Heroes (US) (1 Viewer)


Feb 4, 2006
[massive rant]

umm....wtf just happened...

that episode was just bad. it felt like it was written by the guys who do Charmed. there were just so many things that didnt quite make sense.

*DL, didnt you die already? wasnt Nikki meant to be huddled over your body for the several minutes that it took for you to die?

*Claires dad deciding not to shoot Molly because she knew Parkman...well it makes sense, but it just felt very cheaply delivered the way that whole hostage situation was resolved by Parkman going "noones going to hurt you"

*Claire saying "tell me you have a plan", while standing right next to her captors, who listen patiently as the two possibly exchange ideas on how to foil their plans.

*The hostage situation with Ando, Sylar and Hiro made no sense. Hiro done "his trick" twice without a response from Sylar. Wasnt Sylar meant to kill Ando the moment Hiro looks like he was doing something...

*The mind-tricking woman knowing about the Nikki/Jessica thing seemed odd. even more odd was that she knew it was Nikki, even though she only just showed up a few moments earlier and was Jessica for the last few weeks.

*didnt the mind-tricking woman also hint that she was really obese and was just showing everyone a fake image of herself. shouldnt she have turned into an obese woman when she got knocked out?

*wasnt the point of having Claire shoot Peter that she was only one who could come near him? wasnt he meant to go start spazzing out like Ted did?

*i was under the impression that Peter wasnt going to die by the explosion or by getting shot to prevent the explosion. what the hell happened at the ending? i dont see how Nathan deciding to go suicidal was meant to be a better alternative to Claire just shooting Peter.

*The Sylar/Peter show down felt so very wrong. There was so much potential for an epic battle with all their combined abilities but it just came down to Sylar using a choke and Peter using his fists...his freaking fists...where was the uber emo peter from halfway through the series? and Nikki walking in to the fight, giving Sylar a slap and then walking away again was just so awkward to watch.

i felt they really rushed the ending of the series. i reckon, had they another 20 minutes they could have delivered it much better.


Jan 18, 2007
Final fight scene wasnt really that good like all fight scenes such as the one in sizmos' sig. I was also hoping for like a collaboration of all powers although it was utterly cut short after Nikki bashed Sylar with a pole.

However, Im looking forward to the next season.
Is it next week or are they taking a break?


"Shaken, not stirred."
Jun 5, 2005
Bass Hill
Taking a break for a while, I believe.

Hmmm, I must say I was somewhat disappointed with the ending, also, as much as it pains me to say it...

I too agree with the whole obese woman. That was my first thought, as I found it hysterical when she hinted at the fact she was huge.

It did seem a bit rushed, and I don't particularly understand WHY Nikki went in to help beat up Sylar. I suppose she could just tell she had to help in some way? Maybe just to give Peter the uber-strong punching power?

Still... Having said that, I'll be watching Volume 2.

... And this might be a weird question, but why was there blood going to the drainpipe?


Oct 17, 2004
SiZmOs said:
It did seem a bit rushed, and I don't particularly understand WHY Nikki went in to help beat up Sylar. I suppose she could just tell she had to help in some way? Maybe just to give Peter the uber-strong punching power?
Yeah, I do agree with you here... i dont believe she knew anything about sylar did sher?
SiZmOs said:
... And this might be a weird question, but why was there blood going to the drainpipe?
Pretty sure it was Sylar escaping.. Supposed cliffhanger?


Jan 18, 2007
If Claire didnt shoot Peter, apparently he can still survive even if he does explode because in the future episode he does explode and somehow is still alive. However I think Nathan dies.


"Shaken, not stirred."
Jun 5, 2005
Bass Hill
So... Lets see:
- Nathan died for no reason, because Peter could have just flown up into the sky, exploded, regenerated, fallen to Earth, and regenerated again?

- Sylar escaped, even WITH all those people around, watching him...

- Hiro, who was for that entire episode in FULL CONTROL of his powers, suddenly went back to the 1600s, and is panicking because he can't get out...

- Now we have to wait ages 'till Volume 2 starts?

... Worth it.


The Hammer Is My Penis
Aug 23, 2006
- Nathan sacrificed himself because Peter couldn't fly. If Peter couldn't control his radiation power, I daresay he couldn't make any other powers worked because he was preoccupied by the fact that he was about to, y'know, explode. Also, Peter and Nathan represent Emotion vs. Logic respectively. Peter has trouble contorlling his emotions, and as Claude had told him when training him, Peter has to block out all emotions in order to get control of his innate abilities. At the end of that very brief fight with Sylar, Peter was equal parts angry and scared, both of which can be very powerful emotions.
- Once somebody is dead, do you keep watching to see what happens next? What's to say that he's even alive? Molly was talking about somebody "worse than the boogeyman", who could very well be able to turn her/himself invisible. If s/he could do that, what's stopping them from taking Sylar's body?
- I think Hiro is much like Peter in the respect that he panicked when Sylar threw himself across the Plaza. As he's proved before, when he's not completely concentrating on what he's doing, it doesn't always work. Hiro obviously wanted to teleport, but he wasn't too exact on where he was going. The end result was that he landed 400 years in the past. Now that's a huge jump, so I daresay he needs a little time to recover his abilities before he can return to the present. I'm not saying he can't use his powers at all, only that he can't jump to 2006. Moving around would further sap his powers, meaning it would take longer for him to escape back to our time.
- And yes, we do have to wait. While I didn't think the finale was what it could have been (probably would have worked better as a two-hour episode with Landslide), I'm still sticking around for series two.


under pressure
Feb 6, 2004
SiZmOs said:
Still disappointing.
incredibly disappointing. the episode was merely average, when it should have been one of the best of the season. only redeeming factor was the setup for season 2


Beyond Godlike
Nov 10, 2004
DeathB4Life said:
[massive rant]

umm....wtf just happened...

that episode was just bad. it felt like it was written by the guys who do Charmed. there were just so many things that didnt quite make sense.

*DL, didnt you die already? wasnt Nikki meant to be huddled over your body for the several minutes that it took for you to die?
Nah i thought that was just to make the ending dramatic. It takes ages for someone to die from a gut shot, hours and hours. Not to mention the fact that he can go non-corporeal so he made the bullet fall out[ i assume]
*Claires dad deciding not to shoot Molly because she knew Parkman...well it makes sense, but it just felt very cheaply delivered the way that whole hostage situation was resolved by Parkman going "noones going to hurt you"
yeah that looked a bit cheap, they could have done it better but the way it was set up was like bennet wasnt that sure that he was doing the right thing, and suddenly when parkman isnt behind him maybe that got rid of the last of his resolve.
*Claire saying "tell me you have a plan", while standing right next to her captors, who listen patiently as the two possibly exchange ideas on how to foil their plans.
Nathan and mum arent evil, they just thought their plan was better, and maybe they didnt hear, i dunno. It might have sounded like a silly girl clutching at straws. Doesnt really matter to them because they thought the boom was inevitable.
*The hostage situation with Ando, Sylar and Hiro made no sense. Hiro done "his trick" twice without a response from Sylar. Wasnt Sylar meant to kill Ando the moment Hiro looks like he was doing something...
Yeah they didnt show that very good, but the way hiros ability works is he can do i basically instantly. Maybe they should have used bullet time or something to emphasise this, but the fact is hiro is always going to be faster.
*The mind-tricking woman knowing about the Nikki/Jessica thing seemed odd. even more odd was that she knew it was Nikki, even though she only just showed up a few moments earlier and was Jessica for the last few weeks.
Very odd, but remember she was pretty tight with linderman and he certainly knew. Plus we dont know how her powers work, maybe she doesnt need to conciously think it all the time and can just mirror someones fears?
*didnt the mind-tricking woman also hint that she was really obese and was just showing everyone a fake image of herself. shouldnt she have turned into an obese woman when she got knocked out?
When she first said that i just thought it was a joke. Sorta like "dont beleive everything you see" even if it was her real self. The other possibility is she doesnt lose complete control when she goes unconcious.
*wasnt the point of having Claire shoot Peter that she was only one who could come near him? wasnt he meant to go start spazzing out like Ted did?
The point was Claire was the only one who could get close if it got to the stage where everything a round Peter is on fire and radiation is melting some faces, it didnt quite get to that.
*i was under the impression that Peter wasnt going to die by the explosion or by getting shot to prevent the explosion. what the hell happened at the ending? i dont see how Nathan deciding to go suicidal was meant to be a better alternative to Claire just shooting Peter.
Yeah, i assumed shooting peter in the head and later removing the bullet [so he can revive] would be the best option. Maybe it was too risky though and it might have triggered the boom, much like when Ted was shot and went radioactive. So like its a decent option, but if you have a better one [nathan flying him away] thats less risky then go with that?
*The Sylar/Peter show down felt so very wrong. There was so much potential for an epic battle with all their combined abilities but it just came down to Sylar using a choke and Peter using his fists...his freaking fists...where was the uber emo peter from halfway through the series? and Nikki walking in to the fight, giving Sylar a slap and then walking away again was just so awkward to watch.
The fists was a super power, Nikki walked in and that gave Peter the super strength. I expected frozen powerballs and nuclear firebombs being thrown every which way but that didnt really happen. Nikki gave Peter the upperhand by doing that
i felt they really rushed the ending of the series. i reckon, had they another 20 minutes they could have delivered it much better.
Agreed, maybe they were going for a different feel though. The ending wasnt supposed to be like 'YEAH HIT HIM HIT HIM!!!!" with 300-esque music playing, it was supposed to be sad and reflective with all the bits and peices coming together to contribute to the victory.

A few more things would have made the ending much better. Parkman either dying or being concious and talking to that FBI girl [who would have to be all like " you were right"] a few seconds of footage of the worse-than-syler guy watching from a distance, or crouched in the storm drain. More destruction. I wanted to see Peter get atleast a bit angry and all his powers being used and parried by syler, e.g invis, telekenesis, reading his mind to figure out when he is throwing a punch, painting a pretty picture[lol], whatever.

The ending was good, but still not as good as i expected. They could have done alot more with what they had, and they could have gone with a more emotional ending, rather than the sad reflective nature of the whole episode.


Apr 10, 2006
that was pretty intense

i think ihave to agree with everything you said serius
chatty ending
slightly disappointed
hes supposed to be DEAD
he SAW his DEATH !!!!

it should have been a 1hr finale just like the beginning ep

what was with that eclipse at the end ?
how did hiro end up there ?


The Hammer Is My Penis
Aug 23, 2006
kb1509 said:
what was with that eclipse at the end ?
how did hiro end up there ?
Were you even paying attention? Hiro stabbed Sylar and Peter asked Hrio to kill him (Peter) because he couldn't control his radioactive powers. Hiro was about to do it, but Sylar telekinetically threw him across the plaza as his final act in an effort to keep Peter alive and set off the explosion. Hiro teleported in mid-flight because Sylar was throwing him at speed across a fair distance, which probably would have killed him, much like falling from a height (Bennet, no the other hand, was only injured because Sylar couldn't through him hard or far enough to kill him).

Hiro ended up outside Kyoto when he teleported at that very instant; probably because he was simply trying to teleport with no destination in mind (because he didn't have long enough to think of a destination). As he's proven in the past, when Hiro isn't concentrating 100% on the time and place he wants to teleport to, he often overshoots the mark. In this case he went 400 years too far. The eclipse was an actual event that occured in 1671; since the lone samurai is Kenzei, it's probably an eclipse that causes him to gain his "incredible powers", but in reality I suspect Hiro is the warrior the stories speak of.

How the fuck you managed to miss how Hiro ended up in 17-century Japan is beyond me ...


Active Member
Feb 19, 2007
Serius said:
Nah i thought that was just to make the ending dramatic. It takes ages for someone to die from a gut shot, hours and hours. Not to mention the fact that he can go non-corporeal so he made the bullet fall out[ i assume]

yeah that looked a bit cheap, they could have done it better but the way it was set up was like bennet wasnt that sure that he was doing the right thing, and suddenly when parkman isnt behind him maybe that got rid of the last of his resolve.

Nathan and mum arent evil, they just thought their plan was better, and maybe they didnt hear, i dunno. It might have sounded like a silly girl clutching at straws. Doesnt really matter to them because they thought the boom was inevitable.

Yeah they didnt show that very good, but the way hiros ability works is he can do i basically instantly. Maybe they should have used bullet time or something to emphasise this, but the fact is hiro is always going to be faster.

Very odd, but remember she was pretty tight with linderman and he certainly knew. Plus we dont know how her powers work, maybe she doesnt need to conciously think it all the time and can just mirror someones fears?

When she first said that i just thought it was a joke. Sorta like "dont beleive everything you see" even if it was her real self. The other possibility is she doesnt lose complete control when she goes unconcious.

The point was Claire was the only one who could get close if it got to the stage where everything a round Peter is on fire and radiation is melting some faces, it didnt quite get to that.

Yeah, i assumed shooting peter in the head and later removing the bullet [so he can revive] would be the best option. Maybe it was too risky though and it might have triggered the boom, much like when Ted was shot and went radioactive. So like its a decent option, but if you have a better one [nathan flying him away] thats less risky then go with that?

The fists was a super power, Nikki walked in and that gave Peter the super strength. I expected frozen powerballs and nuclear firebombs being thrown every which way but that didnt really happen. Nikki gave Peter the upperhand by doing that

Agreed, maybe they were going for a different feel though. The ending wasnt supposed to be like 'YEAH HIT HIM HIT HIM!!!!" with 300-esque music playing, it was supposed to be sad and reflective with all the bits and peices coming together to contribute to the victory.

A few more things would have made the ending much better. Parkman either dying or being concious and talking to that FBI girl [who would have to be all like " you were right"] a few seconds of footage of the worse-than-syler guy watching from a distance, or crouched in the storm drain. More destruction. I wanted to see Peter get atleast a bit angry and all his powers being used and parried by syler, e.g invis, telekenesis, reading his mind to figure out when he is throwing a punch, painting a pretty picture[lol], whatever.

The ending was good, but still not as good as i expected. They could have done alot more with what they had, and they could have gone with a more emotional ending, rather than the sad reflective nature of the whole episode.
:sleep::yawn: :sleep:

Fish Sauce

Active Member
Feb 11, 2007
ObjectsInSpace said:
Hiro ended up outside Kyoto when he teleported at that very instant; probably because he was simply trying to teleport with no destination in mind (because he didn't have long enough to think of a destination). As he's proven in the past, when Hiro isn't concentrating 100% on the time and place he wants to teleport to, he often overshoots the mark. In this case he went 400 years too far. The eclipse was an actual event that occured in 1671; since the lone samurai is Kenzei, it's probably an eclipse that causes him to gain his "incredible powers", but in reality I suspect Hiro is the warrior the stories speak of.
Actually, I reckon that it's his dad and that his dad's power is immortality. That warrior looked an awful lot like him.

Plus he spoke about Hiro being the "one". Maybe he's had a lot of kids, none of which have been the one.


"Shaken, not stirred."
Jun 5, 2005
Bass Hill
Oooh, good theory!!

But if that were true, his father wouldn't know who he was, as Hiro isn't meant to be born for another few hundred years...

Then again, I don't suppose it would take much convincing...


The Hammer Is My Penis
Aug 23, 2006
Fish Sauce said:
Actually, I reckon that it's his dad and that his dad's power is immortality. That warrior looked an awful lot like him.

Plus he spoke about Hiro being the "one". Maybe he's had a lot of kids, none of which have been the one.
The theory works, but I don't like it much. As soon as you start introducing immortal characters, you start getting another Age of Apocalypse thing going, where there were 2000-year-old mutants fighting the X-Men (only story arc I've ever read of the X-Men, but the way; had to do an assignment on mediums of communication). Extended lifespan, maybe, but not immortality.


Jan 18, 2007
I think Peter would have died from the gunshot because he and Sylar can only use one power at a time and so he could have flew into the sky if he could.


"Shaken, not stirred."
Jun 5, 2005
Bass Hill
They can only use one power at a time? Didn't know that was a rule...

And Peter would have died from the gunshot wound, I thought, because the original plan was for her to shoot him in the back of the head. I believe when he gave her the gun he explained to her, "Back of the head - you know the spot." So if he was shot there, it's not like the bullet just goes in - it would tear apart that part of the brain, completely, not allowing anything to be left for regeneration, resulting in death.


breed obsession
Feb 14, 2006
A wine-soaked strobe-lit Asiatic hall of mirrors
Agree with everything that's been said about the finale.
Does anyone else find it a bit weird that Peter can absorb powers even when people don't use them (ie, Tedd) and his mother has a power, yet he hasn't absorbed it and he's around her all the time? wtf?


"Shaken, not stirred."
Jun 5, 2005
Bass Hill
Maybe his mother's power is going back in time to talk to dead people?

I'm still confused about the whole Charles thing... I suppose it was his power.... Well, maybe Peter's mum is like Mohinder or Bennett - no power, but they're still in the game.

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