I got sooooo bored in tonights episode. These storylines, the Sally and the Beth one, bore me to death. Im sooo over them. Bring on the good storylines *cough*Kit/Kim/Rach, Ash/Martha/Jack/Sam *cough* everything else bores me gosh. And Beth is leaving, that the lord I guess i wont be missing anything interesting tomorrow, oh wellz, i'll still get it recorded, cant miss an episode even if its boring
TV Soap says
Rianna, Ashton's wife, is pregnant
But i thought you know who is, unless they both are, then he really does get around. Idiot!!
If they are both pregnant that will be worsed however I just think it will be his wife and because of that he won't be able to leave Martha or we can hope.
I liked the Rocco, Johnny & Sally storyline. The beth one is meh, she has everything anyone could of wanted and she still wants more.
tony proposed and beth rejects *hmph* but i guess she had every right to. She just wants to travel and discover herself If it gets rid of her, im happy
Not much important. HAHA nice joke Siz, hmm it was a pretty important ep. But what's been said is the main part. Nope you certainly can't miss tonights.
Yep Kate Sally remembered it was Rocco that stabbed her and Rocco left the Bay but not before Ric caught up with him got into a fight and tried to stop him.
They haven't been in the show lately, as it has been surrounding Sally and Rocco, Kim, Kit and Racheal, Martha and Ash... Well, let's face it - pretty much everyone except them...
I think the last time they were in it was when Belle was kidnapped...?