Homosexuality in Australia (2 Viewers)

What do you think of homosexuality in Australia?

  • Yes, i strongly support it.

    Votes: 674 48.5%
  • I somewhat support it.

    Votes: 201 14.5%
  • No opinion

    Votes: 182 13.1%
  • I do not support it.

    Votes: 334 24.0%

  • Total voters


Premium Member
Jul 14, 2004
UnIqUe_PrInCeSs said:
No, they don't.
They aren't allowed to adopt kids, they can only foster them. And I think they aren't fully allowed to marry in NSW.

in CAFS the other day, we watched this video about a gay couple who were raising a child. It was really weird and unusual for me, but REALLY cute.
The argument would be that they can adopt kids with a partner of the opposite sex.


Premium Member
Jul 14, 2004
secret said:
What do you do when you see two gays walking down the street holding hands? Do you think it is right? do you feel anger or disgust? -be honest.

I understand what you are saying regarding the "PRIDE" some show regarding their sexuality in streets, via protests and so on -they take it too far.

Shore, we respect gay individuals -well, I do anyway. But I believe they take it too far with the "I'm gay, and proud" slogans and advertisments. Then when one says, "yes, we heard you the first time say you're gay". Gays will say "but, but, we have suffered in the past with discrimination and so on, we demand you to listen" Some even going as far as showing off their sexuality on this site -look around and you will see gay avatars on profiles here -why? Why do you want us to see that you're gay? Do you want me to treat you different because you're gay? Some of us may get offended by being subjected to gay imagery, so don't complain if you're posted abuse.
If I see two gays getting busy near me in public I'd feel awkward, but same deal if two heteros were doing it. There is no reason they're any different apart from moronic embedded prejudices.


, now also hated by Jews!
Dec 18, 2005
Sydney - Kensington
withoutaface said:
The argument would be that they can adopt kids with a partner of the opposite sex.
Come now, Waf, you know that arguement sucks more cock than Townie during mardi gras. The arguement is that children can't receive the same gifts that a masculine and a feminine couple can provide - dad and mum. I feel that myself, being the product of a single mum. I'm so lady-like it hurts. And gays shouldn't have the same rights as single-parents as the government expects single parents to re-marry asap, holding single-parent care as merely an interrim (almost foster) relationship between parent and child. In a press conference last year, John H. said that he hoped single-parents remaining single-parents for the sake of their children would remarry 6 months after divorce.

I'm all for gays. Gay pride, yah yah. But gays having kids is a no-no for me. Not that I think they're unfit parents but it's an unstable family structure that we can avoid. As opposed to the counter-arguement I can see you all cooking: poor parents. The reality is that we can't stop crack-head mums spinning tricks and having millions of little Billy-Ray Cirus look-alikes. We can't issue parenting passports to anyone over the age of 18, once they've met the necessary criteria of having a stable job, a nice haircut and Fisher-Price toys in the play room.

I think gay parents can provide stable, loving care to children moreso than heterosexual couples because they appreciate and don't take for granted their gift. But I see fucked-up kids all the time in Newtown. Last night at a Chinese restaurant a girl tried to stab her mum for being "a fag." I think Australia's morals needs to grow more before we can have gay parents raising children.

With all that said, rivers find new courses, lillies grow in mud and dogs shit on the pavement. There are gay parents out there now with children so all my arguements mean shit all. People are independant; islands in the stars.

[/thread closed...please]


Active Member
Jul 26, 2002
withoutaface said:
If I see two gays getting busy near me in public I'd feel awkward, but same deal if two heteros were doing it. There is no reason they're any different apart from moronic embedded prejudices.
I know that you don't particularly care about politically correct language, but I do and in the future it would be great if you could not use the terms 'gays' (and 'heteros' for that matter) in such a manner, because as Xayma said over a week ago -

Xayma said:
Just on that note, calling someone a gay is almost offensive as calling them a faggot. It removes the adjective nature of it and implies that, is all they are.
'Two people of the same sex' is far more acceptable and typing it out would hardly disrupt your train of thought.


Premium Member
Jul 14, 2004
Wolfowitz said:
Come now, Waf, you know that arguement sucks more cock than Townie during mardi gras. The arguement is that children can't receive the same gifts that a masculine and a feminine couple can provide - dad and mum. I feel that myself, being the product of a single mum. I'm so lady-like it hurts. And gays shouldn't have the same rights as single-parents as the government expects single parents to re-marry asap, holding single-parent care as merely an interrim (almost foster) relationship between parent and child. In a press conference last year, John H. said that he hoped single-parents remaining single-parents for the sake of their children would remarry 6 months after divorce.

I'm all for gays. Gay pride, yah yah. But gays having kids is a no-no for me. Not that I think they're unfit parents but it's an unstable family structure that we can avoid. As opposed to the counter-arguement I can see you all cooking: poor parents. The reality is that we can't stop crack-head mums spinning tricks and having millions of little Billy-Ray Cirus look-alikes. We can't issue parenting passports to anyone over the age of 18, once they've met the necessary criteria of having a stable job, a nice haircut and Fisher-Price toys in the play room.

I think gay parents can provide stable, loving care to children moreso than heterosexual couples because they appreciate and don't take for granted their gift. But I see fucked-up kids all the time in Newtown. Last night at a Chinese restaurant a girl tried to stab her mum for being "a fag." I think Australia's morals needs to grow more before we can have gay parents raising children.

With all that said, rivers find new courses, lillies grow in mud and dogs shit on the pavement. There are gay parents out there now with children so all my arguements mean shit all. People are independant; islands in the stars.

[/thread closed...please]
I'm not making that argument, I'm playing devil's advocate and pointing out why her way of attacking his argument was wrong.

Josh: I was under the impression that the homosexual community chose "gay" as the preferred word to describe their orientation?


Jun 15, 2003
withoutaface said:
Josh: I was under the impression that the homosexual community chose "gay" as the preferred word to describe their orientation?
Possibly the word is preferred when used as an adjective? You used the word as a noun, implying that their sexuality is the only thing that matters. If used as an adjective it simply describes a person.

We wouldn't go around calling people over 180cms "a tall" now, would we?


Active Member
Jul 26, 2002
withoutaface said:
Josh: I was under the impression that the homosexual community chose "gay" as the preferred word to describe their orientation?
To the best of my knowledge, there is a difference between someone saying "I am gay" and "I am a gay", Justin.

As you know posts do not have to be politically correct, but it would be great if you could take some care with what you say if there's a chance that it may be taken as an offensive remark.


Premium Member
Jul 14, 2004
Point taken, but polok perhaps that would be a valid way to describe someone of that height if we were talking about issues with "talls" bumping their head on bag racks above buses etc, I think given the context it wasn't meant to be offensive because the sexuality was specifically relevant to the situation.

For example if someone called me an agnostic/atheist, a capitalist, or a libertarian on these forums I wouldn't be offended, because these facts are relevant and I have no issue with such nouns being used.

EDIT: Further examples are being defined by gender (a man/male/female/woman etc), profession, or even hair colour (a blonde).
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Jan 30, 2006
I think that despite the different opinion, personally...it comes down to the fact that some individuals think they possess the right the tell another individual whether they are fit in raising a kid....

now the problem in this is that who the hell are you to tell someone whether they are fit in raising a child just because you're in the majority of a sexual orientation ie being heterosexual....what makes anyone think that just becase they like hetero action they are any better in raising a child!!

so ok..you have a kid in a herosexual relationship...you're either married or not...either way the kid is going to be screwed up right? i mean how many people will argue that if you're not married a child wont grow up in a balanced atmosphere...and if you are married statistics say you'll probably get divorced anyway!! ..and...were you an intended addition to the family or not...
to exemplify all this...take a look at your own family situation..or your friends...

im not gay, but i couldnt imagine anyone telling me i am unable to raise a child if for example i was a single mother...or i possessed some other characteristic that was in the minority, i also couldnt imagine telling my homosexual friends that they are fit to raise a child
....and people who think they have the right to proclaim such opinions are deranged.....how do you know that the way YOU raise your child is the correct way?...what factors attribute to your child being "pschologically damaged"...i think people forget why children should be born into this world....
a baby needs... attention, support, financial stability...but most importantly it needs love, it doesn't matter what your reasons are behind this...and how you provide it with a warm loving home...just as long as you do
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Active Member
Jul 26, 2002
secret, such bigotry wouldn't exist if people such as yourself were willing to look forward and help create a more diverse and inclusive society. As it stands, you're as much a problem as those who are actually willing to admit that they are homophobes.

Edit: As for one of the things you said, it's quite clear that your grasp of this issue is quite poor when you are willing to suggest that a same-sex couple would (and could) raise their child to be gay.
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Jan 30, 2006
secret said:
I haven't forgotten why children are born into the world, they're born into this world to indulge in the beauty of life, not to be targeted with hate or discrimination which evidently homosexual parents attract on the childs side
there are many gay couples with children currently, i will admit that ..yes...of course they may be the target for discrimination for some time, until the world can see things from a different point of view....but you're forgetting that children are going to be discriminated against anyway! ive raised this issue before...kids are just kids...

if they're not going to be picked on at school for having "2 daddies" then it will be because they're ugly, or fat, or wear glasses or braces....or the 100000million other reasons children are discriminated against....
we dont tell ugly people they shouldnt have children because when they grow up theyre going to be "targets for discriminaion" because they'll be ugly as well....

as long as that child can come home to parents that love it and are emotionally suporting it through troubles they encounter they'll be fine...and i dont know if you realised but whether they have gay parents or not children will at some point need that support....

i can see your point of view clearly, but people like you and every other partial homophobe out there need to realise that gay couples can make awesome and if not even better parents than hetersexuals....

think of it this way....so many heterosexual couples have unplanned children..some are born into loving homes...some are not...homosexuals need to delve to greater lengths to obtain children...
dont you think that someone who wants children that bad....deserves to have them??


Mar 9, 2004
The only influence I can see a child having from their gay parents is that they would most likely be more tolerant of homosexuality.

This does not necessarily mean that they would become homosexual themselves, considering the cause of homosexuality is still foggy and unknown. Scientists are still trying to figure it all out, and yet on bos, people seem so eagerly confident that gay couples come from neighbourhoods that consist of only gay couples, or a world filled with men, and other such unusual environments.

That's not to say that many other theories COULD be correct, but I am alarmed and somewhat surprised at some people's confidence of its cause.


Jan 30, 2006
how can you say you're not homophobic when you dont want more gay people in the world??? all this talk about more people growing up gay becuase of their parents....
following this though
Children of doctors usually grow up to be the same thing as their parents -doctors. We can be witness to individuals that are confronted with events and are easily influenced
how is it that heterosexual couples raise gay children? how is it that half my friends..who are obviously from heterosexual parents are gay?? or is this just coincidence?

yes...you can get influenced up to a certain point...but i have friends whos parents are lawyers/doctors/veterinarians, i take myself as a example....and none of them even want to direct themselves in the same field as their parents..if anything they go in the complete opposite direction...
this is the same with being gay....sure you can get influenced...but when it comes down to it...you either have it in you or not

you cant force a person to be gay...you're either gay or you're not...and i mean really truly gay...im not talking about experimenting...theres always going to be a balance in the world..or so i think...

and even if theres not....and homosexuals dominate the population...WHY would that be so bad?
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An iron homily
Nov 28, 2004
secret said:
Well, I could see how being gay parents could influence the childs sexuality. However, these days people are easily influenced, especially children. Gay parents may acually ignite their childs sexuality even before they reach pubity. Children of doctors usually grow up to be the same thing as their parents -doctors. We can be witness to individuals that are confronted with events and are easily influenced.
All gay, bi and transgendered people for an extremely long time originated from either traditional relationships or single parents. I have difficulty seeing where their heterosexuality was ignited by their parents. I'd argue that a parent's sexuality would only govern that of the child if sexuality was solely a social thing, but your own arguments earlier about how you would rebel and flee the home of a same sex couple in disgust at their sexuality rather undermines that position.

I aint saying that all children of homosexual parents will grow up to become homosexuals themselves, however, when an advertisment is presented on television promoting a certain car, not everyone goes out and purchases one right? No, but a hell of alot are influenced to buying one.
So you equate someone's sexuality with the choice to buy a certain car model? I don't see how the two choices equate when one is personal, temporary and limited for fiscal reasons when the other is not even a decision and is linked with many biological, social and other factors.

secret said:
Influence can be a weapon, and gay parents are firing without even knowing.
How do you know what gay parents, as a whole, are doing with their children? There is no common link between same sex couples apart from the type of people they desire, so I don't understand how you can attribute mass influences to same-sex couples when you do not do the same with traditional couples.


Mar 9, 2004
Again, the confidence of using the influence of a commercial towards people as basis to equate the influence of a parent towards a child is alarming.

Aren't you drawing from a really simplistic idea?

Surely family dynamics are much more complex if not absolutely different?


Premium Member
Jul 14, 2004
ur_inner_child said:
The only influence I can see a child having from their gay parents is that they would most likely be more tolerant of homosexuality.

This does not necessarily mean that they would become homosexual themselves, considering the cause of homosexuality is still foggy and unknown. Scientists are still trying to figure it all out, and yet on bos, people seem so eagerly confident that gay couples come from neighbourhoods that consist of only gay couples, or a world filled with men, and other such unusual environments.

That's not to say that many other theories COULD be correct, but I am alarmed and somewhat surprised at some people's confidence of its cause.
I'm sorry Stef, but you're wrong here. You've completely disregarded the fact that homosexuality is a contagious disease that can be passed on by physical contact of any kind, and as such gay parents who hug their children will always raise gay children. Same applies if you give a baby boy a pink blanket, because pink has been scientifically proven to contain a virus that, in adulthood, multiplies the craving for cock 100 fold.

Scary stuff.

EDIT: And I'm disappointed noone's replied back as to whether they'd feel offended being identified by the nouns man/woman/male/female.


Jan 30, 2006
Same applies if you give a baby boy a pink blanket, because pink has been scientifically proven to contain a virus that, in adulthood, multiplies the craving for cock 100 fold.

im assuming that entire post was sarcastic :p


Active Member
Jun 27, 2006
homosexuality isn't a contagious disease..

were you being sarcastic there?


Jan 30, 2006
mhm....thats why i said...i hope his post was sarcastic....:D
im sure it was....

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