yesterday...yesterday...yesterday...with the help of my friend i think i can help you
Johnny asked Rocco to sell drugs at the school again, and then someone tipped the cops off, and then the cops founds drugs some guys locker, and then later Johnny asked that student to say that Brad gave him the drugs, so Brad was taken down to the station for questioning, which will be shown today.
Dan found Amanda after she was electrocuted, and she wasnt breathing, and Ryan called the ambulance. And then the ambos managed to get Amanda breathing, and yeh she was fine after that. And Peter was like fully shocked and what not and realised that he loves her, and yeh him and Amanda were talking about it at the hospital and i forgot what they said, sorry. Oh and Drew has forgiven Amanda for what she did

But Belle hasnt
Oh and Ric and Luc tried to hang out as the four of them with Mattie and belle, but Mattie and Belle werent hearing of it, but they still sort of awkwardly had a convo at school about Amanda, which was cute
Oh and Johnny asked Rocco to steal some money from Sally, and Alf was doing online banking for i think Noah's Bar or for the caravan park, cant rememebr, and then at night when everyone went to bed Rocco transfered all the money out of their account into probs Johnny's account, so yeh.
It was an aiite episode. Sorry if none of that made sense

Watch tonights ep, it'll be good. It has Mattie/Ric/Luc/Belle in it, and their entertaining atm