rumour said:
No, isn't GST is a flat tax on goods and services?
That is a regressive, where low income earners pay a greater precentgae of their incomes on tax, compared to higher income earners!!!!
Therefore I think a flat tax rate is a bad idea.
Most taxes in Australia are regressive: GST, stamp duty, land tax, parking fines, speeding tickets, import duties, fuel & tobacco excises, etc.
Hovever, the Commonwealth's two largest sources of revenue are not. Personal Income Tax is progressive and company income tax is proportional.
In assesing the merits of whether a tax is a good idea or a bad idea, we have to look at effectiveness vs. efficiency.
It is very efficient to have a flat sales tax like GST, bot not very effective. This is because necessities are taxed at the same rate as luxury goods (which is a bad idea). But at the same time, because the GST applies to just about every good, its fairly hard to evade as a tax (you have to stop consuming or shop at really dodgy places to evade it).
Hence there is no perfect system of taxation. Countries try very hard to find a proper balance. The reason that so many people are arguing for a flatter tax system in Australia is because the difference between the company tax rate (30%) and the top marginal tax rate (48.5%) allows many people to establish trusts and pay tax through companies, as opposed to paying the tax as individuals.
If the top tax rate falls to 30%, then high income individuals will not have to restructure their tax affairs to reduce their tax rate down to 30%.
So basically, they'll have to find an even more complicated loophole to get their tax down below 30%.