My father thinks I am: approachable, have an active brain, temperamental
My mother thinks I am: spoil, selfish, arrogant, tolerable and her self-reflection
My sibling(s) thinks I am: bossy, a bootyshaker, fashion idol & personal stylist
My best friend thinks I am: bossy, loyal, likes to mingle, the organiser, the DD, talkative, opinionated and temperamental
Your three best qualities: bubbly, good listener and … I dunno
Three worst qualities: quite straight forward, stubborn, cold hearted, bitchy & temperamental .. ohh crap, thats 5 & i was being modest
Three things you are often complimented for: being the social organiser, looking at the bright side of things, change in hair style & colours
A compliment you got that made you truly blush: pretty smile =.-“
You get embarrassed when: mis-pronounce things, typos, take the jokes too far, on train while being fully dressup for a night out
Makes you happy: when I get what I want, being with friends, shopping because it makes the world seem perfect & safe
Upsets you: I don’t get what I want, people bitched about you, bad mark, out of money or when things malfunctioned & i cannot control the situation
You keep a diary: no
You like to cook: yes/no???
You fold your underwear: never
You talk in your sleep: don’t think so…
You bite your fingernails: yes
Movie you rented: saw
Movie you bought: matchstick man
Movie you saw in the theater: dark water (sooo shit)
Song you listened to: Can't Lick You Out of My Head to Toe - Kylie Minogue vs Ludacris (Q Mix Mashup)
CD you listened to: jamiroquai - dynamite
Person you've called: nip re-court, appeal, dad being worry
Person that's called you: long re-hows the hang o
ver? Why are you at work??
TV show you've watched: simpsons
Person you are thinking of: karen – wonder if she fits into my clothes
You wish you could live somewhere else: yes, a cozy apartment in the city
You believe in online dating: no. you can meet someone online but its hard to maintain a relationship without direct communications (face to face) or physical contact
Others find you attractive: *shrug*
You want more piercings: nod nod, another princess cut bling on my ear
You want more tattoos: not more, but the 1st, at the back of my neck
You drink: lately – barely since I drive. Last night - alots
You like cleaning: my room & the toilet (clean mirror

You like roller coasters: only the one for children
You write in cursive or print: cursive… scribbly actually
You carry a donor card: nope
Have you...
Ever cried over a boy/girl: I wish…
Ever lied to someone: *cough cough* no * cough*
Ever been in a fist fight: fighting are for boys
Ever been arrested: yes
Shampoo do you use: pantene new range, for brunette
Cologne do you use: ck contradiction, elizaberth arden 5th avenue or paris hilton
Shoes do you always wear: peep toes gold/bronze heels, hav’s or lace up bronze thongs