Not-That-Bright said:
Not "trying to lead a better life", trying to live the life they believe their God compels them too. I don't KNOW that they aren't, I just think the world would be a much different place if they were and base it off of that. I am not claiming that christians are 'bad people' or that they're not trying to be 'good people', I'm just saying by looking at the world as far as I can, that It doesn't seem that they really are trying their hardest to do what their god compells them to - so maybe they don't REALLY believe?
Chrsitians are human too!

... i think i know what you're saying though... you mean people who profess to be christians, but deny Christ by their actions?
i couldn't agree more, and it's really really sad when that happens, cause "that is what an unbelieving world simply find unbelievable" ((and yes, that is quoted from the dc talk song "what if i stumble"- in case anyone thought i was trying to take credit on their behalf

When someone accepts Christ into their hearts, its not about "i'm going to be good for the rest of my life, and then i'll get to heaven"... it's more "I have my ticket to heaven (thru Jesus) now i'll show my thankfulness by striving to "be good" (act Christ-like) for the rest of my life.
its the most common mis-conception/mix-up in the eyes of the world that its being good that gets you to heaven...
it'll get you nowhere- except maybe the praise of men... but what God needs from you is nothing you can give Him...nothing you can earn- which is why Christ steps in, takes your guilt, and you are forgiven.
...and Paul says "What shall we say, then? Shall we go on sinning so that grace may increase? By no means!"...God is extremely gracious, but He does know the heart, and knows if someone is false.
i don't know if that was what you were meaning NTB lol i may've gone off on a slight tangent...

...but at the same time, even if all the christians were good all the time lets say, there would still be billions of non-christians in the world... and thats not to say all non-christians are axe-murderers but i think you get my drift- all the christians doing the right thing all the time would not make the world amazing to live in- the devil still exists...and as for "maybe they don't really believe"??? well i can tell you with all my heart i truly believe, and would stand for that even unto death. Whether a person believes or not is between a person and God... He knows everyones hearts...don't worry