your head. To shatter it now would be to destroy your fervent beliefs that as you said are so much a part of you. Which is why religious people find it so hard to change their views, because, notwithstanding pride or ego, it is destroying a part of them.
Actually a lot of the most influential and greatest Christian speakers have grown up in atheist (or other non-Christian) households. And the ratio of Christians who have grown up in the faith, and those who haven't, is probably about 50:50


Aug 17, 2002
waterfowl said:
Actually a lot of the most influential and greatest Christian speakers have grown up in atheist (or other non-Christian) households. And the ratio of Christians who have grown up in the faith, and those who haven't, is probably about 50:50
1. You didn't address why your religion is the correct view
2. You provide no authority for those somewhat dubious statistics


Mar 9, 2004
Comrade nathan said:
Your reasoning for you believes are pathetic. You believe something because you dont want to believe something else. How foolish can you be, but just remember

Just because your happy, doesnt mean you right[ /CENTER]

So if you wish to be so ignorent to believe something so it makes you happy then you are pathetic.

We are the new generation, we have the new ideas and we have the enw technology. Darwin compared to Evolutionist atheist today was reactionary, we are progresive we are using what Darwin taught as evidence to back up Atheism. We cant just let it sit there and rot and be left for Theist to destroy and mutalate.​

please dont merge my quote with someone elses I'd like to be treated individual lol. Plus I don't see the point of your arguement personally. Since when can religion be a scientific theory? I was merely saying they DONT oppose each other and christians CAN believe in darwinism, not that it can used in the scientific process.​


Aug 17, 2002
I assumed any rational religious person would believe in evolution - haven't most of the churches adopted that view now anyway? I wonder how much of the Bible will be left in about 100 years... probably just the title page


Procrastinating Member
Jul 26, 2004
yeah, there r some of us out there that believ that everything can somehow merge together and work. they don't have to be seperated

spell check

Sep 29, 2004
MoonlightSonata said:
Haha how do you do that? I don't know how many people you've corrected in completely random places. I hope you don't correct your teachers
i'd correct stalin if he posted on here and was still alive

then i'd be shot


Procrastinating Member
Jul 26, 2004
and the bible will always be around, it just depends on how we use it

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