final fantasy 7/8 forever
reading all your responses, certain games hav caught my eye
but recollecting the feeling that playing final fantasy gave me, the way the story really did afect me (even though it is just a game) i felt they were both excellent
as someone else mentioned in ff7 when aeris was killed, i didn't quite cry but it was moving, i gues mostly cause i had spent so much time on the bitch levelling her up

ff7 the final confrontation with sephiroth is awesome and i loved midgar, IMO is was the best setting ever in a game
which is why out of ff7/8 ff7 is my all time favourite of the final fantasy series and of all the games i hav every played
not to take anything away frm ff8 cause this was just as awesome... i loved the story and graphics were awesome specially considering it was on ps1
cant tal kenough bout these two games
but out of all the games i hav ever played
ff7 followed bow ff8, BEST GAMES EVER