Cyan_phoeniX said:
no, no, no. clearly your all stupid.
Can't you see?.. goat...lectures... Erikson's theory, which is a psychsocial model, and totally against Freud's psychosexual model.
The old goat must represent the stagnation part in the 'integrity Vs stagnation' age group. The fact that i was being 'lectured' may be symbolic of being in trouble with authority. The fact that the lecturer had no clothes on (being a goat and all). Its so obvious: I sub-consciously want to run naked across macquarie theatre during a psychology class before i turn 50, or i will stagnate and die. Though the penis fetish thing could also be valid too. Lets have a vote...
Ahaha, you're so right! Erikson hated Freud's theory, but there are similarities, he just extended his 'levels' of development further than freud.
That said, I think that my
valid interpretation highlights the fact that Erikson was wrong in dismissing Freud. You see, James, in admitting the part about needing to run naked before the stagnation period, shows the prominence of your ID, and suggests you lack any ego or superego (as you cannot restrict your uges).
Bscience is right, Oedipus all the way. The 'other one' is Freud's theory of the three levels of subconscious:
ID- the pleasure-seeking part of you, most often seen in infancy.
Ego- the Ego maintains the ID and restricts rewarding it with pleasure until an appropriate time
SuperEgo- the morals of society that we internalise, and use to regulate our behaviour on a moral level.
Those who have too much ID influence are said to be arrogant assholes. Those who have too much SuperEgo influence are moralistic prudes. Thus the Ego must strike a balance between the two in order for someone to function 'properly'
Thats my developmental psych study for today, maybe James can explain Erikson's theory more? I'm off to work!