(moved from the "non-school" section)
Id like to have a religious discussion with some christians here. As an atheist, (im meant to be anglican) id like some convincing arguments for why i should even believe that there is a god.
im very content with my lack of belief and i have read my fair share of the bible. im not one of those teenage morons rebeling against my parents. i believe everyone is entitled to what they believe in. (or lack of belief)
i actually believed in god at a certain point in my life, but i just cant live with the fact of people taking comfort into thinking that their current life is just a pit-stop to a better life (in the after life)
i dont wanna live my life thinking its a test from god. wheather im worthy to go to heaven or any other nonsense like that.
to me, religion is nothing more than a set of rituals and beliefs. its what man created in hope of gaining some sort of "understanding" and control of the nature of god. This is why there are so many different religions.....(am i persuading anyone yet?)
i just think religion, (especially christianity) is hypocricy at its worst.
examples from the bible -
1.) "God is love." 1 John 4:8.
2.) "Love is not jealous." 1 Cor 13:4
3.) "I, the Lord thy God, am a jealous God." Exodus 20:5.
4.) The Christian god cannot logically exist.
1.) God is omniscient (all knowing)
2.) God knew that before he created man that they would eat of the tree of knowledge.
3.) God placed the tree of knowledge in the Garden anyway.
4.) God wanted sin to enter the world.
(If God didn`t want sin to enter the world, why create Adam and Eve at all? He knew what would happen. Why place the forbidden trees in the Garden in the first place?)
if god is all knowing and loving, he wouldnt have created satan. (he wouldve known that satan was gonna betray him and create hell, where all the "bad" people suffer in the afterlife)
i can ramble on and on, but id like to hear your religious views and hopefully we can have a stimulating argument that can benefit us both without any conflict arising