Groucho Marxist
haha, i'm not one to have a dig at benitez but they're both cup managers.
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Le HAC tient à exprimer son indignation à la suite des agissements des dirigeants de Manchester United concernant le jeune Paul Pogba.ffs
man united poached paul pogba (france U-16 captain) from le havre
Pretty long celebration. But then again, cracker of a goal.he was very unhappy because he didn't get playing time. in the end, milan did let him go because it was clear he wasn't figuring in their plans as they prefer over the hill 35 year olds. he was stagnating, glad he moved.
not sure if you guys have seen this, but this is my favourite goal of last season.
My French isn't good lol. Luckily Babelfish's is:Le HAC tient à exprimer son indignation à la suite des agissements des dirigeants de Manchester United concernant le jeune Paul Pogba.
Paul Pogba, ses parents et le H.A.C. se sont liés par un contrat dénommé « accord de non sollicitation » dès l’automne 2006. Aux termes de ce contrat les trois parties se sont engagées à se lier par un contrat « aspirant » dès lors que le joueur répondrait aux critères d’âges et de scolarité requis par la loi. Ces critères sont remplis au titre de la saison 2009/2010 qui s’ouvre.
Pour autant, le joueur et ses parents refusent de tenir l’engagement souscrit parce que le club de Manchester United a offert de très fortes sommes d’argents aux parents du Ciel et Marine dans le but d’obtenir le transfert de leur fils en Angleterre.
Ce grand club européen à la prestigieuse histoire n’a ainsi pas hésité à mettre le joueur et ses parents « hors la loi » (la Commission Juridique de la Ligue de Football Professionnel a rappelé le 9 juillet dernier que le contrat de non sollicitation « doit être transformé en contrat ») pour débaucher le joueur à moindre coût. Cet acte insensé est encore plus inacceptable lorsqu’il provient d’un club d’une telle envergure. Au moment où de nombreuses voix, y compris au niveau de l’Union Européenne, des gouvernements, ou de la FIFA et de l’UEFA s’élèvent contre la « traite des mineurs », Manchester United n’hésite pas à déraciner un gamin de 16 ans !
Le HAC rappelle que ce sont ces mêmes dirigeants qui, il y a quelques semaines, prétendaient donner des leçons de moralité à propos des sommes mises en jeux par certains clubs lors du marché estival et qui se retrouvent aujourd’hui à piller le HAC, et le football français, de l’un de ses meilleurs jeunes.
Le H.A.C. entend en appeler aux instances afin qu’elles dénoncent de tels comportements et qu’elles les sanctionnent lourdement. Il mettra tout en œuvre, pour que de tels agissements fassent l’objet de la réprobation de tous, et pour défendre la formation des jeunes, seule à même de préserver les valeurs du sport.
from Site Officiel du Hac
they aren't happy, lol. they're basically saying they poached him by offering massive amounts of money to his parents.
The HAC makes a point of expressing its indignation following the intrigues of the leaders of Manchester United concerning the young person Paul Pogba. Paul Pogba, his parents and the H.A.C. bound by a contract called “agreement of nonrequest” as of the autumn 2006.
Under the terms of this contract the three parts began to bind by an “aspiring” contract since the player would answer the criteria of ages and schooling required by the law. These criteria are filled with the title of the season 2009/2010 which opens. For as much, the player and his parents refuse to keep to the subscribed commitment because the club of Manchester United offered very large sums of moneys to the parents of the Sky and Marine with an aim of obtaining the transfer of their son in England.
This large European club with the prestigious history thus did not hesitate to put the player and his parents “out the law” (the Legal commission of the Professional football league pointed out last on July 9 that the contract of nonrequest “must be transformed into contract”) to discharge the player with lower costs. This foolish act is even more unacceptable when it comes from a club of such a scale.
At the moment when many voices, including on the level of the European Union, the governments, or the FIFA and the UEFA protest against the “draft of the minors”, Manchester United does not hesitate to uproot a 16 year old kid! The HAC recalls that they are these same leaders who, a few weeks ago, claimed to give lessons of morality in connection with the sums put in plays by certain clubs at the time of the estival market and which are found today to plunder the HAC, and French football, of the one of its best young people.
The H.A.C. intends to call some with the authorities so that they denounce such behaviors and that they sanction them heavily. It will put all works about it, so that such intrigues are the subject of the reprobation of all, and to defend the training of young people, only capable to preserve the values of the sport.
i get what you mean, but the system always seems to benefit the same clubs.Blame the system, not the club I guess. Why doesn't Leeds try this strategy? Chelsea stole our two weapons from us (cunts) so what goes around comes around in football I hope.