Cops execute 7 year old girl (2 Viewers)


On The Road To Serfdom
Dec 2, 2009
the amount of sleep makes a difference?
i would think so, also how long between the time of getting up and going on bos

i mean seriously who sleeps for like less then 8 hours and the first thing u do is go on bos



Active Member
Feb 3, 2010
It's not about race you fucking idiot, it's about using paramilitary type forces to serve warrants on non-violent drug offenders
Dec 18, 2007
Uni Grad
i would think so, also how long between the time of getting up and going on bos

i mean seriously who sleeps for like less then 8 hours and the first thing u do is go on bos

Depends if shower and breakfast count as time between getting up and going on comp lol.

And on topic, +1 to rothbard.


Mar 16, 2008
Muzk is one of the few people in this topic who aren't retards. He has quoted statistics and used reasoned arguments and all you morons can do is come up with antiquated, thinly veiled racist diatribe. 'Oh yeah black people use these events to promote anti-racism' and the like. Wake up to yourselves ffs.

cosmo kramer

Apr 29, 2010
Forever UNSW
I'm pointing out the fact that a certain white majority, that of the United States, in this case, is racist towards the black, weaker minority.
and may not be seen as of the same nature, for whites form the majority in America and, of course, the government.
If the widespread racism of the white majority towards the black minority, as you say, is evident in the government, then the policies that white people create would be designed to discriminate against blacks, and deny opportunities to them. If this in fact the case, the government that the "white majority" has created certainly has a bizarre way of achieving this end. In Universities for instance, black applicants have lower standards for entry into universities. At the University of Berkeley in California, black students have an average SAT entry score which is 288 points below the white mean. Harvard, with its notoriously fastidious entry standards, has a 95 point gap. While Harvard is a private University, Berkeley, is not; thus, the onus is upon you to explain, if white people are so hell-bent on denying educational and economic opportunities to the "black minority", why they in fact positively discriminate in favour of blacks in their government run universities; very often denying white students university places in the process.

Blacks are overrepresented in positions of government employment as well. Why a white government that supposedly systematically discriminates against black people would thus employ proportionately more blacks than whites in its own offices has me bamboozled. In 1983, 14.9% of Blacks were employed in the public sector. This is larger than their proportion to their level of the population. The private sector is little different, with a byzantine array of draconian anti-discrimination laws which decree that employers cannot discriminate on the basis of race, but now state that employers must employ a certain percentage of blacks in their enterprises. Employers understand the potential negative consequences involved with a refusal to adhere to these laws, which include lawsuits and media castigation, and go along with them quietly. Again, it is highly pecuiliar why the white majority, with it's putative objective to discriminate against black people and make their existences miserable in fact create and support policies that deny opportunities to whites and waste an enonormous amount of societies money in lost potential productivity and high employee turnover with programs that are calculated to cost individuals a considerable amount of money annually. What's the point? Maybe that's the genius of white people; they can create policies that ostensibly harm themselves but for some deeper, sinister and mysterious reason, they are actually benefiting from these policies.

Black racism itself is an answer to white racism
A very interesting comment. It is almost as if you ascribe the intrinsic quality of being racist to whites and only whites, as if every other race can merely only become racist environmentally -- as a response to white racism. Of course, you probably don't mean this but your simplistic single-cause nonsense is characteristic of your Marxist leanings. I would wager that black people don't like white people for a variety of reasons, many of which do not involve racism as some sort of defense mechanism against virulent and prevailing "white discrimination".

Blacks form the main part of the poor urban population, which is why there is a higher crime rate amongst black colored people than whites. Economical inequality causes racism in those cases.
If that were true, that the staggeringly high crime rates of African Americans was directly a result of their higher levels of poverty, then we would expect to see an across the board correlation between poverty rates and crime rates. But we don't. In the United States, if you want to find out how much crime there is in a given area and can only use one metric to help you find out, what would the best metric be? Most people would say "poverty", "high school drop out rate" or "unemployment rate". It is true, that all of these things are fairly strongly correlated with crime. But they are absolutely nothing compared to the whopping correlation that the "total number of blacks and hispanics combined in an area" has with crime. Controlled for poverty, education and employment rates, the correlation between the total number of hispanics/blacks in an area and crime does drop, but only by .7-.10. The proposed relationship between poverty and crime, if scrutinized, is often a ridiculous one. People are murdering others and raping women to feed their starving families now?

Who cares? Is that the attitude of the intelligentsia towards racism? This needs no further explanation.
Are you fucking insane? The attitudes of the so called "intellgentsia" towards racism are almost identical to your own. The same, mindnumbing orthodoxy on race that you are spouting is repeated by every prominent academic, professor and intellectual throughout the Anglosphere -- and the Western world. Because the orthodoxy has been entrenched in intellectual Western thought, there is actually a positive correlation between social class and race-pablum.

The capitalist class you condemn share your attitudes on race, not the working classes you champion. You should listen to some of the things my blue collar coleagues have had to say about brown people.

It's obvious, and you know that.
So why did I ask?

If the black cohort tends to commit more murders on a per-capita basis than whites, then why are you surprised that blacks are sitting on death row disproportionate to their level in the population? And you have also failed to point out that blacks, relative to the number of murders they commit, are less likely than whites to receive the death penalty. Does this mean that the criminal justice system is actually biased against whites? No, not at all. It only reflects the kind of murders that blacks commit versus the kind of murders that whites commit. Most of the time, black people are killed by black people (almost exclusively, black people are killed by black people), and usualy this is the result of something like an argument that got out of hand, with a knife being pulled out and somebody ending up dead. It's the usual "well, he stepped on muh shoes officuh what do you expect?!" White people tend to be far more systematic in how they kill other people -- their murders involve less emotion and more planning ahead of time. That's pre-meditated murder and you're more likely to get the death penalty for that.

I think about finishes this up. I'll leave it with a quote from Karl Marx -- your favourite economist and social philosopher.

. . . it is now completely clear to me that he, as is proved by his cranial formation and his hair, descends from the Negroes from Egypt, assuming that his mother or grandmother had not interbred with a nigger. Now this union of Judaism and Germanism with a basic Negro substance must produce a peculiar product. The obtrusiveness of the fellow is also nigger-like
-- Karl Marx
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William kamel

Jun 2, 2009
OMG....they killed one of my own. Nigga brother's it's time to do what we do best.


Mar 16, 2008
cosmo kramer said:
If that were true, that the staggeringly high crime rates of African Americans was directly a result of their higher levels of poverty, then we would expect to see an across the board correlation between poverty rates and crime rates. But we don't. In the United States, if you want to find out how much crime there is in a given area and can only use one metric to help you find out, what would the best metric be? Most people would say "poverty", "high school drop out rate" or "unemployment rate". It is true, that all of these things are fairly strongly correlated with crime. But they are absolutely nothing compared to the whopping correlation that the "total number of blacks and hispanics combined in an area" has with crime. Controlled for poverty, education and employment rates, the correlation between the total number of hispanics/blacks in an area and crime does drop, but only by .7-.10. The proposed relationship between poverty and crime, if scrutinized, is often a ridiculous one. People are murdering others and raping women to feed their starving families now?
Are you suggesting that there are innate, significant differences between races? Such a theory is scientifically archaic. What do you suggest then are the reasons for these differences in crime rates, controlled for poverty etc?

cosmo kramer

Apr 29, 2010
Forever UNSW
Are you suggesting that there are innate, significant differences between races? c. What do you suggest then are the reasons for these differences in crime rates, controlled for poverty etc?
Not one person was suggesting that innate differences could be the only cause for the disparity in crime rates between blacks and whites, though yes, it would actually be statistically astounding if there were no innate racial differences, and I do think that they explain a considerable amount of the variance in crime between the two groups.

"Significant" is relative; the differences between the races are not significant compared to the difference between an elephant and an oak tree, but they are significant to the perception of human beings. It is simply too much for you to ask me to explain why the typical psychological constitution of blacks compared to whites or asians could translate into a higher predilection towards acts criminalized in practically every society on the planet. I could be here all day doing it.

Such a theory is scientifically archaic
It is clear that you have already made up your mind about this, and unlike members like Graney, don't have a very good understanding of the literature that discusses HBD. There's really little reason to continue here.
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Mar 16, 2008
^ I don't think we have a conflict, however I would argue that race is largely irrelevant, and the issue of race is inflated and used by the ruling class to assist in dividing the masses socially.

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