Why is it, that the ONE night i actually go out and have a social life (rarely happens) is the one night u guys spam to the max

anyway my opinion/answers/whatever on the topics u have talken about:
- I'm turning 18 in just less than three months - on the 26th July - i have the same birthday as John Howard

(thats why im not voting for him lol)
- i can cook toast, anzac cookies, packet mixes, potato bake, rissoles, two minute noodles, and i could cook Chicken and Bacon Fetticine with Diane Sauce because i've watched dad do it for ages. so ill survive

- and i cant remember what else u have talked about
it took me like 30min to catch up while eating pancakes (golden circle ones or whatever - look like maccas ones but certainly dont taste the same - i was too lazy to get something else - these just needed heaten up in the microwave lol)
OMG i had my first taste of alcohol last night at my best friends 18th. i tasted some red cruiser - its feral, and hten i tasted some lime cruiser - its ok. in total i probably would of had about half a cruiser. ive come to the conclusion tho - im not missing out on much - i dont like alcohol lol
anyway i've got a full on day assessmenting as Nathan would say... altho that is likely to be filled with procastination as well