FAAAK - kids! HSC is ez. Stop stressing.
Major Works: I didnt do any work until the holidays b4 it was due, that was for d&t AND art. I ended up havn to do 2 all nighters b4 each one was due as well. I ended up getn 80 somthn for both of em. My advice - do an hour of work on ur major works every day or wat you can handle, it doesnt matter if its just 10 min - just do somthn. Infact, everyday is pretty far fetched. Just set urself a goal every week to hav one part of it done. Another thing that will hlp is if u get as much of it done as possible these holidays.
Pre-trials and Trials: They r sooooo much harder than the HSC. Your teachers make them harder so that it can motivate u to study harder - not that it workd for me. Do not get put down when u have fkn hard trial exams and go sht, the hsc is much ezr.
Study: You dont have to study 4-6 hrs every night after school. Ok - thats just fkn retarded. Practically - after u hav done ur homework etc, if u do 1 maybe 2 hrs of study/making notes a night then u wil b sweet. Just do a lil bit every day and trust me it all amounts up to alot. If you just sit there thinking - ok tonight im doing 5 hrs of work. Sure u wil sit there for 5 hrs. But practically - ul get about 2 hrs of actual work done. Just be smart about and think logically. I always u to sit there (still do

) and say. Ok - tomorrow im doing TONS of work, and i never did. I wld just fk around for 2 hrs finding somthn to distract myself wit. But, if i just did 1/2 hr to an hour of actual work done i would of been sweet - and i would of spent an hour on study compared to 2-3hrs of fuckign around.
Notes: Every now and then, say every 2-3 weeks, dedicate a night to just doing notes. Just go through ur subjects and take down the stuff which u think u arnt going to remember in a months time. Dont summarise stuff that u kno off by heart - thats a waste of time. Ur notes dont have to be perfectly structured and neatly done, they juste hav to suit u.
Pressure parents/teachers: The pressure that ur parents/teachers put on u is just bs bs bs. They think if they nag the sht out of u that u wil do ur best - cause rly thats all they wont. But they dont realise that u can look after urself and u dont need som1 watchn over ur shoulder 24/7. My advice, just dont listen cause all it does is stress u out more. Just let it go in one ear and out the other.
You still have alot of time till the hsc. But dont just tell ur self that all the time cause ul keep postponing ur study, like i did

. Like i said - just do a steady amount of small work. At the end of the day it all amounts up to alot. Dont sit there stressing urself out thinking - i gota do 6 hrs a night i gota do 6hrs a nigt. hahahah fk that!
I hope this hlps people who r havn a bit of trouble coping wit all the bs and hype of the hsc. and yes this obviously my tips wont suit every1s study habits.
Its all hype!pace ur self and think about it logically and ul b sweet. Dont stress over the bs that teachers and parents go on about...cause rly, they hav never done the HSC before so they rly DONT kno. ow - and one last thing. When ur mates sit there going..."im doign 6 hrs of study a night" tell them to go fk themselves and stop lien - usually u can divide it by at least 2 and thats the real amount
Edit: ow and this was mainly aimed towards guys cause i wouldnt hav a clue how chicks study.