Does God exist? (5 Viewers)

do you believe in god?

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Apr 12, 2006
dont even bring santa claus into the equation
for starters, a coke ad campaign, combined with various poems written by others, created the magical image of santa claus.
its a bit like scientology, both were invented by man so how could they be true, with out proper divine intervention?
dont even begin to compare the 'existence' of santa claus to God's.


Active Member
Aug 7, 2006
Religion regardless of what it is, is a human construct. The possibility of 'God's' existence is also a human construct. So comparing a god to any other fantastical or mythical creature is one and the same, fictional characters, nothing more.


under pressure
Feb 6, 2004
cheesman said:
dont even bring santa claus into the equation
for starters, a coke ad campaign, combined with various poems written by others, created the magical image of santa claus.
its a bit like scientology, both were invented by man so how could they be true, with out proper divine intervention?
dont even begin to compare the 'existence' of santa claus to God's.
please, tell me how you know that the bible was written by god and that dianetics wasn't? because, correct me if i'm wrong, l. ron hubbard said that he was channelling a higher existence when he wrote dianetics, so where is the proof that he was lying, and that the people who wrote the bible were telling the truth?


Andrew Quah
Oct 19, 2003
Sydney, Australia.
You would ask for evidence of course, however I think even christians look for evidense when choosing what they believe. At the same time while you would ask for evidence you could not logical disregard the claim when your only basis for doing so is that you personally have not witnessed it.
Huh? What? I can logically disreguard the claim! My only basis is NOT that I have not personally witnessed it. I believe in history, I did not personally witness those events. My basis for non-belief is the weakness of the evidence.

So what's your point? The fact that someone has to change their lifestyle does not make the religion exlclusive to selective individuals as you were first suggesting.
The point of his analogy was to show how it's cool for christianity to reject the people of other religions. It fails because the other religions are very similiar to christianity in that they are not exclusive to selective individuals.

I don't think you understand what I was 'at first suggesting'.

I doubt that any person including God wanted to go through the pain of being crucified. If there is any sense of want it is because he it was neccessary in order to allow forgiveness.
Er how is it necessary to allow forgiveness? GOD MADE THE RULES OF WHAT IS NECESSARY, he can decide to allow forgiveness WITHOUT sacrafice.

Lets take another example, if I were to sacrifce my life in the place of another person would you suggest that I want to die?
That's a terrible analogy, I really can't believe you would write/think this way. If you were to sacrafice your life, in the place of another person that you essentially were going to have killed, yourself, instead of just not killing them - I'd say you wanted to die.

Of course I don't, but I value the life of the person I am saving more than my own and therefore am willing to do even when I would prefer not to.
AGAIN, that's a situation where you have some lack of control, god has NO lack of control. He is omnipotent, he doesn't HAVE to sacrafice himself.

Why not? I don't see how it would make a being imperfect to have anything "bad" done to them.
The event/situation that led to him having something 'bad' done to him must have been an afront to his power, something he could not stop. It would make him imperfect. Why you can't see this, who knows?

This does not make sense, you may come to an understanding of what you believe sick to but you agree that it may not be the same for everyone else. How can you justify that your sickening though makes it impossible for a forgiven rapist to exist in heaven?
It doesn't mean it's 'impossible', that's just silly. The rules of heaven is something I'm not willing to debate, it's ludacris and beyond what any serious person should discuss. I was merely saying that I, from my limited little relative imperfect moral position, feel that it is wrong for god to allow rapists into heaven with their victims. The answer 'well god knows better than you' doesn't fix it for me, so while of course it's a satisfactory explanation in so far as challenging the existance of god, that's all good and all, but the real issue people have with it is an emotional/moral one based on their own idea of what is right/wrong.

You don't have to care in this case what God says since by your own logic you have shown that your own perpective that says that they have done more wrong than their victim counts for nothing.
What the hell? I don't even know what you're on about.

I did address the questoin properly, just not directly. No we are not robots since those who have entered heaven have done so via their own will.
Oh so once you go to heaven free will ceases to exist?

If there is no good evidence for aethiesm other than the questions raised in regard to the nature of God then I see no reason to make the emotional jump to aethiesm.
Good for you, but it's not just questions about 'the nature of god', it is (at least my version of atheism is) a total non-belief in everything supernatural. There is no evidence for tooth-fairy atheism other than the questions raised against the idea that a tooth-fairy could exist, but ALOT of people can make the jump to tooth-fairy atheism.

There is far more suggesting evidence (not proof) that a God exists rather than Santa Clause.
That DOESN'T matter. There is no suggesting evidence of a supernatural entity, there can be no evidence. What you essentially seem to be saying in reality, is that because heaps more people believe in the christian god and so much has been written about it, that it's more likely to be true than santa claus is. I'm sorry, but you have absolutely NO way to qualify that statement. See this is all you say, to show that comparing belief in santa claus and god is different in this respect and it's just terrible. IMO the analogy stands as I said it.

And while you can attempt to prove that the claims of his existance are wrong I think those claims are more complications, rather then logical proofs of why it cannot happen (In regard to God here)
Grats to you. I think most of the proof against claims of a christian god are logical proofs against that previous claim, this does not mean that it isn't also a 'complication', of course theists will generally come up with some confabulation to justify their belief when presented with the argument, but the previous argument was logically refuted by the atheist. Furthermore, while I think you can attempt to prove that the claims of santa claus's existance are wrong (such as saying 'oh there's not as much SUGGESTIVE evidence for santa claus') that will just lead to more complications with someone whom chooses to vehemently believe in santa.

Which ones are those dribble that you refer to? Does it include all because some prohecies in the bible seem pretty to the point to me.
Give me an example of a prophesy in the bible that you think validates it and i'll explain to you why I think it's silly. Basically tho, all that I've ever been presented with are generally discovered 'after the fact' or were already known at the time/guessed at the time.

dont even bring santa claus into the equation
Yea, you don't like that one do you. There is no logical difference between a 'magical, supernatural santa claus' and 'god' when it comes to proving their existance.

for starters, a coke ad campaign, combined with various poems written by others, created the magical image of santa claus.
How are we to not know that the coke campaign was divinely inspired by santa to spread the word to all boys and girls?

its a bit like scientology, both were invented by man so how could they be true, with out proper divine intervention?
How do we know they had no divine inspiration? We can't, it's a supernatural imaginary concept that we can't test. Thus all supernatural hypothesis's have equal value.

dont even begin to compare the 'existence' of santa claus to God's.
Sorry, I did and I stand by it.
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Active Member
May 16, 2005
No I just type out a lengthy response and its all gone!! I so can't be bothered retyping all of that out again, I'll get back to you later, lol.


Active Member
Jul 26, 2002
blue_chameleon said:
So because we cannot understand the supernatural realm using logic, it must have been evolution?

If a person was to be satisfied in one explanation (maybe they view one realms "proof" to be more acceptable than the others), then there would be no motive for them to openly explore the possibility of the opposing realms existance (with other intents rather than just seeking to disprove/discredit the opposing theory/realm).

Do you understand where im coming from?
Ah, though I do consider evolution to be a valid scientific theory, I really don't see what that has to do with my question - I was asking HotShot why the mere lack of an explanation (be it contested or not) is suggestive of a supernatural entity.


Feb 2, 2005
lengy said:
Religion regardless of what it is, is a human construct. The possibility of 'God's' existence is also a human construct. So comparing a god to any other fantastical or mythical creature is one and the same, fictional characters, nothing more.
Religion is human construct - no doubt. But religion cannot prove that god exists because you dont need the religion to have a belief in god.

though the POSSIBLITY of god existence is a human constuct- well they are all whole lot of possiblities in this world - but i dont think there is ANY POSSIBLITY in santa claus existing in the manner is which you imagine.

To Generator- i was pointing out - that lot of the people simply dismiss miracles as illusions etc because they cant accept the fact of the possiblity of a supernatural force existing.

i dont understand how say science is able to prove the universe existence - that this somehow has some indication to the fact that supernatural cannot exist.

the point i put out here - that science , logic cannot prove everything.


Active Member
Nov 13, 2004
I believe that the universe was created by the "Big Bang". What created the Big Bang? Hell..I don't know. But then what created "god"?
Do things really have to be "created"?


Active Member
Jul 26, 2002
I never said that we could provide an explanation for everything (both now and into the future), hotshot, I was merely asking why the lack of an explanation suggests that a supernatural entity may (or does) exist.


Apr 12, 2006
i'll tell you why God doesnt have a creator
firstly, everything in the universe is seen to have an end
eg. the sun, planets etc..
therefore they all had a beginning

but, God is seen as perfect in everyway, therfore since God cannot fully die or waste away, he would not have a beginning
therefore since God does not have a beginning he has been around for ever, and would not have been created.
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under pressure
Feb 6, 2004
cheesman said:
i'll tell you why God doesnt have a creator
firstly, everything in the universe is seen to have an end
eg. the sun, planets etc..
therefore they all had a beginning

but, God is seen as perfect in everyway, therfore since God cannot fully die or waste away, he would not have a beginning
therefore since God does not have a beginning he has been around for ever, and would not have been created.
i tell you what would help? if you would stop being so oblivious to reality


Jul 21, 2006
im christian but sometimes i dont understand some things in the bible.. for example it says that plants were created before the sun.. how can this be??

and it also says that darkness was created... but isnt this just the absence of light??

plz exlpain the above because i cant understand them



Apr 12, 2006
Why would a being perfect in every way require creations? Doesn't it imply, that by creating things, he was not perfect?
who said God requires creation?
God, according to christians made us to worship Him.
he didnt need us at all. but he chose to make us anyway.
that isnt weakness at all.
God is, not just a creator, but perfect as well.

even outside of christianity, God would have had the choice to make us, whether he needed us or not.
eg. if you dont need a second floor in ur house, you could get one, or not.
and thats wat God has done, he went out of his way to make us.
stemming from this thought, he would have to love us a fair bit to do this when he didnt have to
hence showing that he planned our existence/everything in that he loved us.

note how i said everything. energy is not a thing.
but would u say that forever and ever, before the universe was, or was beginning to be, all the energy present today, was in existence?
if so, where did it come from? if it was present by itself, it couldnt have just appeared, it had to have been created.thus God must have created it.
incase that was a reference to God, not my everything comment, God is outside of physics, having created the universe containing them.

umm ronaldhino, im not all sure, i couldnt be bothered right now lol to check in the bible, but if thats the case, God could hav easily made it like that, beign able to do out of the ordinary things like that is wat makes him God.

with the darkness, if an area has always been filled with light, and suddenly some light leaves, darkness enters/is created for the first time. but id have to look into that more.


Andrew Quah
Oct 19, 2003
Sydney, Australia.
he didnt need us at all. but he chose to make us anyway.
I didn't say that he 'needed' us, if I was to make such a statement I would say that he wanted us. While of course even within your idea of god, he may not have needed to create us, he obviously wanted it. So God has desires? That means there was something that god didn't have that he did want, doesn't that make him imperfect?

thus God must have created it.
Why not a magical pixie fairy? Or why not some unconscious super-powerful force that we have yet to understand? It doesn't necessarily have to be YOUR magical 'bling' that solves the puzzle, any of them satisfy the question just as well.


Apr 12, 2006
i dont see where u get that link from
that since God had a desire (us) he had something he didnt want.

but even if he had something with him he didnt want it would imply that he made the unwanted thing thus suggesting imperfection since he would have made it.

but if he was imperfect he wouldnt be God. so therefore, since we are dealing with God, who is perfect, he wouldnt have had that thing he didnt want in the first place.

ok, fine a magical pixy fairy watever suits you. no matter who it was, the creation of the universe by a designer/upper being is implied through ur point here.


under pressure
Feb 6, 2004
cheesman said:
note how i said everything. energy is not a thing.
holy shit. are you serious? did you even bother reading the link, because if you did you would have read this sentence located in the first paragraph

"In modern physics, all forms of energy exhibit mass and all mass is a form of energy."

and yes, i am suggesting that the universe always was. there is no evidence to show otherwise, only the fact that your obviously tiny mind cannot conceive this as being possible. for some reason you can accept that god always was, and did not require creation, but this same logic cannot be applied to the universe?


Andrew Quah
Oct 19, 2003
Sydney, Australia.
that since God had a desire (us) he had something he didnt want.

but even if he had something with him he didnt want it would imply that he made the unwanted thing thus suggesting imperfection since he would have made it.

but if he was imperfect he wouldnt be God. so therefore, since we are dealing with God, who is perfect, he wouldnt have had that thing he didnt want in the first place.
Ok, exactly and that's the problem. Before God had humans, he didn't have the thing he wanted (thus making him imperfect). A perfect being should have no desires. I'm sure you won't understand me tho.

ok, fine a magical pixy fairy watever suits you. no matter who it was, the creation of the universe by a designer/upper being is implied through ur point here.
Er no it's not. I said it could just be an unconscious supernatural force, it isn't a 'designer' in the traditional view where design requires consciousness.


Feb 14, 2006
secret said:
Yea, I believe that's what people should be doing insted of waisting their time at church.
Okay that's a retarded thing to say. You might not believe in it but that doesn't mean it's important to a heck of a lot of people.

backstreet51 said:
Okay then. So if god exists, why is there world hunger? Surely the starving children in Africa did nothing wrong for god to punish them...
Ah, the classic world hunger argument. Definitely un-original and cliche.

How about this:
Angels and Demons said:
"You are confused because the bible describes god as an omnipotent and benevolent diety"
"Omnipotent-benevolent simply means God is all knowing AND well-meaning."
"I understand the concept. It's just ... there seems to be a contradiction."
"Yes, the contradiction is pain. Man's starvation, war, sickness."
"Exactly, terrible things happen in this world. Human tragedy seems like proof that God could not be both well-meaning and all powerful. If he loves us and has the power to change our situation, wouldn't he?"
"Would he?"
"Well if God loves us and He can protect us, he would have to. It seems he is either omnipotent and doesn't care, or benevolent and is powerless."
"Do you have children, Lieutenant?"
"No signore."
"Imagine you had an eight year old son, would you love him?"
"Of course."
"Would you do everything in your power to prevent pain in his life?"
"Of course."
"Would you let him skateboard?"
"I guess. Sure I'd let him skateboard, but I'd tell him to be careful."
"So as this child's father, you would give him some basic, good advice, and let him go off and make his own mistakes."
"I wouldn't run behind him and mollycoddle him if that's what you mean."
"What if he skinned his knee."
"I would tell him to be more careful."
"So even though you have the power to interfere and stop your child's pain, you choose to show your love by letting him learn his own lessons."
"Of course, pain is part of growing up. It's how we learn."

Make sense?

Oh, btw, the chances of the big bang happening has been calculated to be something in the area of 10 to the power of one with 10 kilometres of typewritten zeros after


Premium Member
Jul 14, 2004
Scorch said:
Okay that's a retarded thing to say. You might not believe in it but that doesn't mean it's important to a heck of a lot of people.

Ah, the classic world hunger argument. Definitely un-original and cliche.

How about this:

Make sense?

Oh, btw, the chances of the big bang happening has been calculated to be something in the area of 10 to the power of one with 10 kilometres of typewritten zeros after
Yeah, children dying of AIDS infections inherited from their parents or being molested by paedophiles is part of growing up. You've said the argument is old and cliché, then distracted attention from it with a quote that explains nothing, then asked if it makes sense.

Also give me a source for this calculation of the big bang, because word on the street is that the chances of an all powerful deity appearing from nowhere is somewhere in the order of 1 over a googolplex! LOL!

EDIT: And given you've referenced a probability >> 1, maybe your understanding of the concept of probability isn't the best.

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