Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows - 21 July 2007 (NO SPOILERS) (2 Viewers)

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Jul 22, 2006
Malfoy said:
According to the sorting, I'm a Slytherin.

According to the 'what type' test, I'm a Slytherclaw like Tom and Severus.

According to 'which Slytherin' - I'm Draco.

Surprises, surprises.
Slyffindor-Draco and Mrs. Lestrange..

Everything else same as you.

You killed that one haha, Tom and Severus :eek: *runs away*

Edit: I found something you might like.

MA: Oh, here's one [from our forums] that I've really got to ask you. Has Snape ever been loved by anyone?

JKR: Yes, he has, which in some ways makes him more culpable even than Voldemort, who never has. Okay, one more each!

MA: Was there anyone else present in Godric's Hollow the night Harry's parents were killed?

JKR: No comment.
From: http://www.mugglenet.com/jkrinterview3.shtml
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Active Member
Feb 19, 2007
According to the sorting, I'm a Griffindor.

According to the 'what type' test, I'm a Slytherhuff-> Pansy Parkinson (eww), Barty Crouch Jr. (ok, cool), Vincent Crabbe (eww), Gregory Goyle (yuck).

haha I'm Draco, in that which slytherine test, didnt expect to be him :p

BTW, do you guys remember in the 1st book, when harry discovered that mirror thingy that shows them stuff? i remember that harry saw his parents, and ron saw himself as a prefect and he was holding the quidditch cup (not sure if ron saw himself holding the cup, but it had something got to do with him and quidditch). Anyway ron really became a prefect, and he even got into the griffindor quidditch team. So do guys think that it might have any thing got to do with harry dying and re-uniting with his parents or something like that?
Jul 22, 2006
Crap! That might be true!

Ron did have the Cup, he was also head boy, and they wont be returning to Hogwarts, so i dont think it really tells their future..at least i hope not.

haha you were in Gryffindor.
Jul 22, 2006
Malfoy said:
Now *that* is interesting. That interview is fascinating. Well, there's been four theories as to who loved Snape.

1. Narcissa
2. Lily
3. Petunia
4. His mother

I know, I know, the Petunia one is out of leftfield but there's a sound rationale behind it - if you're interested I'll copy and paste the theories from the Facebook group I'm part of, we were discussing this thing earlier.
Actually i agree with this. Hope its Narcissa, but very unlikely, and i dont know if you was her picture on one of those Slytherin forums!! Very pretty http://themalfoys.com/ dont know if it really is her.

I read somewhere, that Petunias secret was: She loved Severus, who loved Lily, who James also loved/and she ended up with. Which is why she hated wizards and her sister.

Copy and paste them please lol, you shouldnt ask, you know the answer:p

As for being in Godric's Hollow - that obviously has to be Severus. I'm absolutely sure of it.
Sirius came late, what about Wormtail? Probably will be severus, maybe this was his turning point?
Jul 22, 2006
Narcissa - but she turned away from him because of a) an arranged marriage (which would allow some Sev/Narcissa action in book 7!) or b) because Lucius could provide power, money and good connections

Lily - but after the Snivellus incident in book 5, Severus turned away from her by calling her a mudblood (to make sure she'd never want to go near him again) and made his choice to be a DE because he snapped and was sick of being bullied by James et al. So while Severus goes off looking for power and influence in his own right, in order to protect himself/make a name for himself, Lily takes solace in his enemy, James.
I could see the Lily one being true.

Ohh if it thats true, then JKR wouldnt really have to explain alot of stuff, because its like 4 in one! Rather then go on about each person and their love life. Maybe Severus thought Voldemort would kill the kid and James, but leave Lily...:eek: Voldemort wasnt going to kill her, he was only going to kill James and Harry! Plus he hates Harry, Lily died so Harry could live..

In the 6th book, Severus didnt have to do the Unbreakable Vow, but he did, thats like the only way i can connet the two together.


Active Member
Feb 19, 2007
Malfoy said:
Hahaha you got it spot on. I'll copy and paste a few things for you.

You've got a good point about 'turning points' - I think you're right. He had to turn away from the DEs because of what happened to Lily.
OMG, wow!!! This is the 1st time that i've read sucha theory, pretty cool :D Allthough when you come to think of it, it does make sense. The only question now is, when did petunia, even have a chance to see or even have the chance to develope feelings for snape? i mean its not like snape was constantly hanging around with lily. So how did petunia realise that snape had a thing for her sister?

$hiftyIceQueen said:
Actually i agree with this. Hope its Narcissa, but very unlikely, and i dont know if you was her picture on one of those Slytherin forums!! Very pretty http://themalfoys.com/ dont know if it really is her.
oh, i read somehwere that Naomi Watts is scheduled to play narcissa's part in the 6th movie, i read it last week or something cant remember where though, so im assuming that she is pretty.
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Jul 22, 2006
MaNiElla said:
OMG, wow!!! This is the 1st time that i've read sucha theory, pretty cool :D Allthough when you come to think of it, it does make sense. The only question now is, when did petunia, even have a chance to see or even have the chance to develope feelings for snape? i mean its not like snape was constantly hanging around with lily. So how did petunia realise that snape had a thing for her sister?
how many ways do you know of getting to Hogwarts? Only one i know is the staion, she might have seen him there a few times?

Malfoy said:
I never thought of it that way. Obviously Severus hates Harry because he reminds him so much of James... but it could also be because Lily died to save him, and instead of Lily living all he's got is this brat with a hero complex.

It's so... tragic. Poor Severus.
Aha, and everyone keeps going on about how Harry has his mothers eyes, and looks exactly like his father, Severus would be annoyed at this.

Plus if he saw Lily die then he would hate Harry. Because she didnt have to die, she wanted to save him...but he always comes around and saves Harry at the last second, because he is a part of Lily?

Would love it if he actually loved Narcissa, at least that way he would have a chance of being with someone!
Jul 22, 2006
Malfoy said:
Read the first one, its pretty good. Harry is a bit of a sissy, Ron is annoying as usual. But love Draco and Hermione. :)

some of the theories are weird as. People think Severus is a vampire..

Not sure put someone mentioned something about the 3rd movies, well people think it may have to do with Harry seeing Sirius in the crystal ball or whatever it was..or

Sirius says something along the lines of walking through Hogwarts Gates a free man, my fellow Harry Potter fans, you may know, that was not in the books, nor was most of that entire conversation.

That led my friend and I to believe that scene was the scene that gave her chills because Sirius will walk through the gates a free man, in Deathly Hallows.


Active Member
Feb 19, 2007
oh maaaann!! :( :( :( i just read a spoiler right now on news.com.au, i couldnt help myself, and now im just depressed because im 95.999999% sure that its gonna be true (kinda) :(
Im pretty sure that what harry saw in that mirror is gonna happen, which is why im pretty sure that he will die, and be with his parents since he saw them in it.


Extraordinary Entertainer
Oct 18, 2004
The Void
don't really agree with any of the spoilers there myself either.



Nov 12, 2006
They're not true, all signs point to the spoilers being full of crap. I mean, what solid evidence is there for them being real. And if that 'Gabriel' guy had've actually broken into the bloomsbury computer he would have posted paragraphs, etc. It's all ridiculous, bloomsbury just can't deny it because it could hint toward the end of the book.


Active Member
Feb 19, 2007
I certainly do hope that they are all fake and not true. It'll be such a really really crappy ending, if the whole lot were all going to die like that. But i'm convinced with the harry dying and re-uniting with his parents theory :p
We'll just have to wait and see. I just hope she doesnt make a crap ending, i'l be so disappointed, it'l ruin and shatter my HP experience :mad1: :p
Jul 22, 2006
MaNiElla said:
oh maaaann!! :( :( :( i just read a spoiler right now on news.com.au, i couldnt help myself, and now im just depressed because im 95.999999% sure that its gonna be true (kinda) :(
Im pretty sure that what harry saw in that mirror is gonna happen, which is why im pretty sure that he will die, and be with his parents since he saw them in it.
What spoiler is this?

Is this about the Mirror of Erised? Because if it is, Quirrell saw himself with the stone, and giving it to Voldemort, but that didnt come true. on saw himself as head boy-wont be true since Hogwarts wil close down, and they're going to their journey.

Besides, nobody knows whats in the book everyone is just guessing and saying its a spoiler.

Ok just saw it and LMAO how dumb is this website? She already said Dumbledore is dead and he isnt coming back! Oh man that is just too stupid. the Harry/Voldemort thing ..lol

This is so not a spoiler! They said that it 'cannot be verified' coz they know is bullshit.
Jul 22, 2006
That sounds good. People need to make more of these, i need more HP related books!

Love the Snape and House comparison though
Jul 22, 2006
The Order will escort him? It probably won't just be Harry, Ron and Hermione of the journey..
Oct 31, 2006
wow, so many theories.

here are mine re the characters:

Harry - Will be a horcrux - explains why voldemort nearly died trying to kill harry: he put the second last 7th of his soul into harry and only had one 7th left. It was such a shock to the system he nearly died - remember all the stuff slughorn said in the memory about tearing the soul and how no one had ever done it before - 7 pieces is a lot and that last attempted tear was obviously particularly severe. He did kill (lily) which was the tear, and made Harry the horcrux, unknowingly of course. I think harry will discover this, perhaps only in battle with Voldemort, or not long before, and will sacrifice himself to ruin voldemort. I have been reading all the potter stuff in newspapers this week and one article made references to the Hero thing, and how they never survive and there is always sacrifice involved. They aren't made to live a normal life like everyone else (as has been focused on in these books so far) and ultimatly end up sacrificing themselves so that the rest of the world may live in peace...touching really.

Voldemort - obviously he has to die. It is a childrens/adolescent book after all.

Ginny - maybe she will die...not too sure, but i don't think she will just let harry go off on some dangerous journey without her. Perhaps she will die to try and save him.

Ron - will live methinks. But he will do something good. Rowling is a talented writer, which means nothing is in the books just for the sake of it. She wouldn't have written Ron's character in if he didn't have a big role to play, and so far he hasn't really. She has said she knew how the whole series ended before she started writing them - Ron has been Harry's best friend for the whole series for a greater purpose than just to highlight the difference between HArry and Draco, and support the 'good' side.

Hermione - will live, personally i can't see her killing off either Ron or Hermione. I think if she kills harry, she will keep these two alive to champion Harry's cause and remember him.

Draco - i also have read fanfic and desperatly want Draco to appear good in the end. Perhaps, as in one of the more memorable fanifics i have read, he will become good, somehow join Harry, Ron, Hermione and Ginny and battle with them against Voldemort. Maybe not. I can see him killing Lucius. Seems plausible for me that Lucius gets out of Azkaban and is fighting beside the Dark Lord when Draco takes revenge for the years of mistreatment and takes Lucius for himself to kill.

Snape - not sure. Somehow i think if Draco becomes good, snape won't. People (well, most people) want him to be bad; they want to hate him for killing dumbledore, and whilst there are many plots about how it was dumbledores idea for snape to kill him, it all seems a bit, to use your word, fanon to me. I can't forget the bit where rowling purposely points out that Harry heard fear and pleading in dumbledores voice for the first time the night he died and was begging Snape not to kill him. Maybe he was begging him to kill him i suppose people would say, but it doesn't seem plausible to me.
Then again, i can't see snape fighting alongside Voldemort either, so maybe he will turn good. THe thing with Lily seems plausible to me.

Lily, James, Sirius - something said right at the start of this thread about Deathly Hollows gave me the idea that maybe they come back through the veil, a sort of ghostly army that Harry can command. It said something about how it is the closeness between life and death - a portal through which dead souls can return to the world or something.
Dumbledore could possibly return as well, but i don't think so.
Then again, when Harry says at the end of HBP about never getting Dumbledores advice again, he failed to remember the portrait that rowling pointed out as now hanging in the headmasters office - could that not give him advice, as dippet etc. did to dumbledore?

Blaise - again, Rowling doesn't include things in her books unless they have a purpose. Why bring him in in the 6th book just to be in Slughorn's club, but make him slightly more central than some of the other characters in the club. Maybe this is fanfic influencing me again, but somehow i think he has something to do with the last book.

Luna - Dunno. She will be there with them i suppose, and may do good deeds, but i don't see her as important enough to be killed.

Neville - i think he will die. When you think back through all the books, HArry is the only person really (and his friends) who ever did anything for Neville. THe DA gave neville something to look forward to etc etc. Harry is his hero. I think he will die for him. (am i being a bit romantic/dreamy thinking up all these emotional scenes with sacrifice being a central theme??)

Order of the Phoenix in general - dunno. I suppose some will have to die. But i don't think Lupin will. Maybe Tonks though. Otherwise, we don't really know any of the others enough for them to matter a hell of a lot.

As for other characters like wormtail, the rest of the weasly's etc. Not enough emotional significance for them to die, or for it to be a major part of the story. I'm sure Rowling wants people to be bawling their eyes out over this book, but also have a little hapinness/hope at the end, and she won't make it a complete bloodbath, so minor characters will probably live i would assume, mostly.

Yeah. Can't think of much else. But i'm sure i will before it comes out.
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