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Fraser was warned on Lebanese Muslims (1 Viewer)


Aug 17, 2006
withoutaface said:
The notion of assimilation is that if you come here you should have a respect for democracy, a respect for Australian laws, and above all a general sense of courtesy towards everyone else. Good examples of where this has worked are in the Italian and Greek communities, where their crime rates are no higher or lower than the rest of Australia, but they still manage to keep a great degree of their own heritage (e.g. just take a walk down Norton St). But when you have a community such as the Lebanase community with two times the number of rapists per capita, or the Vietnamese community with similar figures for drug convictions (I'll try to dig up the article that had these stats if you wish), you have a problem.
Speaking of which, does anyone know exactly why the Lebanese community seems so hostile and isolated from the rest of the australian community? Bear in mind that Religion does not play the major factor in this case - there are plenty of Catholic Lebanese people who have similar thoughts regarding their isolation from the rest of the Australian community.

Perhaps someone might have some research or some possible theory towards it all? (Aryanbeauty need not apply :))


May 19, 2006
Muslims men (leb or not)in general does not treat women equal to men and wives are considered a commodity
Where do you get this bullshit from. Wives... treated as a commodity!! are u f*** insane. Id agree with you if you were maybe referring to say the corrupted/ royal family in say Saudi etc etc due to their huge money reserves which they essentially abuse but lets not focus on traditional traits which fiffer everywhere in the arab world and look at the 1 religion they all follow... Once youve done that youll see what a fool youve made of yourself thinking that females are basically treated like dirt!!. Heres the first step mr deluded:http://www.iad.org/books/S-women.html

If anything, it was muslims who helped bring rights to females after various degrading acts throughout history toward females. But i will agree that yes there is a problem in various muslim countries of female treatment but in most cases it involves poorer regions . But for you to generalise about muslim men seeing wives as a commodity shows how silly a thing you are!! You speak about how various females reacted to the gangrapes saying they deserved it blah blah with an aim of making it seem as though the whole lebanese/muslim community think like that. Why dont you quote the astounding lebanese/muslim majority who condemned the rapes. Or is it some untold zionist obligation of always defaming muslims as worthless and barbaric. The majority wanted skaf to be punished for such a discusting act but what also brought outcry was the initial sentence of 55 years. Thats unheard of anywhere in the western world for a rape case. Its also quite dangerous as various criminal acts need to be punished in proportion so to prevent say girls getting murdered after being raped. Put it this way, if our legal system didnt discriminate between races and gave all gangrapists 55 years as a sentence but gave a 25 year or so sentence to murder case then we will be witnessing more deaths.


may our bodies remain
Jun 21, 2006
S1M0 said:
Speaking of which, does anyone know exactly why the Lebanese community seems so hostile and isolated from the rest of the australian community? Bear in mind that Religion does not play the major factor in this case - there are plenty of Catholic Lebanese people who have similar thoughts regarding their isolation from the rest of the Australian community.

Perhaps someone might have some research or some possible theory towards it all? (Aryanbeauty need not apply :))
I guess its always been an 'Us Vs Them' mentality, the Lebanese community is still relatively young (1970s), as compared to the Greek and Italian community which have been here for a bit longer. I'm pretty sure the Lebanese community will be able to settle down, it just takes a bit of time, and of course there are going to be events which the majority will try and forget, while a minority dig them up and continue to use to hinder progress.


Active Member
Dec 12, 2005
S1M0 said:
Speaking of which, does anyone know exactly why the Lebanese community seems so hostile and isolated from the rest of the australian community? Bear in mind that Religion does not play the major factor in this case - there are plenty of Catholic Lebanese people who have similar thoughts regarding their isolation from the rest of the Australian community.

Perhaps someone might have some research or some possible theory towards it all? (Aryanbeauty need not apply :))
I'm not sure that's really true. The Catholic Lebanese are considerably more integrated. They have signifigantly higher average incomes and they are more dispersed throughout metropolitan Australia.


Jan 3, 2007
1] The problems with the Lebanese community have absolutely nothing to do with the Fraser Government. I think socio-economic factors are the reason as to why there is a problem with certain parts of the Lebanese community. Racism however will only segregrate them and create even more hostility that will never make it worse.

2] Multiculturalism is a reality, not a policy. Those that are saying it's a policy are completely deluded.


Ecclesiastical Die-Hard
Jul 14, 2004
My Prof. gave the interview on this


Feb 1, 2006
withoutaface said:
The notion of assimilation is that if you come here you should have a respect for democracy, a respect for Australian laws, and above all a general sense of courtesy towards everyone else.
Then there are a lot of Australians who still need to be assimilated. In fact, going by what values you have listed here as being 'Australian', 95% of Australians are indeed not Australians at all. You also assume that these values are values that are not shared by those who come to Australia.

withoutaface said:
Good examples of where this has worked are in the Italian and Greek communities, where their crime rates are no higher or lower than the rest of Australia, but they still manage to keep a great degree of their own heritage (e.g. just take a walk down Norton St).
Everyone is a criminal in some way. How does crime indicate how "assimilated' they are? What type of crime? You assume that Australia is some privy 19th century society where everybody walks around with posh accents drinking cups of tea, going to church every Sunday. I don't know if you've looked around but society isn't like that. Why should you expect ethnic minorities to have a clean slate, yet not the rest of the country? It's impossible for any group of people to be crime free.

withoutaface said:
But when you have a community such as the Lebanase community with two times the number of rapists per capita, or the Vietnamese community with similar figures for drug convictions (I'll try to dig up the article that had these stats if you wish), you have a problem.
There's no point in classifying them by ethnicity, it's fruitless. What do you suggest happen? Everyone concede and say "oooh yes, lebanese have a higher number of rapists than every other 'group' "? Then what? Deportations? Exterminations?

And if you do have a problem with these groups, then why don't you complain to the very political party which you belong to? The very political party which is letting in record numbers of these people?

People like you, like to stir the pot. You like to add fuel to the fire.
Last edited:

Captain Gh3y

Aug 10, 2005
falling from grace with god
Well for a more extreme case you can look at Sweden where 85% of convicted rapists are immigrants or sons of immigrants from Africa, Middle East etc. You can also get a better idea of what's causing it from people from certain cultures making statements to the effect of women deserving rape. So then you might ask why that's the case and what you can do about it, whether that's addressing socio-economic issues or restricting certain types of immigration or targeting certain groups for law enforcement.

Or you could try to argue that anyone who points out statistics on crimes by ethnicity or religion or some other characteristic is actually calling for exterminations. That seems like a "pretend it isn't happening" sort of approach, and it's also entering the dangerous territory of implying any sort of classification is wrong, as if the little old lady is just as likely to commit armed robbery as the gang of armed men.


Aug 17, 2006
Optophobia said:
Then there are a lot of Australians who still need to be assimilated. In fact, going by what values you have listed here as being 'Australian', 95% of Australians are indeed not Australians at all. You also assume that these values are values that are not shared by those who come to Australia.

Everyone is a criminal in some way. How does crime indicate how "assimilated' they are? What type of crime? You assume that Australia is some privy 19th century society where everybody walks around with posh accents drinking cups of tea, going to church every Sunday. I don't know if you've looked around but society isn't like that. Why should you expect ethnic minorities to have a clean slate, yet not the rest of the country? It's impossible for any group of people to be crime free.

There's no point in classifying them by ethnicity, it's fruitless. What do you suggest happen? Everyone concede and say "oooh yes, lebanese have a higher number of rapists than every other 'group' "? Then what? Exterminations?
You do have a point here. Its quite frankly, racism - although it is fueled not neccesarily by hatred, but more like fear and ignorance for the culture and the language.

Not only that, but when the Cronulla Riots occured, there weren't just protesting against the lebanese community, they even included Italians, Greeks, Croatians, people of "middle-eastern appearance", indians (bangladeshians,etc) - basically people who were non-white. There were people with "ethnic-clensing unit" t-shirts, clothing which had imprinted "mohammed is a camel-raping faggot" and even white versions of the Australian flag - where instead of blue there was white.
Now - despite the fact that the greeks and italians "assimilated" they were still targeted. When you do consider all of this you can only surmise that its blatant racism.

Any thoughts?


Jul 2, 2004
S1M0 said:
You do have a point here. Its quite frankly, racism - although it is fueled not neccesarily by hatred, but more like fear and ignorance for the culture and the language.

Not only that, but when the Cronulla Riots occured, there weren't just protesting against the lebanese community, they even included Italians, Greeks, Croatians, people of "middle-eastern appearance", indians (bangladeshians,etc) - basically people who were non-white. There were people with "ethnic-clensing unit" t-shirts, clothing which had imprinted "mohammed is a camel-raping faggot" and even white versions of the Australian flag - where instead of blue there was white.
Now - despite the fact that the greeks and italians "assimilated" they were still targeted. When you do consider all of this you can only surmise that its blatant racism.

Any thoughts?
I think that riot was hijacked by neo-Nazis of Anglo decent who are loyal to the Australia First political party. A party which advocates the removal of all people from Australia who are not of Anglo-Celtic heritage. I hope most of the people rioting were against what some of those racist thugs were doing/saying/displaying.

However, i believe the aggressive actions by Lebanese males prior to the riot led a lot of people to be intolerant.


New Member
Jan 3, 2007
reply to a bonko banco!!

Firstly, let me just give you a brief introduction to the people who surround me. My father is a lebanese christian and a great man indeed. My partner is a lebanese muslim who i am ever so thankful for. My brother is an australian born lebanese psychopathic corrupt christian- but thats ok because he is still christian right?

I myself am a christian born and raised. As I was growing up every sunday was family day and concluded with a sunday mass. I have also grown up absolutely despising the muslim religion.

Now at 19 years of age I have finally made the first decision that has torn up the scripts of my childhood story.
That decision was to put aside my own faith and gain as much knowledge as possible on the religion I once knew as the terrorist faith. For me to accept my partner and his family and the entirety of their beliefs this was somthing I felt I needed to do.

At first I addressed Islam with great bias. I didnt want to feel that any good could possibly come out of the Qu'ran or the mouth of Mohammed. Now, I am not at all saying that Islam is the right religion, but how can we discriminate against a religion that professes peace, kindness, love to all, trust, dedication, and compassion- especially to the less fortunate!

You say that Fraser was warned on Lebanese muslims. Well tell me this:
If you had fled your home in search of something more, something safe, something with future and the place of assylum you sought after had already been warned of your untrustwothy coming, how would you feel?

Would you feel like you had even been given half a chance?

Yes, Im sure at first you would play nice. Be respectful. Try to make good to the people that gave you the back of their hand, but it wouldnt take you long to give up.

Now, I know there are crimes that been commited. Crimes so destructive that they should barely be mentioned.

But you then must tell me- why is it that Christians are forgiven for the wrong doings and mass murders of Hitler and his army. Should not Christians also be persecuted for the actions of someone else??

No! you say? Should we not allow any German christians into Australia in fear that they may soon unleash a grudge on an innocent Jew. Dont you think thats a bit ridiculous?

You see... you fool...

You are so easily influenced by the media and are quick to judge somthing you truly know nothing of.

I know many muslims... muslims who are so kind and so loving.

I also know many christians that without them I would feel so saddended.

So bonko banco... think next time before you discriminate against and judge an influenial group in society. For its people like you that give just one more reason for retaliation.


Oct 13, 2004
ZabZu said:
I think that riot was hijacked by neo-Nazis of Anglo decent who are loyal to the Australia First political party. A party which advocates the removal of all people from Australia who are not of Anglo-Celtic heritage. I hope most of the people rioting were against what some of those racist thugs were doing/saying/displaying.


People went down because of messages like "Bash a Leb and wog day"


Oct 13, 2004
Optophobia said:
The media portrayal of the actions of Lebanese males prior to the riot was a contributing factor towards peoples intolerance, yes. The media spent years egging on anti-middle eastern attitudes. Egging it on, egging it on.. Portraying them as rapists, portraying them as terrorists, as people threatening the Australian way of life... Creating ACA and Today Tonight stories.
Then, when something finally happens (ie. a large crowd of naive bigots gather at the scene to protest against what they think is happening to their country) the media then have the nerve to portray the very same people (who are the product of useless media reports) as racists and something to be despised!

Thats a good point. The first person that comes to mind is Alan Jones. He was encouraging people to go down to Cronulla for 'justice'.


Sep 29, 2005
Miles Edgeworth said:
Hay guys it's cool I figured it all out it was all just ZOG manipulating you through the jew media again, Iran and the Muslims are our friends lol they're just introducing our women to the way they do things in their countries.

OH my god you guys are so swayed by the media oh my god why cant you be as smart as me when I see 'muslim terrorist' in the paper I automatically read behind the veil of lies and see 'puppy loving happy person with giant smiles and hugs'! omg the jew hand has covered your eyes guyz!
Stick to NS please. :)

Captain Gh3y

Aug 10, 2005
falling from grace with god
Optophobia said:
Why Sweden? Doesn't it occur to you that its something to do with this society and how it collects statistics which makes it appear disproportionate? What applies in Sweden, obviously doesn't apply in Australia, otherwise you would have given the statistics for Australia (which you didn't). You're not looking at it globally, you're picking one example (which is likely to be rubbish in some way) to justify your prejudice.
You've made a few assumptions with no apparent reason for them:
1. I have a prejudice (I don't)
2. The statistic isn't correct (it is)
3. I could not have just as easily picked another example of a disproportionate amount of a certain crime by a particular group in a society. I chose this one because it tends to have the most impact.
In my post I stated that the reason for looking at statistics and attitudes from the communities/groups they concern is to identify the problems they have in the society they have, in this case, migrated to. I then provided three examples of action one might take to reduce the problem (which might hopefully reduce the disproportionate nature of the statistics in future), two of which you ignored completely and one of which you used to construct the straw man that I had a racist agenda.

Do you seriously think immigration is ever going to be restricted? It's impossible to do, especially due to global trading. And what grounds do we use to refuse them entry? That 2% of them are rapists? What about Asians, do we reject them because 5% of them can't drive on the roads?
A sovereign nation shouldn't have to provide any justification for controlling who can enter it. Clearly there's something wrong with you if you can't understand the difference between gang rape and the stereotype (which makes you implicitly "racist", by the way) about Asian drivers. In fact you appear to have invented those two numbers out of thin air. I propose that this makes it impossible for me to "discredit" what you have said in light of it not having any credibility to begin with.

They might not be calling for exterminations (as racism in this era tends to be economically based, rather than scientifically or religiously based) but they sure aren't pointing out anything useful. You can point out disproportions all you like.
If there is no use in pointing out disproportions then, for example, all forms of Aboriginal affairs organisations ought to be abolished. They, for example, exist due to the disproportionately high level of poverty and unemployment among Indigenous people in this country. The existence of this problem was presumably identified on the basis of statistics concerning the living standards of these people. The organisations that exist are (ideally) a response to the issues identified. Should we not also attempt to address, where they exist, high levels of crime of a certain nature within particular communities? The statistic that 8 out of 10 black males in the USA will be convicted in their lifetime is often cited as an instance of institutionalised racism in that country, because the lower living standards in general of blacks is a factor in their increased rate of offenses. Logically you would think that the country would be considered less racist if that rate could be reduced. No different here, albeit on a smaller scale.

But what are you going to do about it? Point out statistics and shove them in the face of minorities and tell them that they are all criminals? It creates marginalization and gets no where. All it does is serve to get people like you worried and concerned (over nothing), yet you are dis empowered to do anything.
I've already given examples of what to "do about it", and furthermore if the issues get worse with time, as they appear to have done with the Lebanese Muslim community in Sydney, then it is perfectly valid to ask:
- Was it a good idea to bring them here in the first place?
- Why are we so 'dis empowered'?
- Isn't it just because Morris Iemma is in the seat of Lakemba? (probably)

It creates a hostile environment filled with hate (which, i might add, some people might thrive in, because they are sick puppies) but it's not the kind of society a normal person would want to live in.
Well that's the whole central idea behind political correctness and censorship isn't it? The idea that facts should be kept secret because they'll make some people feel bad, and it's better to pretend problems don't exist because if you talk about them they might upset people.

Yeh, so all men who might possibly be in a gang of armed men, should be deported from Australia immediately. This includes all men 18 - 30. In fact, everyone except little old ladies (who are assumed to be incapable of committing crimes due to their age) are banned from Australia. But then little old Mrs Smith decides to lie to Centrelink and gets $50 a week on her pension in stead of $48. Holy shit, she's a criminal as well. Deportation it is. Australia, according to you, must exist as some blank landscape filled with no humans at all.
Once again we have you taking things I didn't really say and making assumptions:
1. I called for deportations (I did not)
2. I called for deportations for any type of crime in general (I did not)
3. I called for equal punishments, profiling, etc. for all types of crimes and across all means of identification (age, gender, etc.)
4. All crime is such that anyone who breaks the law is not fit to live in this country
Well, no, I never said anything like that, you're the only one who claimed in your previous post that "everyone is criminal in some way". I think this demonstrates some sort of sick moral equivalence on your part. Surely you must understand the reasons why different convictions carry different punishments.


Premium Member
Jul 14, 2004
Optophobia said:
Then there are a lot of Australians who still need to be assimilated. In fact, going by what values you have listed here as being 'Australian', 95% of Australians are indeed not Australians at all. You also assume that these values are values that are not shared by those who come to Australia.

Everyone is a criminal in some way. How does crime indicate how "assimilated' they are? What type of crime? You assume that Australia is some privy 19th century society where everybody walks around with posh accents drinking cups of tea, going to church every Sunday. I don't know if you've looked around but society isn't like that. Why should you expect ethnic minorities to have a clean slate, yet not the rest of the country? It's impossible for any group of people to be crime free.

There's no point in classifying them by ethnicity, it's fruitless. What do you suggest happen? Everyone concede and say "oooh yes, lebanese have a higher number of rapists than every other 'group' "? Then what? Deportations? Exterminations?

And if you do have a problem with these groups, then why don't you complain to the very political party which you belong to? The very political party which is letting in record numbers of these people?

People like you, like to stir the pot. You like to add fuel to the fire.
I never said that everyone in the Anglo-Saxon community was perfect, I just said that having an ethnic community with a distinctly higher rate of serious felonies is a serious issue, that should be looked at without all of this PC bullshit. Should we say "No, the surveys are obviously wrong because they show something we don't want to see"?


Apr 9, 2003
Sydney, Inner West
withoutaface said:
I never said that everyone in the Anglo-Saxon community was perfect, I just said that having an ethnic community with a distinctly higher rate of serious felonies is a serious issue, that should be looked at without all of this PC bullshit. Should we say "No, the surveys are obviously wrong because they show something we don't want to see"?
How incredibly politically incorrect of you. We anglo-saxons don't have a community. It's more of a racist motivated "gang" who hunt down Lebs.



Oct 13, 2004
A paragraph from an article:

The Outsiders
Tuesday, November 7, 2006
Source: The Bulletin Magazine, Australia

In the neighbouring Campsie command, a community-based model is employed and the crime stats are right down. A senior Campsie officer, Detective Chief Inspector Lindsay Rogerson, says there is no gang war on his beat and Australian Lebanese kids "are not over-represented" in crime stats. Despite an entrenched view that these young men have a propensity for raping nice white girls, sexual assault is not a pressing problem here, says Rogerson.


Aug 17, 2006
Optophobia said:
Surveys never give the full picture. They are simply capitalised upon by people who have racist motives.
Very true. They usually pick around 1000 or so from a particular group and express those 1000 as the country's opinion, when it really isn't.

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