My father thinks I am: i dont know
My mother thinks I am: lazy but smart
My sibling(s) thinks I am: my sister thinks im a fat bitch lol but my brother's cool (Y)
My best friend thinks I am: hard on myself (i complain a lot lol)
Your three best qualities: im happy! =) lol , not judgemental, and errm... i dunno what else
Three worst qualities: im lazy, i act retarded when im not thinking =/ , and i dunno
Three things you are often complimented for: singing (even though im crap lol), errrmm... my hair (even though its just normal typical asian hair), i can only think of 2 of everything lol
A compliment you got that made you truly blush: compliments from the guy tht i used to like lol
You get embarrassed when: i dont get embarrassed that much cuz weird is normal for me lol ... ohhh except yesterday this guy was like "r u the one thats singing all the time? r u like..." and then i ran away lol. that was hella gay!
Makes you happy: PEANUT BUTTER!!! ohh and chocolate ... omg nutella and picnic <333
Upsets you: i dunno... sometimes i get upset by really useless stuff and other times i dont give a poop if something really bad happens =|
You keep a diary: no
You like to cook: i love cooking
i like baking lol
You fold your underwear: nope i dont even fold my clothes
You talk in your sleep: i dont think so
You bite your fingernails: no thats germy
Movie you rented: dont remember
Movie you bought: im too tight for that
Movie you saw in the theater: the brothers grimm... it was good... <3 matt damon!
Song you listened to: 'breakaway' on the radio... and i was singing along in the car and making my mummy deaf
CD you listened to: michelle branch - the spirit room
Person you've called: my friend belli
Person that's called you: my friend belli
TV show you've watched: im watching neighbours now
Person you are thinking of: belli, when answering the previous questions
You wish you could live somewhere else: nahh
You believe in online dating: nope lol
Others find you attractive: probably not lol
You want more piercings: yes, on my ears
You want more tattoos: nope
You drink: yes but not a lot cuz it makes you fat lol
You like cleaning: no. im a grub
You like roller coasters: yes
You write in cursive or print: cursive
You carry a donor card: i dunno what that is
Have you...
Ever cried over a boy/girl: lol... yeh... how saddd
Ever lied to someone: yep
Ever been in a fist fight: no
Ever been arrested: no
Shampoo do you use: Dove
Cologne do you use: Ralph Blue andElizabeth Arden Green Tea
Shoes do you alwys wear: my white and pink slip-on ones ... i need new shoes
My mother thinks I am: lazy but smart
My sibling(s) thinks I am: my sister thinks im a fat bitch lol but my brother's cool (Y)
My best friend thinks I am: hard on myself (i complain a lot lol)
Your three best qualities: im happy! =) lol , not judgemental, and errm... i dunno what else
Three worst qualities: im lazy, i act retarded when im not thinking =/ , and i dunno
Three things you are often complimented for: singing (even though im crap lol), errrmm... my hair (even though its just normal typical asian hair), i can only think of 2 of everything lol
A compliment you got that made you truly blush: compliments from the guy tht i used to like lol
You get embarrassed when: i dont get embarrassed that much cuz weird is normal for me lol ... ohhh except yesterday this guy was like "r u the one thats singing all the time? r u like..." and then i ran away lol. that was hella gay!
Makes you happy: PEANUT BUTTER!!! ohh and chocolate ... omg nutella and picnic <333
Upsets you: i dunno... sometimes i get upset by really useless stuff and other times i dont give a poop if something really bad happens =|
You keep a diary: no
You like to cook: i love cooking
You fold your underwear: nope i dont even fold my clothes
You talk in your sleep: i dont think so
You bite your fingernails: no thats germy
Movie you rented: dont remember
Movie you bought: im too tight for that
Movie you saw in the theater: the brothers grimm... it was good... <3 matt damon!
Song you listened to: 'breakaway' on the radio... and i was singing along in the car and making my mummy deaf
CD you listened to: michelle branch - the spirit room
Person you've called: my friend belli
Person that's called you: my friend belli
TV show you've watched: im watching neighbours now
Person you are thinking of: belli, when answering the previous questions
You wish you could live somewhere else: nahh
You believe in online dating: nope lol
Others find you attractive: probably not lol
You want more piercings: yes, on my ears
You want more tattoos: nope
You drink: yes but not a lot cuz it makes you fat lol
You like cleaning: no. im a grub
You like roller coasters: yes
You write in cursive or print: cursive
You carry a donor card: i dunno what that is
Have you...
Ever cried over a boy/girl: lol... yeh... how saddd
Ever lied to someone: yep
Ever been in a fist fight: no
Ever been arrested: no
Shampoo do you use: Dove
Cologne do you use: Ralph Blue andElizabeth Arden Green Tea
Shoes do you alwys wear: my white and pink slip-on ones ... i need new shoes
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