Are you even looking? If you still cant find people, I suggest that you at least go and research some of Hillsong's streets programs they are running at the moment. From what I see from those guys, they are doing anything but sitting on their hands.
lol! It's no big sacrafice for someone to come to Australia. It sure is odd how God's wishes always end up being the same as the person's wishes whom claims they are those of Gods

...Meh how do we know it's the last thing they wanted to do? What's so bad about Australia? It seems unlikely to me that someone could hate the idea of going to Australia so much, but oh well.
Its not the location they to which they moved which is the key issue here, rather the circumstances under which they had to make the decision. You dont know enough about their story to comment any further, so lets just leave it at that.
One story doesn't matter anyway, there are some people out there whom I believe truly believe in God - just very few.
One story might not matter to you but thats ok, because this isnt solely intented for you and I have quite a number of similiar stories of people from the same church, let alone other churches I know of.
...Are they attending church every sunday (unless so ill it's impossible to make it), are they inviting the poor into their homes, are they giving large portions of money to the poor?
In answer to your questions.....they are pastors at the church now, and they are head of the youth events, so they attend church Friday til 11pm, Sunday all day. Since they have been here, which is going on almost 12 months, they have never missed a Sunday service, irrespective of whether they are ill or not. They organise huge events from scratch, putting their own money into get events off the ground (we're talking in excess of $10,000 an event), they are more than happy to have
anybody stay at their house, and once again, on top of pouring money into youth events and conferences, they also have been a large contributor to missions projects that the church currently runs in Russia and Indonesia.
IMO Doing something "because God told you to do it" isn't really what I was after, especially when it's something that appears to have a decent probability of co-inciding with the wishes of the person whom claims it is God's wishes.
I dont see the "decent probability" anywhere from knowing what I know. But I can understand it from your point of view, which is why I pointed out that the extent of Dylan and Anna's case was most likely not going to be understood for what it really was.
... surely you could find a story of someone whom's living in the streets every night, helping the poor - for god!
The church runs missions projects, building other churches in Indonesia and Russia, as well as providing support to the less fortunate people in those areas. Not too long ago, there were a group of people sent to China, and well if you're not familiar with China, any person carrying a Bible would be killed. There is an affiliation with Compassion Australia, and more locally they run an outreach program in Gosford which see's hundreds of homeless people fed and cared for every night, thousands every week. And Gosford is only the beginning of the plans.
...But at the same time I DON'T think you do everything in your power that you think God wants you to do, otherwise how do you justify sitting here on your computer making these posts when you could be out helping the needy? Are you telling me God prefers you to be on the computer, or that it's out of your power to stop posting and go out and help the needy (no, it's not)...Essentially - You're not doing everything in your power to do what I'm sure you believe your God wishes of you and the reason why is because you don't believe it in the same sense as you believe the sun will rise tomorrow.
Hmmm, thats quite a bold statement you're making about me. But nonetheless, I will answer the question.
My justification for making these posts is simple. You have questions, and I feel that if I can answer even one question you have, in a manner that would result in you having a better understanding of the topic at hand, then I am indeed helping a needy person. Of course, you're not AS needy as someone in Ethiopia that starves, but well with the man upstairs calling me to reach out to poeple in less fortunate countries, then I feel content that im indeed doing all that I am capable of doing with what I have in my hands.
I sponsor two children from Ghana and Bolivia (Joseph,7 and Leydi,11) through Compassion Australia, for $50/month each, so that is $100/month im commited to until they both reach 18, which quite a few people would be spending on a single night out on the town. As im a full-time uni student working one day a week, it doesnt leave much over. In terms of time, for the next three years (hopefully four) I have uni commitments from monday - thursday, other days either studying or working.
So, if you havent worked out yet, there's not much time for anything else. Im not complaining though, I couldnt be happier. I hope this has gone some way to clearing up things for you when it comes to you proposing im not doing all I can.
Now with you being so involved in discussion topics on BoS (referring to post count), and not following in the footsteps of pretending to know somebody(without knowing anything more about you), one would think the sheer amount of time you spend on discussions in here has to reflect at least something about the life you lead.