yeah, i rekon u should be fine comparing them in terms of context but perhaps just make sure you mention film techniques (ie film noir, voice overs) for Big Sleep just to show that you know film techniques. that was why i lost some marks in the trials coz i didnt mention a lot of techniques in film. I'm using 3 films (prob not thhe best idea was it? but i cant b bothered reading!) and it is really necessary to mention HOW the composer achieved effects such as mystery, suspense, with the techniques as well as content and using or subverting conventions.
am i on the right track thinking that the question should ask something along the lines of why conventions are important to a genre and how the have changed, and something to do with how CF is the vehicle to express a context or socialogical message??? has anyone got any ideas of a good way to prepare for this exam??? coz i'm lost. the questions are always so vague and i just dont know what i should b doing to prepare now??
the other thing is I HATE CREATIVE WRITING!!!! IT SUX!!!! what does everyone else try and do for it? i tend to get alright marks, but not fantastic, and if anyone does really well, can u tell me how the hell u do it? do u stick with one story and adapt it? or dou have an idea u use, or character or crime, or WHAT THE HELL???? i really hate it!
the other thing is, how does everyone manage their time? half and half?