whoisurdaddy said:
anyone know any interesting books to read? :O (list would be good)
maybe i can help you

yay books! looking for a job in a bookshop atm.. and am just about to get into a list i've prepared for myself
- but it really depends on what type of books
you like - are you a fluffy/easyreading books type or want ones that are profound/beautiful? or funny?
anyway - my favourites EVER, are Dirt Music and the TUrning (both by tim winton yay

) , The God of Small Things (Arundhati Roy - won the Booker Prize) which is simply AMAZING, the most beautiful writing and yet it's not too heavy to not enjoy reading. Also, just for it's pure awesome witty fun-ness levels

- The Eyre Affair by Jasper Fforde (and all the books in the Thursday Next series. don't bother with the nursery rhyme series, they weren't so good)
also - now don't judge me! i am a little bit of a harry potter fanfic fan

.. however this piece of fanfiction just happens to be, imho, the best out there - better than harry potter itself! i know!! blasphemy! but it is true! and if ur doubting the authors' cred, they're both published authors in other areas

it's called 'The Shoebox Project' and is about Sirius, James, Remus and Peter... this has made me laugh until i couldn't breathe, and cry pretty badly too. it's amazing.
good semi-classics: catcher in the rye
the english patient
1984 (didn't actually like this. but it's probably a good idea to read it just because it's pretty much canon)
lord of the flies (same)
catch 22
the grapes of wrath
ah can't be bothered to think anymore sorry haha
oh but
other awesome stuff:
A spot of Bother - Mark Haddon
White Teeth - Zadie Smith
life of pi (just in case u got thru yr 11 without reading it.. i know our whole grade basically did!)
(trashy/kid fantasy type if u want to go a bit regressive

) - diana wynne jones! esp chrestomanci series

anything tim winton
ahhh i am braindead. why am i still awake? anyway happy reading everyone!