Wow what a statement. Clap clap.
Do you have MSN? You'll find I'm a million times easier to get along with chatting online. We might even become friends...
For the moment, my 'arrogance' is merely a product of my low post count. If I had something along the lines of 5000 posts, my 'arrogance' would be expected. I've been members of forums for way too long. I've met plenty of people like you.
And sure I do waste my time replying to most of the things you post. Would you prefer if I pretended you didn't exist? DaddyK, one of the main reasons I come to this forum is because I have found a use for everything I know, and I feel rewarded by helping people out with it. I reckon BOS is a substitute for me, replacing the fact that my know-how goes unrecognised at my work (Supercheap) and the other forum that I go to, my knowledge is not recognised and appreciated. At BOS, it is. And that's why I keep coming here - to help people. And I like the fact that I have been of help to them. Makes me happy.
I also come to BOS to stir people up a bit, which I'm damn well good at. Look how pissed off you are with me. Entertaining, if you ask me.

I come across as arrogant, sure I agree, but only because I stir people up by correcting them constantly. Correcting
you, constantly.
Why? Because you go over everyone of my posts like a lice comb through a bum's hair trying to find any flaw or mistake I make. And you damn well make sure I am aware of it. So it is only natural that I return the favour. It's not my fault you have more lice than your average bum, so to speak.
Thanks for your support, yenta. You're one of the many people who appreciate my contribution.

I'll get back to your questions soon.