Looking for alabrandi..but dont like how they go so quick with Johns death...in the book its decent and stuff! But yeah i bawl in that lol.
Um The castle definately, crackerjack!, um the extra was goodish (jimeon wasnt that funny...went to see it a few times coz colin lane was in it, hehe playing a camp guy=fucking HILARIOUS...plus love the indian guy in the bit where um Rhys character finally has the movie and the indian guy goes i dont remember filming this bit

Um Muriels wedding....
The Dish
Wog Boy hehe/The Wannabes
The Games....well more a tv series but oh well.
Dons party...only watched it coz i wanted to see the stage version which i never got to go and see...long movie andboring...but ewww i dont want to see Graham kennedysnuts ....or the rest of the old farts lol...apparently the stage play was more cleaner lol...
Hating allison ashley...i enjoyed that better than the book i think...
He Died With A Felafel In His Hand..hmm bit ew
Malcom, ive seen the ads on The Games dvd and it looks funny.
Rabbit proof fence...cried like hell.
Strictly ballroom (made me hate paul even more..pansy!)