chloe169 said:
so now im 'pathetic' and 'stupid' because i like certain styles of clothing?
you only sounded pathetic because of your "attempt" at sounding interested in what i have to say. as you said,
so let me get this straight... youre allowed to have an opinion and like and dislike certain clothes, yet im not?
i never said that. get your facts right.
dude, why get so worked up for.
dude, i'm not worked up, i'm mearly replying to your posts.
i find that most of the time i can find clothes that are of very high quality and well made from gen pants and sds stores
from where i'm sitting, it looks like you're only buying from sds & gp because, as you stated,
my wardrobe mostly consists of Gen Pants/SDS labels cos i get free/heavily discounted stuff
i had a feeling she would shop at some of the same places as i do, and i was right, thus she is carrying on like a fool when she tries to separate me into some other class of person who only shops at trendy expensive stores.
ogm! you were right! kill me now!
seriously, fuck off. i dont give a shit were you shop. you're the stupid one who started this whole thing and now you're going on about how perfect you are because you shop at similar stores to me. lots of people shop at certain places and lots of people chose not to shop at certain others. you being such a 'perfect', well-rounded shopper is pathetic because not only are you trying to prove how "trendy" you are, but you're sounding like a complete and utter tryhard
i hope all this replying isnt to tough on your little brain