Oh crap, i forgot i was meant to recap, my bad, sorry
Ok well basically Amanda was drunk as ever, and it was sooo funny and sooo cute, i think Martha and Belle have some competition. Anyways, so then Macca came and tried to sober her, but that didnt work, and Amadna was just basically saying how mean she is and no-one loves her and blah blah blah, and then later she kissed Macca, and then yeh she got upset and just said that shes evil and went to bed. And then the next day she went to see Drew, because he sent her a msg saying that they needed to talk, and before she went Amadna was telling Macca that maybe she should just get back together with Drew since his the only one who loves and cares about her, and then when she went to see Drew they talked and then they almost kissed but Peter walked in (looking hot as ever) and told Amanda to leave, and then Peter went to Amandas house (dont know how he knew where she lived) and told Amanda to stay away from Drew and whatnot, and then Macca told Pete to leave. Oh and Peter also told Drew that he and Amanda once had a thing.
Cassie agreed to help Rocco out with his studies and school, and basically they just studied together for a bio quiz, and then apparently Rocco did really well in the quiz, and Brad was being really nice to Rocco, and then Sally asked Rocco to live with her and Alf and Ric and Baby Pippa, and Rocco agreed, but Brad wasnt happy, but who cares. Oh and Brad and Sally were so obviously flirting. And yeh it was cute

Oh then at the end, Rocco was on his way home and Johnny (his brother) came, and yeh, so basically tomorrow is about them, and the trouble they cause
Good episode. And sorry for not recapping, my brain went off
And not all guys on telly have cute smiles, look at Neighbours, no cute guys, no cute smiles, disappointing. But this is abotu Home and Away, best show ever *dances*