Homosexuality in Australia (8 Viewers)

What do you think of homosexuality in Australia?

  • Yes, i strongly support it.

    Votes: 674 48.5%
  • I somewhat support it.

    Votes: 201 14.5%
  • No opinion

    Votes: 182 13.1%
  • I do not support it.

    Votes: 334 24.0%

  • Total voters


An iron homily
Nov 28, 2004
bshoc said:
Well since a gay marraige would relegate marriage to this, I don't see why gays want marriage at all, senseless compulsion probably.
There is nothing to say gay marriage would relegate marriage to a permission to copulate since that permission already exists. Rather marriage would be, as it is currently, an institution that serves to bestow rights and priveleges while declaring emotional attachment and (depending on the marraige)a religious affirmation of such attachment.

bshoc said:
True, but most marriages concieve children, as do most of the elderly and infertile before their conditions - like I've said, highlighting the few negative exceptions does not create any grounds to allow even more negative exceptions, thats stupid.
And most marriages would continue to concieve children - especially when you consider how much of a minority homosexuals are. However it should also be outlined that marriage licences are issued to people who are already old, infertile and disinterested - which is similar to the case of homosexual couples as there is no chance of a conception with these couples.

If the reproduction aspect were so important to marriage then I suspect they'd require all couples to be under a certain age, provide a medical document ensuring fertility and a statutory declaration that they intend to procreate.

bshoc said:
They're not appropriate, IVF is nothing more than indirect intercourse,
This is bad because?
the child lives with a father they dont know
How could they not know the person who is raising them?
bshoc said:
and it should be illegal for all those without medical reasons to use it (which I'm pretty sure it is).
Why should it be illegal? And yes, single women are currently unable to use IVF.
bshoc said:
There is only one real way for people to reproduce, thats they way nature intended. Also IVF works very poorly and creates increased fetal flaws

It appears that OB/GYN News disagrees with you...
bshoc said:
gays dont have the right to IVF,
This would change if the marriage laws were passed.
bshoc said:
chosing an incomptible gender is not a debilitating medical condition
It isn't a choice of gender.

bshoc said:
also there are some more problems ..

* The bypassing the natural method of conception.
* The Creation of life in the laboratory.
* Fertilisation more embryos than will be needed.
* Discarding of excess embryos.
* Unnatural environment for embryos.
* Use of untested technology.
* Not affordable for many.
* Misallocation of medical resources.
* Creation of embryos, then freezing them, and keeping them "in limbo".
* Exposition of embryos to unnatural substances.
* Destruction of embryos in research.
* Potential to create embryos for medical purposes.
* Potential to select embryos (PGD).
* Potential to modify embryos.
* Facilitation of the idea that embryos are commodities.
* Financial rewards for IVF doctors dissuade them from recommending other methods to couples.
* Infertility is treated as a disease and not as a symptom of underlying medical problems.
Ignoring the fact that this list came directly from here, most of those issues are debatable:
  • Is there anything wrong with the fact that something is assisted by technology? Most mainstays of society are created thus - our mode of interaction for one, the house you live in for another.
  • The over-fertilisation issue is moot if they employ the ICSI method as that requires direct implant into an egg.
  • The technology is no longer untested as many clinics all over developed countries use IVF and ICSI everyday , though it may have been untested ten years ago.
  • It will become more affordable if it is less restricted as it will encourage the market to sponsor more research in this area which leads to better methods and more competitive prices.

bshoc said:
Except they would have nothing to justify the benefits, unlike normal married couples. Even the potential for children is a justification.
Except many married couples currently don't have that potential - as also has been mentioned, they can gain child related benefits irrespective of marriage so the government clearly does not see children as the key justification of these benefits.


Active Member
Aug 8, 2005
kami said:
There is nothing to say gay marriage would relegate marriage to a permission to copulate since that permission already exists. Rather marriage would be, as it is currently, an institution that serves to bestow rights and priveleges while declaring emotional attachment and (depending on the marraige)a religious affirmation of such attachment.
As I noted before, the government would not issue tax breaks to married couples for an unmeasurable reason - "emotional attachment," there are far more important goals at work, namely, procreation, however subtly, thats the underlying message, whether you want to admit to it or not.

And most marriages would continue to concieve children - especially when you consider how much of a minority homosexuals are. However it should also be outlined that marriage licences are issued to people who are already old, infertile and disinterested - which is similar to the case of homosexual couples as there is no chance of a conception with these couples.
"Highlighting the few negative exceptions does not create any grounds to allow even more negative exceptions, thats stupid." Thats the structural fallacy you're failing to aknowledge, if something is bad, making it worse will not help. An extrmely small percentage - if ACA is to believed with their "selfish married couples who wont have children" segment, 1%, of married couples staying together for long enough, will not concieve.

If the reproduction aspect were so important to marriage then I suspect they'd require all couples to be under a certain age, provide a medical document ensuring fertility and a statutory declaration that they intend to procreate.
The government weights the pros and cons of every decision, employing agencies and extra public servants to carry out those sorts of screenings would cost the government more money and nothing more, letting unproductive gay couples marry would cost the government in unpaid taxes, however keeping gays out of the institution costs nothing.

How could they not know the person who is raising them?
We're talking any potential gay IVF here.

Why should it be illegal? And yes, single women are currently unable to use IVF.

It appears that OB/GYN News disagrees with you...

This would change if the marriage laws were passed.

It isn't a choice of gender.

Ignoring the fact that this list came directly from here, most of those issues are debatable:
  • Is there anything wrong with the fact that something is assisted by technology? Most mainstays of society are created thus - our mode of interaction for one, the house you live in for another.
  • The over-fertilisation issue is moot if they employ the ICSI method as that requires direct implant into an egg.
  • The technology is no longer untested as many clinics all over developed countries use IVF and ICSI everyday , though it may have been untested ten years ago.
  • It will become more affordable if it is less restricted as it will encourage the market to sponsor more research in this area which leads to better methods and more competitive prices.
Your link only refutes only one foreign study, not the concept, and not the reality of IVF


15 March 2002 Children conceived with assisted reproductive technology (ART), for example IVF, have about twice the risk of having a major birth defect or low birth weight than children conceived naturally, Australian and US studies show. In the Australian study, children conceived with ART had a 9 per cent chance of a major birth defect compared with a 4 per cent chance in naturally conceived children. The study was published in the medical journal New England Journal of Medicine (2002; 346: 725-30).
This increased risk was the same whether the children were from single or multiple pregnancies, the review of all births in Western Australia showed.
The use of ART also increased the chances of multiple major defects, chromosomal and musculoskeletal defects.
Age of the mother and parity (the number of times she has given birth before) and the sex of the child did not affect the results.
The US study showed a 2.3 per cent increased risk of low birth weight in term singleton children (as opposed to children from multiple births, such as twins) conceived with ART compared to children conceived naturally (New England Journal of Medicine 2002; 346: 731-37).
The risk did not vary according to the cause of infertility, and because the mothers were all apparently healthy, the increased risk of low birth weight after ART may be directly related to the techniques themselves, the authors suggested.



"This story drops a bombshell on the IVF industry. Invitro fertilization is 25 years old, but until last year, no one even suspected there could be a problem with brave new world of this “miracle baby” technology. But an Australian researcher has found IVF kids are twice as likely to have birth defects as normal births. The repercussions for the IVF industry are still reverberating. One in 20 Australians are now born through IVF. And, remarkably, until recently, it seemed not to have much downside. But last year a review of the birth records of all the IVF babies in WA, showed that one in ten IVF children had a birth defect, compared with one in 20 for children born through conventional means. Catalyst reporter Jonica Newby investigates what’s going wrong and why it’s taken 25 years to find out that IVF isn’t perfect."

Reproduced with kind permission from Medical Observer Weekly

Reviewed : 22/3/2002

IVF should be restricted to infertile, married women in dire circumstances, thats it.


Welcome to My Lair
Feb 5, 2006
Gay people wouldn't be using IVF, they'd be using AI, which is just collecting sperm and then inserting it into the woman separately. Furthermore, many babies born to gay families grow up knowing who their sperm donor is, and seeing them on a regular basis. The argument that marriage is not for gay people on the basis of having children has been proven invalid because:

a) The elderly, infertile (people who have always been infertile and have never had children), and people who do not want children are permitted to marry, and nowhere on the marriage forms does it say anything about reproducing.
b) Gay couples can have children if they wish to do so, and are at an increasing rate.

So now give us some more "reasoning" for why gay marriage should not be allowed.
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Aug 22, 2005
Potential Gay IVF...well its true that in some cases, the kids wouldn't know their sperm donor, or in the case of gay men wouldn't know mother, but if that is your basis for preventing gays from getting kids then you might as well just outlaw adoption outright. It doesn't matter whether the people who raised you are biologically your parents or not, as long as they love you and take care of you who cares if one of them is techically not even a blood relation?

What kind of 'dire circumstances' would qualify an infertile married woman to have IVF? Since infertile doesn't seem to be the factor that describes these dire circumstances I'm wondering what is.


under pressure
Feb 6, 2004
bshoc said:
As I noted before, the government would not issue tax breaks to married couples for an unmeasurable reason - "emotional attachment," there are far more important goals at work, namely, procreation, however subtly, thats the underlying message, whether you want to admit to it or not.
i take it you would be for a law that would require the female in a married couple to give birth to at least one child? shouldn't we be aiming to remove any 'negative exceptions'?

Captain Gh3y

Aug 10, 2005
falling from grace with god
ElendilPeredhil said:
Potential Gay IVF...well its true that in some cases, the kids wouldn't know their sperm donor, or in the case of gay men wouldn't know mother, but if that is your basis for preventing gays from getting kids then you might as well just outlaw adoption outright.
Not at all, adoption is to give the best chance for life possible to someone who was born in bad circumstances, while gay IVF is about two people having a designer baby to use as a fashion symbol.


Welcome to My Lair
Feb 5, 2006
Gay people don't have designer babies you ignorant idiot, and no normal person would use a baby as a "fashion symbol". In fact, there is no such thing as a "designer baby", it's a term coined by the media to describe the potential of choosing qualities in a child not yet possible or legal with today's technologies. And, as I've said before, no one uses IVF unless they have fertility problems, they use AI, which is simply collecting the sperm first and inserting it into the woman later.


Nov 22, 2004
Darling It Hurts!
The term "designer baby" is used by those who use IVF and similar means to choose the babies sex, eye colour, etc. It is more likely that same sex couples will use a sperm donor.


Active Member
Aug 8, 2005
dagwoman said:
Gay people wouldn't be using IVF, they'd be using AI, which is just collecting sperm and then inserting it into the woman separately.
No they wont be using anything, becuase it will never happen.

Furthermore, many babies born to gay families grow up knowing who their sperm donor is, and seeing them on a regular basis. The argument that marriage is not for gay people on the basis of having children has been proven invalid because:
What I dont get is are lesbians so afraid of boy germs they would literally get a complications-ridden syringe into the uterus instead of getting some guy in there one time and just doing it naturally? Man thats so pretentiously faggy.

Unitl your girlfriend can get you pregnant (or boyfriend), gays have no right to even bitch.

a) The elderly, infertile (people who have always been infertile and have never had children), and people who do not want children are permitted to marry, and nowhere on the marriage forms does it say anything about reproducing.
b) Gay couples can have children if they wish to do so, and are at an increasing rate.
"Highlighting the few negative exceptions does not create any grounds to allow even more negative exceptions, thats stupid. Thats the structural fallacy you're failing to aknowledge, if something is bad, making it worse will not help. An extrmely small percentage - if ACA is to believed with their "selfish married couples who wont have children" segment, 1%, of married couples staying together for long enough, will not concieve."

So now give us some more "reasoning" for why gay marriage should not be allowed.
All the things above, plus I feel no child should have to suffer the fate of being raised by a bunch of faggots. Its sad, its wrong, and has no support outside of inner-city values(less).
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Active Member
Aug 8, 2005
crazyhomo said:
i take it you would be for a law that would require the female in a married couple to give birth to at least one child? shouldn't we be aiming to remove any 'negative exceptions'?
It would cost alot of taxpayer money to police hetrosexual marriage, it costs nothing to keep gays out.

Plus the idea of gays marrying is a leftist fad, I support letting any straight people marry and not gays, because I'm a conservative.
Dec 12, 2003
bshoc said:
What I dont get is are lesbians so afraid of boy germs they would literally get a complications-ridden syringe into the uterus instead of getting some guy in there one time and just doing it naturally? Man thats so pretentiously faggy.
Maybe for the same reason you wouldn't want to sleep with a man?


Active Member
Aug 8, 2005
Silver Persian said:
Maybe for the same reason you wouldn't want to sleep with a man?
Well if I could and wanted to get pregnant, I would at least take the step of concieving the child in the safest way, if you're not willing to do that, you're not really ready to have a child.

I'm by no means suggesting that it be done, gays shouldn't have children period, and if they do, the state should intervene and take them away, and possibly send the gays to prison for a few years for legal violations.


An iron homily
Nov 28, 2004
bshoc said:
"Highlighting the few negative exceptions does not create any grounds to allow even more negative exceptions, thats stupid. Thats the structural fallacy you're failing to aknowledge, if something is bad, making it worse will not help. An extrmely small percentage - if ACA is to believed with their "selfish married couples who wont have children" segment, 1%, of married couples staying together for long enough, will not concieve."
Highlighting negative exceptions does not create grounds for permitting further negative exceptions, this is true, however outlining negative exceptions does permit one to challenge your definition of marriage as a concept surrounding nothing but procreation.

I'd also outline what I stated earlier, that the state could introduce regulations which would enforce procreation (such as statutory declaration of intent to reproduce and non-issue of marriage licences to the aged) which would not tax our resources whatsoever to practice. This would make marriage a procreative process in reality, and create further incentive to reproduce and have children within the nuclear model - things that you believe promote economic growth and correct values. However there is no legislation for this in any country, nor any move for anything resembling such legislation. Therefore it is logical to assume that no governmental authority considers these as negative exceptions to marriage itself, in spite of the introduction of incentives for reproduction which are enacted irrespective of one's own married status.

bshoc said:
Plus the idea of gays marrying is a leftist fad, I support letting any straight people marry and not gays, because I'm a conservative.
So you do not care if people marry who can't reproduce so long as they're straight? Doesn't that defeat the point of most of your argument?
Aug 22, 2005
Captain Gh3y said:
Not at all, adoption is to give the best chance for life possible to someone who was born in bad circumstances, while gay IVF is about two people having a designer baby to use as a fashion symbol.
Why just gay IVF? Isn't straight IVF about "two people having a designer baby to use as a fashion symbol"?

Outlaw IVF all together, make people adopt. IVF is utter crap. Spending so much money on making a baby when there are kids who need to be adopted.

bshoc said:
Well if I could and wanted to get pregnant, I would at least take the step of concieving the child in the safest way, if you're not willing to do that, you're not really ready to have a child.

I'm by no means suggesting that it be done, gays shouldn't have children period, and if they do, the state should intervene and take them away, and possibly send the gays to prison for a few years for legal violations.
Straight couples don't have to have IVF. They could adopt children.

The last paragraph is so ridiculous...reminiscent of the stolen generation almost...
Show me some statistics that prove that children raised by gay parents are significantly different from those raised by straight children. Maybe they are more accepting of the gay lifestyle, by which I mean more willing to accept that what two consensual adults do in the privacy of their own home is their own business.


Welcome to My Lair
Feb 5, 2006
Artificial insemination is no less safe than sexual intercourse. Gay parents are just as capable of raising children as straight people. It's obvious straight people aren't any better at parenting, and children of gay parents are just as well adjusted and happy as children of straight parents. And they're more likely to be accepting of other people for who they are and respecting that, a quality you clearly don't have.
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Welcome to My Lair
Feb 5, 2006
Well then I guess my previous reply applies to you as well.


Jan 12, 2006
I believe people should have the right to make their own decisions, but I am also completely baffled and rather pissed off when people spend so much money trying IVF when they could go and adopt a child in need of a home. It is just DNA people.


Jan 12, 2006
And for the record, I am straight and have no desire to have biological children as long as their are girls in China thrown into shithouse orphanges because they were born with a vagina.

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