I actually don't really care about someone's sexuality, and i honestly have nothing against homosexual couples.
I feel i'm against people bringing a child into the world, knowing they'll be ridiculed.
I mean, yes, surely the situation will dull down a bit, but do you honestly think there won't be a group of people who will still ridicule gays and make them feel frightened? I mean the KKK still exists despite the fact that it's illegal, you'd think people would get over it but they simply don't.
I wouldn't say specifically gays shouldn't have kids, but rather generalise and say that if you're going to bring a child into the world, and fear they may be ridiculed, then you should definitely re-think it...I feel sorry for Snooki from Jersey Shore's kid for example.
idk, just my opinion. Then again, though, anyone has the chance to get bullied etc. when they're growing up, but idk, i feel like if the chances are increased dramatically, the last thing we want is more depression and sad children in this world who need to deal with bullying...but i disagree with the idea of fitting in with a "norm" ... damn these conflicting perspectives.