Riqtay said:
I believe that those who don't believe in God appear to show wisdom and logic behind their convictions, yet in actuality they use logic only in certain situations to their advantage.
They argue that a creation requires a creator, yet dismiss the concept of God. Using logic, a creation (e.g a child) requires a creator (ie the parents). Yet these people claim to use logic, rather they employ the dogma of there being no God, associated with athiesm.
They may argue that there is no physical evidence to prove the existence of God, yet they cannot answer the question 'who created the universe?'
No one, as an answer to that question, highlights their biased application of logic (ie they believe that a child requires a creator yet they dismiss there being a creator of the universe).
This is a strong point and holds a lot of truth. simply not believing in something, does not therefore mean it does not exist.
These questions, of whether the universe was indeed created are extremely important. If there was no creation, then there is no creator God, and if there is no God, then God of the bible is then a false God.
No God means no person in control of the universe. Holding to no creation obviously has serious ramifications for all 'creatures' of the universe. Humanity along with the rest of the universe simply exists with no possibility of finding any meaning outside of itself. Human beings might concoct meaning and purpose, but having no external justification these might readily change to suit changing cirmcumstances. This indeed is what happens when people choose to live as though there is no God.
There are those who have the view that the God who made the universe had to start with something. It has not been conceivable that God could not act without raw materials, no matter how basic. Understandably, questions arise like 'where did such material come from?' Some, perhaps familiar with modern scientific cosmology and subscribing to one great deity, power or force lying behind the existence and character of the universe, might still consider such a God one who had to depend on certain givens. Such dualism is not consistant with bible perspectives. The God of the Bible is not recognised as having any such limitations and is far more powerful, purposeful, and personal than would otherwise be suggested.
I believe that there was a creation. And that that creation was by God, and with no starting materials. This is extremely important, because i can now trust the Bible and put my faith and hope in Christ.
If you have not looked deeply into different means of creation, i suggest you read the book "Creation out of Nothing" which explores creation and looks at the floors in different theories.
Creation matters. We only live once, lets find the truth.