Serius said:
]Serius's predictions for Deathly Hallows 2007
R.A.B is almost certainly Regulus.
Agreed. She has to much stuff to go on about, this would just make it easier, and since Regulus was killed maybe Voldemort knew what he was up to.
Snape, evil or not... hmm iam gonna go with evil. JKR never really tries to deceive the reader. Remember though that Snape is a slytherin, they always try and save their own skins first and the only way for Snape to save his own skin was for dumbledore to die. That makes me think that he was never truly on anyones side, he was just waiting to see which side was likely to win and pretend like he was with them the whole time.
Doubt it. I agree with the quote Malfoy mentioned earlier from the 4th book, where Voldemort mentioned the person who has left him forever-which is most likely Severus. Also the house has lasted may years, not every single Slytherin turned out as 'expected'
Severus didn't have to save Harrys life so many times; there are so many things he has done which prove that he is good. And how many times has Dumbledore been wrong?
Will Harry die? i dont think so.
Is Harry a horcrux? no. His scar might be, but i very much doubt this. Fact is we dont know enough about horcruxes or how they are formed so saying he could be one is just speculation.
Agreed. Since hardly anyone knows anything about it, or even speaks about it im thinking you need every dark magic an a long process to get it all done, and i dont see how Harry could have become a horcrux 'by mistake' as some people have mentioned.
Dumbledore is dead. No coming back. Maybe his portrait will provide some assistance but thats it.
Harry having his mother's eyes means something. No i doubt it means he literally "has her eyes" but it could be some sort of side effect of his "powers the dark lord knows naught" . In Warcraft it was possible for a powerful sorceress to transfer a good part of her powers onto her son before he is born. Maybe something like that happened. Its possible harry was purposefully conceived to be a powerful wizard to fight Voldy.
Agreed. I really want to know about what the eyes symbolise!
Who will die? Ron, which would make Hermione sad, or Ginny to make Harry sad, or Fred to make george sad or something like that. Hermione wont die, and i am very skeptical of Harry dying.
I dont know about Ron, see i think the trio will live, but theres so much crap going on that one of them will probably die. Ginny-likely but..
Ron and Hermione. Iam very sure of this
Harry and Ginny will get back together. They were basically decided up since book 2.
I agree! Would be very shit though.
Best ending *seriously* would be:
#1=Harry + Hermione
#2=Neville + Ginny
#3=Ron + Luna
#4=Severus + Narcissa
I want Draco with Hermione but it aint going to happen, so ^^ would be cool [they aint going to happen as well

#1=Lucius Malfoy-by Draco
#2=Rubeus Hagrid-Voldemort
#3=Fenrir Greyback-by Wormtail
#4=Fred/George-by some Death Eater
#5=Bellatrix-by Neville
#6=Wormtail-by Harry/Greyback
#8=Ron/Ginny/Minerva-by Bellatrix
#9=Draco/Severus-by Voldemort
#10=Harry and/or Voldemort=either way one will die. Voldemort could live but without his soul [dementors kiss] or someone uses the Cruciatus Curse on him, then its Harry who dies.
Ginny=Head of Gryffindor + DADA teacher
Minerva= the new principal
JKR said:
I think that there will be plenty to continue arguing and speculating about, even after Deathly Hallows comes out.
Harry lives? I hope so!
7 days to go