I don't think there is any harm in what Moore has to say. The audience should be smart enough to view it with some level of critical thought. I saw the movie today, and personally, the parts that moved me the most had nothing to do with Bush's money/oil/saudis... the saddest parts for me were those that showed the reality and futility of war, and Moore is certainly not the first to point that out.
Iraq is not the first unjustified war. Yes, Bushie may have convered for his saudi friends, but think of WW1, think of Vietnam.... Iraq is certainly not the first unnecessary war, and Moore is right to criticize the motives for getting there.
You can't take everything he says as gospel, but I think the overriding messages rather than every nitty gritty fact is what is more important.
Did anyone watch the Panel the other night? One of them made a very valid point that it isn't really a documentary, it's more an opinion piece. I think that people need to realize that Moore's work is the equivalent of a visual opinion piece and just like the pieces in the paper, you may or may not agree with it.
And I think sometimes that anti-government lobbyists have to spin things to conteract the spin constructed by governments....... the whole world is spin, get used to it... you have to look at everything critically.