Does God exist? (25 Viewers)

do you believe in god?

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Comrades, Comrades!
Sep 13, 2003
gerhard said:
sam04u why thank you for that interesting correlation report on cutting yourself and believing in god

ive also found a correlation, between coherence in posting and religious belief
Are you trying to say that my response to the topic was incoherant?
You found it? But wouldn't that be subject to your own opinion? Did you take that into account? Perhaps those who believe god find all you atheists incoherent... Did you think about that?

You're an idiot.
If you lack the intelligence to decipher the mixed information present in the argument... then theres no worth in discussing it with you... and reading alone will have effected you...
Truth is the more complex something is the harder it is to understand.... and my response to the the topic is exactly that.

It's too complex for you to comprehend....
Not like I care... once you've read it... i'll have achieved what i set out to...:lol:


Active Member
Jul 26, 2002
sam04u said:
Yeah; It's funny right? The religious people don't understand you because you're 5 centuries ahead of them... and you don't understand me because im 5 centuries ahead of you.....

Well then, we are lucky that you have deemed us worthy to receive your wisdom on a daily basis...

Please refrain from calling other members 'imbeciles' and from stating that they 'lack intelligence' from this point on, because such comments are in no way warranted. If you cannot stop yourself, I will take action.


Comrades, Comrades!
Sep 13, 2003
Yeah, it's hard though... some of these people are so adamant on their ideas... that they think they can't be wrong.

I'm not saying you're an imbecile....

BTW, ofcourse you guys are worthy... and i'll continue equipping those with ears to listen & eyes to read with the truth.


Feb 2, 2005
Generator said:
Well then, we are lucky that you have deemed us worthy to receive your wisdom on a daily basis...

Please refrain from calling other members 'imbeciles' and from stating that they 'lack intelligence' from this point on, because such comments are in no way warranted. If you cannot stop yourself, I will take action.
hey generator, i think you have to realise as moderator you shouldnt abuse ur powers, after all its 'freedom of speech'. he can call whoever he wants whatever he want. on top of that i dont see you refraining others in this forum (damn even thread) from calling others in a similar fashion.

As a moderator i would expect out of you, instead picking on people that dont have your views that you share. Either you be fair and ban everyone who calls others 'imbeciles, idiots etc' or just leave it alone.

dont think about about banning me, there are ways around forums, and you dont want me to screw this up, and leave it down for maintenance for a few days. Reason being is, this post doesnt deserve to be banned.


Active Member
Jul 26, 2002
Ah, HotShot, I cannot and will not delete a post or ban someone for merely questioning my actions.

Actually, he cannot just call anyone whatever he wants, and there is a difference between calling someone an idiot and dismissing their argument in its entirety by reducing the person to a non-entity (as sam tends to do). For the record, I take action against everyone who thinks that they are able to ignore the forum's rules and insult other members at their leisure. Please don't think that I am holding back on those who 'agree with me', because that could not be further from the truth.

Edit: For the sake of clarity, I take action I mean that I will either a) delete the post, or b) remove the inappropriate line from the post in question.
Last edited:


Chronic Crammer (><)
Feb 14, 2006
godi i beilive is a man made figure...we being humans feel insecure to leave ouserlves in control of our lifes at times because we noe that we are not perfect so we creat this image of someone perfect some one who loves everyone GOD.....that why so many people have faith in GOd


Nov 1, 2005
Frotteurs Anonymous

I understand why Moonlight deleted the last one, or whatever.

New members just come in and post their random bullshit. They can't even be bothered reading even the first page of the thread.



Feb 2, 2005
FuckLiberals said:

I understand why Moonlight deleted the last one, or whatever.

New members just come in and post their random bullshit. They can't even be bothered reading even the first page of the thread.

did you ? did you everyone single post? all you need to read this thread topic.


Mar 9, 2004
the scary thing is that crazy whack religious types will breed and populate

not... saying... that... any... of them... are here....


under pressure
Feb 6, 2004
sam04u said:
-People who believe in a GOD Usually are more humane.. more understanding (of other religions too) more aware... less "scared"... happier... & beneficial to the preservation of society and civilisation.

-People who dont;

Usually "Feel" less... it seems the further away from god people are... the more irrational they are.....
Some say they "can't" feel anything... my own studies have shown... 41/50 "emo cutters" were atheist. (Emo Cutters are people who cut themselves)
/end making shit up

where did you get these statistics about "emo cutters"? how do you define "humane"? where did you get your statistics about the religious being less scared, more happy and more understanding? what do you mean by the preservation of society and civilisation? are atheists more irrational because they don't believe in god, or do they not believe in god because they are irrational?


Active Member
Dec 10, 2003
sam04u said:
Well, you've got to remember... if you believe in god... then life is a test... and a perfect equilibrium is formed...
Good <=> Evil

The good and the evil... must be balanced...

No one is immune to the influence of the "evil force"...not even eve was.

See, from my perspective that event was unfortunate... and its sad... its horrible when a young kid loses their life... such a miracle it is... to be thrown away...
This is proof of the equilibrium...

The Shooter goes to hell...(eternal damnation)
Your friend goes to heaven...(eternal happiness)

However, I don't blame you for feeling this way... atleast you have a more valid point for "not-believing god" then i do for being "believing god".

Sometimes its easier to believe religion though... and its more beneficial to society... don't you agree?

I know, I know... theirs always exceptions...

Salem witch trials;
"Holy Wars";
It goes on and on....;

But it's better then a society with no morals... right?
religion isn't the only way to morals.... any philosophy can lead to morals, religion isn't neccessary, and i dislike the assumption that i'm somehow less moral than you for not being religious, which is the idea you're putting forward by acting like religion, on the whole, is the source of morality.
as for my particular reasoning, it would be a lot easier to believe in a god to justify the whole thing and see it in some better light, but i could not, and still can't, find reason to believe that. whats moer, if life is so important, as the religious often claim, both in this thread in saying how because of how miraculous it is there must be a god, and the views on abortion and stem cell research regarding this, then why is it so sacred there that it can't be taken away, but then when someone dies prematurely and unfairly, its just they've "gone to a better place"? it seems like contradictory messages to me.


Comrades, Comrades!
Sep 13, 2003
Which ever way you look at it, this argument was destined to happen....
We have no control over the way our brain functions... and so the same reasoning applies to unfortunate events...
they were destined to happen... as is everything else... everything that happens was meant to... and will...

The only difference is decisions... the harder a decision is the more complex the results are... and it's entirely unique... each "difficult" human decision... it's probability and not destiny... depending on where the particular nerves in the brain are... (completely coincidental) its only one thought though that warrants an argument or an objection... every after thought is just a reinforcement of this...
so because of the complexity... and uncertainty... decisions defy fate... as their is no certainty (in complex decisions or template decisions)....

The brain needs to have a foundation or "mind-set" built...
This defines the complex problems our mind has to undergo... when making decisions on what it constitutes to be "moral"... belief in religion... in a higher order.. in a celestial force... in "good" and "bad"... can change the paths of these decisions. A foundation in the mind which is built on; Confusion, Superiority, And other conclusions which are built by an atheist.... can lead to "illogical" actions... (whatever... "logical" is.....)

To me cutting yourself is illogical...
To me thinking NO god exists is illogical...
To me thinking the BIG BANG had NO celestial interference is illogical...
To me thinking a "HIGHER ORDER" didn't create religion... and mere men did... is illogical...

However, this is just "my opinion" its not necessarily better then yours....
usually its atheists who have these illogical thoughs.... and these thoughts define their morals and their actions...
Their thoughs are based on "superiorty" of the human race... where can ideas like socialism... and morals fit into that mind-set? Religion invented it.... Religion invented the world where you can say what you like... how you like... otherwise some of you would be under the leadership of some dictator... or a king.. who would claim he was holy....

Just remember what religion has done...
Most of your morals are based on religion anyways... prior to religion man lived as savages...
(I've made this argument before....)

So back to davin's initial question...
If you believe in religion... you believe in fate...
If you believe in Big-Bang.. and no god.. then you believe in "order of events" therefore it is still uncontrollable.. since such actions occur irrationally.. with little "probability" in the decision making....

Therefore... it's a tragedy... an unfortunate incident... uncontrollable... that doesn't justify devaluing life... Its not contradictory... at all...

Embryonic Stem Cell Research.... is actually killing life....
(I don't want to get into that argument again... an Embryo is alive....)


Mar 9, 2004
parts i have problems with that are illogical or irritating are bolded in red.

sam04u said:
Which ever way you look at it, this argument was destined to happen....
We have no control over the way our brain functions... and so the same reasoning applies to unfortunate events...
they were destined to happen... as is everything else... everything that happens was meant to... and will...

The only difference is decisions... the harder a decision is the more complex the results are... and it's entirely unique... each "difficult" human decision... it's probability and not destiny... depending on where the particular nerves in the brain are... (completely coincidental) its only one thought though that warrants an argument or an objection... every after thought is just a reinforcement of this...
so because of the complexity... and uncertainty... decisions defy fate... as their is no certainty (in complex decisions or template decisions)....

The brain needs to have a foundation or "mind-set" built...
This defines the complex problems our mind has to undergo... when making decisions on what it constitutes to be "moral"... belief in religion... in a higher order.. in a celestial force... in "good" and "bad"... can change the paths of these decisions. A foundation in the mind which is built on; Confusion, Superiority, And other conclusions which are built by an atheist.... can lead to "illogical" actions... (whatever... "logical" is.....)

To me cutting yourself is illogical...
To me thinking NO god exists is illogical...
To me thinking the BIG BANG had NO celestial interference is illogical...
To me thinking a "HIGHER ORDER" didn't create religion... and mere men did... is illogical...

However, this is just "my opinion" its not necessarily better then yours....
usually its atheists who have these illogical thoughs.... and these thoughts define their morals and their actions...Their thoughs are based on "superiorty" of the human race... where can ideas like socialism... and morals fit into that mind-set? Religion invented it.... Religion invented the world where you can say what you like... how you like... otherwise some of you would be under the leadership of some dictator... or a king.. who would claim he was holy....
Just remember what religion has done...
Most of your morals are based on religion anyways... prior to religion man lived as savages...
(I've made this argument before....)

So back to davin's initial question...
If you believe in religion... you believe in fate...
If you believe in Big-Bang.. and no god.. then you believe in "order of events" therefore it is still uncontrollable.. since such actions occur irrationally.. with little "probability" in the decision making....

Therefore... it's a tragedy... an unfortunate incident... uncontrollable... that doesn't justify devaluing life... Its not contradictory... at all...

Embryonic Stem Cell Research.... is actually killing life....
(I don't want to get into that argument again... an Embryo is alive....)
anyway, the bit about nerves and the atheists are illogical, confused etc, a bit science-y for you, isnt it?


Active Member
Jul 26, 2002
sam04u said:
Just remember what religion has done...
Most of your morals are based on religion anyways... prior to religion man lived as savages...
(I've made this argument before....)
... and many, if not all, facets of religion are based upon social orders that existed prior to the creation of the whichever faith is being discussed.

Nobody here is denying the role that religion has played over the years, but you are in the wrong if you are trying to suggest that social orders and notions of 'right' and 'wrong' only came into existence with the rise of Abraham.


Mar 9, 2004
oh, and do you know what humanism is?

i do agree that it is socially easier to use religion as a way for people to hold values - but it does not mean that people without religion are without morals.

As a person without religion, and with religious friends, I do not see them superior or inferior etc, if they are able to use critical thinking, and are open minded eg: they do not think less of people who participate in sex before marriage, but they would not do so for their personal reasons. Which I respect wholeheartedly.

I think I speak for most of those who do not believe in God or have a religion that they can value people that are religious for soley personal reasons.

It is people like you that parade that atheists are illogical (no im not an atheist) and without morals do I feel intellectually superior over.

Why? Because you're the one with the narrow mind, the one that sweeps generalisations etc.


cheese hater
Feb 1, 2005
within the swiss cheese
sam04u said:
Embryonic Stem Cell Research.... is actually killing life....
(I don't want to get into that argument again... an Embryo is alive....)
oh god, u're one of those ppl.

yes an Embryo is are trees, cows, chickens, flowers..etc etc........

anyway we're pretty sure Embryos dont think for themselves..."Oh Shit, this guy is going to kill me...i wonder if i'll go to heaven?"


New Member
Apr 9, 2006
Hunter Valley, N.S.W
Hi i'm new to this but really want to add to your discussion on the topic.

I am a Christian, I love life and GOD... In my opinion God created the world in 7 days. I know what you're thinking...There is absolutely no logical way that the world was created by one "man" in 7 days.And that's true, FOR MAN. God is no "Man"!!! He's God, and it's in my opinion that the days at the begining of creation were longer than our present day times. It wasn't untill like ancient Roman/Greek times that "Time" (hours of the day) was "invented".

I know someone said at the begining of this forum that you can't use the excuse that "God exists because the bible says so". I think that that is a load of bull. Why can't you? Name one good reason why... Here's one why you can- Because archaeologists have proved its truth and accuracy... 99.9% of the Bible is FACT!!! The only mistake in the bible is the misspelling of a man's name. I don't see why you can't say that "God exists because the bible says so"

Also, on the GOOD v EVIL issue...Definately there is a battle raging around us not just in the physical sense but psychologically, metaphysically and spiritually..."YOU WILL NEVER FIND TRUTH AND HAPPINESS LOOKING FOR IT IN THE DEVIL'S PLAYGROUND" Honestly, the devil is the master deciever, he seeks out to steal, kill and destroy every living creature god created. He plays with your head and makes the entire world belive that the best place to go when you die is hell because there will be massive parties down there... I can tell you it won't happen...Why you ask? Well Jesus conquered death and when he was in Hell for a "millisecond" (actual time unknown) what he saw was sooooo terrible, like the charicatures of hell, it will be firery but there won't be parties, it willk be awefull...It will be HELL!!!

I pose a question for any willing to reply--- If you believe in God while you're on earth, you will go to heaven. If what i'm saying is wrong and the only thing that happens to us when we die is our bodies will rot then what harm is it in believing in god? You live a respectable life, honouring those around you and being happy with you life, believing in a God that you won't even know doesn't exist. Once you die THAT'S IT!!! you don't get a second chance... Why not believe and follow Christ, after all he is the ONLY person to have Conquered death and the Devil!

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