Homosexuality in Australia (3 Viewers)

What do you think of homosexuality in Australia?

  • Yes, i strongly support it.

    Votes: 674 48.5%
  • I somewhat support it.

    Votes: 201 14.5%
  • No opinion

    Votes: 182 13.1%
  • I do not support it.

    Votes: 334 24.0%

  • Total voters


under pressure
Feb 6, 2004
bshoc said:
I'm not suggesting conformity, I'm suggesting people be realistic if they want to adress me, talking about gay marriage when it was banned again after being banned the first time isn't really productive, its not conformity, its the recognition of a verdict.

Not that conformity should be ruled out here either, murder laws, tax laws etc. these are all conformity.
so you're just pointing out that homosexuality is wrong because the majority has agreed it's wrong, and we should accept that. you're right. that's not conforming, it's just accepting reality

as you've pointed out, the homosexual marriage debate is over, and the gays have lost. there is no point spending time with these idiots, they just won't hear it. i think it's time to enforce the majority opinion in other aspects of society. like outlawing devil music. the majority of this country is christian, and as all christians oppose devil music, this is an easy sell

bshoc, i support your religious crusade to outlaw hip hop. you are truly a friend of jesus
Aug 22, 2005
bshoc said:
Before its repealed and banned like whats been done in the US right now? I wouldn't be so quick as to ally yourself with time, as you yourself pointed out they were a somewhat reality in 600BC .. so what happned to that? the greatest proportion of the generation that supports such things are before ours. But dont worry I'm sure with Wikipedia and gaylife.com on your side gay marriage will be a reality in no time LOL way to be pathetic - gay marriage, in my lifetime? keep dreaming.
quote=bshoc "ha ha rofl gaylife.com"

excellent argument.


Andrew Quah
Oct 19, 2003
Sydney, Australia.
It seems pretty clear on things like that.
The bible is 'clear' on nothing, it all depends how you want to look at it, which scripture you want to give more weight etc.

You're surely being selective in your poll "choices" as well, the only real poll we can have is a vote - that brings up an important point, will gay marriage ever be important enough as a referendum issue? No.
No I'm not being selective really, there are some that are more favourable for people of your view (closer margins etc) and often 'gay marriage' polls are unfavourable, but all poll's (that i've seen) where people are asked if gay couples should get the same legal rights as straight ones - the answer is a resounding yes.

I've already explained my issue with various votes that have happened in america, I've shown that other countries have voted to support civil unions, no vote has happened in australia.

As for it being a referendum issue... I don't see why you'd do that. There's no NEED for a referendum on gay marriage, the legislature can change it for its self.

No, even Labor voted to ban gay marriages.
Labor was playing it safe before the election, they also didn't vote to 'ban gay marriages' simply to put what was common law into writing.

It will be voted down in popular referendum and doesent even have the support of the centre-left party of Australia.
But the labor party does support giving gay couples the same right's as straights... essentially I think they would be in favour of some sort of civil union for gay couples.


New Member
Nov 5, 2006
i havent been her for a while, missed quite a few argument, by tghe way im still completely against homsexuality.

Kami: "No it could not. Australia is a democracy as opposed to a dictatorship/tyrancy. This is why we both can put forward arguments and viewpoints on the issue of homosexuality."

If u truly believe that ur incredible naive. Obviously democracy is going to save u because u have a say. lalilalilallilalla.

none of the countries under dictaroship chose to be under dictatorship. if a stong m,ilitaristic goverment chose to, it could very well take down anyone they didnt like,l and they wouldnt care whether " but i though that democracy, but democracy.. it really works.. but me ... oh dont kil me". we can put forth as many argument as we want but unless it is important enopgugh for it to be under a national referendum, only the goverment chooses, and if the government suddenly decides they should control everything wehterher we care or not, it might just happen.

as for homosexuality and how we should lety them do as they want because they love each other. murders love to kill, masochists love to hurt themselves, greedy bastards love money.so if we all get to what we want because we love it, then i dont care whether homosexuality becomes legal beacuse by 10 years tinme the world will be destroyed. (if some one dares to come up with the argument but homosexuality doesnt hurt any one, plz dont bother idont wann write another page)


Welcome to My Lair
Feb 5, 2006
You even realise the flaw in your pathetic argument, so I don't see why you bother to use it. Murderers hurt others, homosexuals do not. Homosexuality is about a consensual, loving relationship, murder is about hurting others.

So why do you think homosexuality is wrong?


Welcome to My Lair
Feb 5, 2006
Not quite following your reasoning, agentprovocater...


Active Member
Aug 8, 2005
crazyhomo said:
so you're just pointing out that homosexuality is wrong because the majority has agreed it's wrong, and we should accept that. you're right. that's not conforming, it's just accepting reality
Is murder or tax fraud wrong because the majority has agreed its wrong? Are you conforming or accepting reality?

as you've pointed out, the homosexual marriage debate is over, and the gays have lost. there is no point spending time with these idiots, they just won't hear it. i think it's time to enforce the majority opinion in other aspects of society. like outlawing devil music. the majority of this country is christian, and as all christians oppose devil music, this is an easy sell
Hey if most people want to go for something like that, they can do it, I wont be supporting it, music and gayness exist far apart on the scale of seriousness.


Active Member
Aug 8, 2005
Not-That-Bright said:
The bible is 'clear' on nothing, it all depends how you want to look at it, which scripture you want to give more weight etc.
As your are a self proclaimed and proud athiest your words regarding any sort of religious concept or valuement is pretty worthless, find me the part in the bible where it says it ok for two men or two women to screw eachother and get married under the light of god and we'll call it even.

No I'm not being selective really, there are some that are more favourable for people of your view (closer margins etc) and often 'gay marriage' polls are unfavourable, but all poll's (that i've seen) where people are asked if gay couples should get the same legal rights as straight ones - the answer is a resounding yes.
If the answer was really yes, it would be the case, proof in pudding.

As for it being a referendum issue... I don't see why you'd do that. There's no NEED for a referendum on gay marriage, the legislature can change it for its self.
But the legislature wont since its illegal.

Labor was playing it safe before the election, they also didn't vote to 'ban gay marriages' simply to put what was common law into writing.

But the labor party does support giving gay couples the same right's as straights... essentially I think they would be in favour of some sort of civil union for gay couples.
I really doubt the Labor party cares in total, they'd be pretty split on the issue I would imagine.


Active Member
Aug 8, 2005
agentprovocater said:
If thats ur argument against homosexuality, jhopkins, then it'd only be fair to say that heterosexuality shudnt be allowed. who cares if the heterosexuals like being hetero? "murders love to kill, masochists love to hurt themselves, greedy bastards love money."

You do as the majority of stakeholders of the state stipulate you do, keep quiet, or leave. Homosexuality is no better than screwing animals or pedophilia, it disgusting, its wrong, violates countless religions, and will never under any circumstances be something acceptable. People aren't allowed to to do certain things for reasons, just because someone wishes to screw another man, or evade taxes, or deal drugs, doesen't mean it should be accepted by society or allowed, hasn't history taugh this lesson already? If you dont set limits, society is destroyed.


under pressure
Feb 6, 2004
bshoc said:
Is murder or tax fraud wrong because the majority has agreed its wrong?
i don't know, now i'm all confused. before you said homosexuality was wrong because the majority agreed. but now you're saying that's not the case. what about homosexuality makes it inherently wrong? it can't be the bible...otherwise tax fraud would be ok...
bshoc said:
Hey if most people want to go for something like that, they can do it, I wont be supporting it, music and gayness exist far apart on the scale of seriousness.
so some parts of the bible are more serious than others? how do you make the distinction?


Active Member
Aug 8, 2005
crazyhomo said:
i don't know, now i'm all confused. before you said homosexuality was wrong because the majority agreed. but now you're saying that's not the case. what about homosexuality makes it inherently wrong? it can't be the bible...otherwise tax fraud would be ok...
Homosexuality is wrong in my view because it is a destabilising influence on social structure than exponentially and disproportionately presents itself into the social fabric, to the point now where some of these people have the nerve to talk about "gay marriage," I dont care about gays, really I dont, to the point where their actions dont concern me, civil unions, gay marriage and other things violate this pact of tolerance by dissociation. If gays are going to start attacking concepts like family and marriage, I'm going to start advocating the return of sodomy laws to compensate.

so some parts of the bible are more serious than others? how do you make the distinction?
I'm not sure how much "devil music" actually matters, I mean it sure doesen't seem to be the problem homosexuality is - that and my argument really has nothing to do with the bible, if you're looking for a complex religious argument against homosexuality, I'm the wrong person to ask for one, but I'm pretty sure the bible doesent adress aspects of death and heavy metal music.


Psychic refugee
Sep 19, 2004
bshoc said:
You do as the majority of stakeholders of the state stipulate you do, keep quiet, or leave. Homosexuality is no better than screwing animals or pedophilia, it disgusting, its wrong, violates countless religions, and will never under any circumstances be something acceptable. People aren't allowed to to do certain things for reasons, just because someone wishes to screw another man, or evade taxes, or deal drugs, doesen't mean it should be accepted by society or allowed, hasn't history taugh this lesson already? If you dont set limits, society is destroyed.
The main grounds for taking issue with bestiality and pedophilia --> in most cases it is difficult/impossible to gain an appropriate form of consent. There exists a potentially dangerous power imbalance in these cases. This issue is not present in homosexuality.

You are wrong to say that "it will never be acceptable" because it has been in the past (certain greek & roman societies?) and social groups currently exist where homosexuality is acceptable (i.e. the gay/tolerant community). Hence "it will never be acceptable" in your eyes.

You continue to equate homosexuality with pedophilia, tax evasion, drug dealing etc. etc... and yet you can't provide a good justification for why you believe homosexuality is wrong. The closest thing you have given to a 'reason' is that you believe homosexuality destabilises society. I would like to question two aspects of this claim:

(1) I would question whether homosexuality destabilises society

(2) If it is the case that it destabilises society then I would also ask whether this makes it 'wrong'.

Looking at (2) in particular, it is easy to provide counterexamples to the claim that 'If X destabilises society, then X is wrong'. I don't think it would be too hard to establish the fact that the Indian Independece Movement destabilised indian society. However, I also think you would be hard-pressed to demonstrate that the Indian Independence Movement was wrong. They were fighting for a greater good and, for them, the relative instability that arose in society was acceptable in light of their goals (of course, my history is poor, correct me if I'm wrong). Scientists and social theorists who come up with radical, new ideas destabilise society, but are their actions 'wrong'? And so on and so on...

Do you have a better justification for why homosexuality is wrong?
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Premium Member
Jul 14, 2004
bshoc said:
Is murder or tax fraud wrong because the majority has agreed its wrong? Are you conforming or accepting reality?
Murder is wrong because it involves a severe infringement upon another's liberty. Tax fraud is about as wrong as having someone on the street mug you, giving them the $20 in your wallet, but neglecting to mention the $50 you have stuffed in your sock.


Premium Member
Jul 14, 2004
bshoc said:
You do as the majority of stakeholders of the state stipulate you do, keep quiet, or leave. Homosexuality is no better than screwing animals or pedophilia, it disgusting, its wrong, violates countless religions, and will never under any circumstances be something acceptable. People aren't allowed to to do certain things for reasons, just because someone wishes to screw another man, or evade taxes, or deal drugs, doesen't mean it should be accepted by society or allowed, hasn't history taugh this lesson already? If you dont set limits, society is destroyed.
So homosexuals have the mental capacity of a dog or a five year old? The issue in those cases is consent, namely that neither animals nor children have developed the cognitive ability to provide it.


New Member
Nov 5, 2006
just wanted to thank bshoc for folling my argument and opposing homosexuality while i havent being able to respond.

Dag women: " Why do u think homosexuality i wrong?"

about everything i write about is reasons for why think homosexuality is wrong. if u are too much of an idiot to actually read them or understand them, isuppose i wil start to have ignoring ur comments then, cause u r clearly not paying attention to anything.
Heres a dot point summary of my reasons if it makes it easier:

  • bioligically wrong, due to diseases and the natural reproductive system
  • religiously wrong ( most of the bible)
  • leads to further 'freedom' which is actually ddestroying our society
  • animals who do it only do it cause they cant find an opposit sex partner.
  • we are not animals
  • all ur and the people supporting it have no valid points to make apart from " but their no hurting anyone" (think of how many faimlies, friendships have been destroyed. arguments between politicians us and som many others wasting their time opr resources)


Psychic refugee
Sep 19, 2004
jhopkins said:
Heres a dot point summary of my reasons if it makes it easier:

  • (1) bioligically wrong, due to diseases and the natural reproductive system
  • (2) religiously wrong ( most of the bible)
  • (3) leads to further 'freedom' which is actually ddestroying our society
  • (4) animals who do it only do it cause they cant find an opposit sex partner.
  • (5) we are not animals
  • (6) all ur and the people supporting it have no valid points to make apart from " but their no hurting anyone" (think of how many faimlies, friendships have been destroyed. arguments between politicians us and som many others wasting their time opr resources)
I renumbered your list so I could reply to each point (I hope you don't mind):

(1) Biological functionality does not run parallel to moral worth. For example, our knowledge of genetics suggests that we could create a smarter, stronger human race by killing those who are weak of limb or mind. However, most would recognise that such action would be wrong, despite the 'benefits' for the gene pool. The problem with your claim of biological 'wrongness' is that you're assessing their behaviour in a reproductive sense. Homosexual sex is 100% a social phenomenon and I'm very sure they're aware that they're not able to reproduce. It's like a teenage heterosexual couple having sex with birth control --> it's a form of social interaction engaged in for pleasure (generalising). Yes, it is the 'wrong' way to reproduce, but they have no pretense of trying to do so - hence the reproductive argument is void.

Yes, the nature of anal sex engaged in by MSM leaves them more open to exposure (more tearing --> anus is not as elastic as the vagina) to STI's but this does not make it 'wrong'. It's like comparing big wave surfing to casual body boarding (exagerated difference, I know) and saying that big wave surfing is 'wrong' because there is a higher level of risk. As an ethical argument I really don't think it holds water (mind the pun).

(2) That's between you and your god, however, I still think that people should practice tolerance where possible.

(3) I believe you're incorrect to claim that homosexuality is destroying our society but I'll come back to that in 6.

(4) To quote one article on this topic:

"If a male sheep chooses to not have gay sex, it becomes a social outcast... Giraffes have all-male orgies. So do bottlenose dolphins, killer whales, gray whales, and West Indian manatees. Japanese macaques, on the other hand, are ardent lesbians; the females enthusiastically mount each other. Bonobos, one of our closest primate relatives, are similar, except that their lesbian sexual encounters occur every two hours. Male bonobos engage in "penis fencing," which leads, surprisingly enough, to ejaculation. They also give each other genital massages. "

The fairly straight forward conclusion which the described researcher came to (which I figured would be the case prior to reading articles on the subject) was that homosexuality is a phenomenon with a social function. Of course it's not a matter of reproduction, rather it is a matter of attachment and bonding - it's about forming relationships (---> social cohesion rather than 'destroying' society?). The researcher points out that "The more complex and sophisticated a social system is, the more likely it is to have homosexuality intermixed with heterosexuality." It would seem to be a result of complex social structure/relationships. Males and females all interact with one another, and homosexuality simply represents a highly intimate form of same-sex interaction. In any case, it's not a matter of being unable to find a same sex partner, it's about social bonding between same sex animals - as a number of studies seem to point out.

(5) We are mammalian organisms that are closely related to primates. The only reason we wouldn't be defined as animals is if we choose the meaning of the word so as to exclude ourselves. However, we very easily fit into many a categorical grouping with animals (we have a lot in common!). It's only because of our typically 'human' arrogance and inflated self importance that we think we're a step above the rest.

(6) I think the 'damaging families/friendships 'argument is an invalid one. I would propose that rather than homosexuality itself, it is attitudes towards homosexuality which create those problems. Parents are only upset about a lesbian daughter or gay son because they have a holy book telling them their child won't meet them at the pearly gates or because their social environment is a homophobic one. Remove the taboo factor and I don't think there's an issue.

In any case, I believe the disruption caused by the fight for gay rights is a worthwhile one. Groups who are against apartheid or slavery cause disruption in society and I'm sure a lot of upset is generated, but does that make their fight wrong? Gay rights are a fight for equality - they do not demand something beyond what is afforded the ordinary populace. Most of the arguments I've heard against gay rights can be compared to those which were used to deny suffrage for women or rights for black Africans. As I have pointed out in bhsoc's posts, his arguments boil down to "I hate homosexuals, therefore I deny them equal rights".

Intolerance and hate should not guide social policy or the allocation of human rights.
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An iron homily
Nov 28, 2004
jhopkins said:
  • bioligically wrong, due to diseases and the natural reproductive system
  • religiously wrong ( most of the bible)
  • leads to further 'freedom' which is actually ddestroying our society
  • animals who do it only do it cause they cant find an opposit sex partner.
  • we are not animals
  • all ur and the people supporting it have no valid points to make apart from " but their no hurting anyone" (think of how many faimlies, friendships have been destroyed. arguments between politicians us and som many others wasting their time opr resources)
  1. All diseases you can gain from sex between partners of the same gender also exist for sex between partners of different genders. I'd also wager sex between two women is safer than between a man and a woman given there is no penetration.
  2. Just because our bodies are capable of reproducing does not mean they must or should, the church also does not reject opposite sexed couples who choose not to have children.
  3. Regardless of whether it is religiously wrong, it is a christian mandate that you not judge others for what you percieve as sinful 'let he who has not sinned throw the first stone' etc. Further, christianity is not the only religion in this country (some do not even have any religion) so the bible's authority is limited in scope.
  4. How does same-sex marriage open up destructive freedoms?
  5. It has been established quite a few times in this thread that there are a variety of animals who will even reject partners of the opposite sex for a same sex mate.
  6. Humans are animals, fairly complex animals, but animals nonetheless.
  7. And homosexuality and bisexuality doesn't hurt anyone - oppression of it does. Homosexuality and bisexuality also doesn't break up friends and families. Prejudice does however.
  8. Your argument that political and social debate on this issue wastes resources can be equally applied as reasoning to stop debate against homosexuality.

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