Sophie777 said:
You are one of many billion. God will not answer your prayer. How trivial a god would be to answer a single persons prayer when many are praying opposing things or perhaps for themselves, something similiar.
1 in 6 billion actually... you'll never find another quite like me. God CAN and WILL answer his childrens prayers. If he is omniscient, then the will know what he is going to do. Therefore if people pray for the thing that he's going to do to happen, he will answer "yes, this is what will happen"... if they pray opposing things, the answer will be no.
Questions have two answers, yes and no... thats just common sense. So if two people were to ask two opposing questions, one would be answered yes, the other no. An answer to a question does not have to be yes, you should know that.
Not-That-Bright said:
Saying that those who do not believe will be damned? Them going to hell was obviously a indirectly effected by this...
EVERYBODY is affected by that. Indirectly the Romans would have been affected by it. Jesus didnt come to damn the oppressors of the Jews, he came to liberate those oppressed by the greater oppressor, the oppression of knowing that no matter how "good" a life you lead you cannot please God.
Granted Romans would suffer under this, but so would the self righteous jews, the pompous "christians", ANYONE... you cannot say that he came to damn the Romans because he didnt.
Not-That-Bright said:
So it is fair that a murderer who repents before their death be given the same place in heaven as the people he killed? If so i wonder how many innocent victims have gotten a shock when their murderer has appeared in heaven with them...
Romans 8:1 said:
Therefore, there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus
Is it fair that a man who has been good all his life, yet not chosen to take the offer of forgiveness goes to hell? I dont think so. But for that mans whole life he has been living as though he was god. Everything he did he did because he had the power to do it, and people gave him the reward he wanted, respect and honour. He lived his good life self sufficient from God, and therefore he is going to spend his eternity self sufficient without God.
If a murderer realises that he is wrong, and is aware that he can't please God by himself, so he takes the forgiveness on offer, what about him? He accepts Christ as his representitive, then Christ is labled the murderer, Christ suffers for this mans own judgement. His sin is not forgotten, but his punshment is transfered from him to his representitive.
Have you forgiven, or been forgiven of a massive debt? Any kind of debt at all? Say you hurt someone badly, or they hurt you badly, has forgiveness been applied in this situation. Until you experience such forgiveness, you will not really be aware of how freeing it is. If i were to murder someone, then go to heaven and meet the person i killed, and they were to say 3 little words "I forgive you!", then surely that will be a most freeing feeling. Similarly, if I met my murderer in heaven, not only would i feel the freedom of forgiving, but I also feel the joy that he doesnt have to suffer without God for an eternity.
There are no grudges in heaven, because the feelings behind a grudge die with our old self.
Not-That-Bright said:
Someone who stands by and watches children die? I thought god was bound by his own rules, if so then by his inaction is he not a murderer? what about letting a plane crash when he could stop it? What about the 'miracles' where one person survives a plane crash... that must mean that therefor it is a miracle that the other people died too, therefore god killed and broke his covenant.
Where is the logic in that? If your son makes the choice to kill someone, does that make you a murderer? By his action, do you get the blame for it? It is your sons choice to kill, and you had expressed yourself over and over again saying "DONT KILL", and you set the example in your life, yet he still does it, so why should other people blame you?
I think you'll find it is often human negligence that causes the planes to crash, so therefore humans are responsible. At other times, say if lightning hits the plane, it is blamed on an act of God... but you dont believe in God, and you think science explains everything. Science explains why metal attracts electricity. Why label a God you dont believe in a murderer, if the science that you are sure of is responsible for killing people?
Not-That-Bright said:
Basically...The idea of God sacrificing himself to himself, in order to prevent himself sending us all to Hell for commiting sins because of the way he made us, and which he knew we were going to do anyway.. is just weird.
Sacrificing the life of an unblemished animal takes the punishment I deserve, and transfers it to that animal. That animal becomes my representitive. That sounds cruel, but its what many religions believe. I know that people have a special bond with animals, but i think it would be hard to believe an animal is a humans equal. Its not. Therefore animal sacrifices would need to be continually carried out.
Surely a human sacrifice would need to be carried out only once, because then a human being become the representitive for a human being. BUT, the big problem is that you would need to find a perfect human being if you were to be represented as perfect before God. The only perfect human, would be one that was also God. Hence, weird as it is, that is why God saw it necessary to sacrifice himself.
Despite God's foreknowledge, we have the freedom of choice. Adam had the choice not to sin, yet he chose to rebell. Jesus had the choice to sin, he chose to obey. Because he obeyed, we now have a choice: Accept him as our representitive, or continue to live as our own representitives. I cannot force anyone to accept Jesus as their representitive. All I can do is say these are the options given, you have to decide yourself which option to take.
Not That Bright said:
Now some questions for you, i'd like them answered as no theist has really been bothered to give them the time of day.
An atheist will encounter many and varied claims for the existence of a particular deity. It only seems reasonable to ask for some sort of tangible evidence to back up these claims, does it not? After all, if I ran into the room and shouted "I have just seen a UFO! I was this close to being abducted!", you might not immediately take my word for it. You might well ask for some evidence, such as a photograph (autographed if possible), or strange alien artifact. You might go to the location where I claim to have seen the spaceship, and inspect it for yourself. You could probably think up a number of alternative explanations for what I said I saw. If I fail to support my claims, why on earth should you take my word for it?
If I cant find evidence of the truth, then yes I would be highly skeptical. BUT why should I rule out the fact that you may have seen a UFO? If you saw a UFO, then you may well have seen it, but if i didnt see it as well, then I will not know if you really did see it. Surely I must experience it myself if I am going to fully believe it, but just because I didnt experience it doesnt mean it didnt happen.
Take a meteor shower as an example: If some of my best mates were outside at night and they saw a metoer shower in the sky, yet I was inside and didnt experience it, then is it possible that it still happened? Just because I havent experienced the meteor shower doesnt mean that it doesnt exist. It just means i havent experienced it, and so I'll find it hard to believe.
In the same way, just because you havent experienced the presence of God doesnt mean that he doesnt exist. It means you have havent experience him. Despite how hard you would find it to believe, that doesnt mean that you should discount it all together as something made up.
Not-That-Bright said:
Many common reasons for belief in god...
"Look around you! How can you witness the beauty of God-X's Creation and still disbelieve. Look at the trees, the birds, the bunnies!"
What's wrong with this? Several things:
* Many other religions make exactly the same claim. Why is your one special? Surely the trees, bunnies etc. are therefore equally valid proof of the existence of hundreds of other gods? One supernatural explanation is just as valid as any other.
How does it prove the existance of hundreds of other gods? If the sky has a different kind of splendour to the grass, then does that mean that they were both created by different gods? Is it not possible one God created everything? That there is only one God but because people see varying arrays of creation they choose to believe in varying arrays of gods? My religion is not special because it believes that God is visible in creation... Its different because of the Christ.
Not-That-Bright said:
* Unfortunately, everything you describe can also be explained in mundane, rational, scientific terms, without the need to invoke a Creator.
Creation is physical... and because it is physical, one day we smart human beings may be able to replicate everything in creation... Good for us. It is the spiritual aspect of religion that is impossible to be recreated physically.
Not-That-Bright said:
* What about the nasty things in life? Guinea worms, anthrax, mosquitoes; all the blood-sucking, parasitical, disease-bearing, poisonous beasties that kill us and each other in horrific ways? Watched any nature programmes recently?
The bad things weren't created bad. Creation was created perfect and was designed to last forever according to God's plan. When the first humans sinned, they were like "You created perfection, we choose to be imperfect". Then they, as in Adam and Eve, were cursed (Genesis chapter 3 if you want to look it up). Not only were people cursed, but all creation was cursed because of them.
Romans 8:20 said:
For the creation was subjected to frustration, not by its own choice, but by the will of the one who subjected it
That frustration is the frustration of being made imperfect from perfection. Diseases didn't exist in perfection, but in imperfection they do. Beasties that hurt us and kill us didn't exist in perfection, but in imperfection they do. Imperfect and dangerous though they may be, they still have a certain sense of awe about them.
And yes I do watch nature programs all the time... Go Discovery Channel!
Not-That-Bright said:
"Six hundred million people follow my religion. They can't all be wrong - there must be something in it."
What's wrong with this? Several things:
* Nine hundred million people follow religion Z. Are they all wrong? Truth is not democratic - you can't vote for objective reality.
If religion Z is wrong, then Im afraid all those people would be wrong. If 9 hundred million people thought bulemia was healthy, would it become healthy? No, it would just become popular. There is but one truth, and no matter how many people believe what is false, it will not become a truth.
Not-That-Bright said:
* Maybe they are right. Maybe their god exists as well as your god?
Maybe they are right, maybe their God exists, but two Gods cannot exist together. There can be only one God. If a God is omniscient, omnipresent, and omnipotent, then surely two such beings cannot coexist. Therefore there is only one God that exists, and any other God or gods people worship must be the same God viewed from a different perspective... or maybe their religions god is not a god at all. People worship money, but that doesnt make money an aspect of God.
Not-That-Bright said:
* If they're wrong, couldn't you also be wrong? After all, they seem to believe at least as strongly and sincerely as you do, and for many of the same reasons...
Im not quite sure how to discuss this point because obviously I am biased. In my general opinion, one religion must be the correct one. If there is one God, and one way to get to live with him, then one religion must be correct. Obviously the true God would give to people a true way of getting to him. But I am biased as to what I think that one is.
Being a christian, i chose to believe that Jesus is the Christ, and that because he is THE true God incarnate he speaks THE truth. And when he says he is the ONLY way to get to the Father, then he IS the only way to get to the father.
But other people will disagree with me on that...
Not-That-Bright said:
"I have personally witnessed a miracle. I can trust my senses."
What's wrong with this? Several things:
* Lots of people have personally witnessed Elvis working at the Drive-Thru. Should I believe them also? Without any sort of evidence, personal subjective testimony is not very convincing.
Im not the best theist to answer this lot of questions because I personally havent witnessed any miracles (and I don't need to!).
First off, I have not seen Elvis in person. This makes me not a good judge if i were to see Elvis in a diner. I don't know the person he was, and therfore i cant compare him to the person at the drive-thru.
I also think that Elvis is not a good miracle to compare a religious miracle with. Namely pretty much everyone in Memphis and Las Vegas, and anywhere he was appreciated dresses up like him. I don't know about you, but I havent seen anyone running round dressed like the Virgin Mary, its mainly statues and inanimate objects which are viewed as religious miracles.
Not-That-Bright said:
* Many people from other religions claim to have witnessed miracles. Does this mean that their God also exists? Just how many Gods are there?
You must be aware that not all spiritual miracles are Heaven sent. There is also demons in the spiritual world that have the primary aim of misleading people. Satan, as im sure you've heard of, means Accuser. He isnt what a lot of people think that he is. What he does (and this is evident Genesis and in the book of Job), is try to make the people who are living how God wants to stumble and reject God. I.E. when he makes Eve, who was living perfectly, eat the fruit and live imperfectly.
There is but one God as i stated before, because there can be only one. Miracles do not prove the existance of many gods, but the existance of a spiritual world.
Not-That-Bright said:
* Are you positive that Divine Intervention is the only possible explanation for what you saw?
Cant answer that one sorry...
Not-That-Bright said:
"My God is a living God. All those other ones are just ancient myths."
What's wrong with this? Several things:
* Those gods were "living Gods" to the people who believed in them. Zeuss, Odin and Jupiter once had followers every bit as devout as you.
They may have believed they were "living gods", but gods have no power. The ancient religions had gods for just about everything you can think of, they even had gods they didnt know what they did. If I take a living body, chop it up into so many pieces that I didnt know what piece came from what part of the body, it wouldnt be living anymore... it would just be a piece of God that im worshiping as though it were the whole of God.
Not-That-Bright said:
* Many of the "ancient" religions still have active, devout, sincere followers. Just like you. Why should I accept your claims over theirs identical ones?
Thats where it gets difficult. I cant tell you what to believe. I can only hope that anything I have said may have made you realise that there is, and only can be, one God. And if you can truely believe that there is one God, then you can pray believing that he will hear you, and he will hear you. And after he hears you, you will get an answer
Not-That-Bright said:
* How many people claim to worship dead gods?
You dont have to claim that you worship a dead god... If you are worshiping a stone, it obviously isnt alive, so therefore its dead. If you are worshiping money, it obviously isnt alive and therefore its dead. Any idol that can be made, or is physical, is obviously a spiritually dead god.
Not-That-Bright said:
"We are God's Chosen People."
What's wrong with this? Several things:
* So why doesn't he look after you a bit better? How many of his followers have suffered or died recently? Statistically, are you any better off than followers of other religions?
How well do you want to be looked after? Most people have food to eat and places to sleep, you don't need any more than that.
[QUOTE="Philippians 4:12-13]I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. I can do everything through him who gives me strength.[/QUOTE]
No matter what physical situation a christian is put in, they can always be satisfied in God. Im a real whinger sometimes, but there are so many times when I've known that I dont need to worry because my God is looking out for me, and strengthening me.
About suffering: The times that you feel pain strengthen you to endure it. They also make you appreciate the times that you are not in pain. Just because the situation is bad, or the going is tough doesnt mean suffering is a bad thing. It develops perserverence, and perseverence builds character.
About dying: Man, dying has to suck.... giving up this life of imperfectness to spend eternity with God in paradise. I sure hope I never die because I wouldn't want that at all
![Stick Out Tongue :p :p]()
In my opinion dying isnt that bad. Not that that means i want to run out on the road and die right now, because I love living, and i love hanging out with my friends, but really its all only temporary, so its not that bad.
Not-That-Bright said:
* Again, the same claim is made by other religions. How do I know they aren't the Chosen Ones?
Again, im subjective here. But I believe that the Jews were God's chosen people, then the messiah came and said, "I'm what you're ALL waiting for. Not just Jews but everyone!". Hence everyone "can" be included under the title of Gods chosen people. (I said can in inverted commas because if I explain it further, we get into things which there isnt much point in doing on a forum)
Not-That-Bright said:
* So what are the rest of us here for? What about the ones living in remote villages who will live their entire lives without even hearing of your god?
I believe that all people can partly choose their salvation (it does have biblical reference but im sooooo to lazy to explain it here because its more of a christian thing than a general information thing), so everybody "can" be saved, but not everybody will choose to be. If you remain unconvinced that their is a God, obviously you wont choose to be saved by him.
About the villagers: Is it not concievable that an omniscient God would find a way to inform people of his existance some other way? (Again i have biblical reference, but its not something that I know heaps about, so there would be no point in discussing something i dont really understand yet)
Not-That-Bright said:
"If the probability of something happening is less than about 1e-15 (or 0.000000000000001) it is considered to be impossible. The probability of life occuring 'by accident' is far less than this, therefore it must be a miracle caused by God.."
What's wrong with this? Several things:
* It ignores the size of the universe. There are hundreds of billions of galaxies, each with hundreds of billions of stars, any of which might have planets capable of supporting life. Even an "impossibly improbable" event is almost a certainty (and we already know of one planet that supports life).
I will not rule out the possibility of life on other planets because we are only one tiny planet in one tiny galaxy of a big large universe. But i think its interesting how precisely placed our little planet is. That doesnt prove that a God specifically placed us there, but I think he did.
But i also don't see how finding life on other planets would disprove God exists... maybe thats just me who doesnt see it though...
Not-That-Bright said:
* Statistics are fun, aren't they? Shuffle a deck of playing cards, and lay them out on a table. The probability of the sequence you see appearing is 1/52 for the first card, 1/52 x 1/51 at the second card, 1/52 x 1/51 x 1/50 by the third card and so on. The probability that you produced the sequence you just did is 1/52 x 1/51 x 1/50......x 1/3 x 1/2 x 1/1 ( more simply, 1/(52!) ), or 1.2398e-68 (which is an incredible 0.00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 0000000000000000012398). How can this be?!? Maybe you are hallucinating and it did not actually occur?
You have just done something statistically impossible, trillions of times more unlikely than the formation of life (some say 1e-50 is the "impossibility threshold" instead, but we've beaten that as well). You could even do it six times before breakfast every day!
Statistics are fun Id agree.
Well... I hope that answered some of those questions at least... have fun
(haha i got sloppy with my answers down the bottom sorry... so tired)