Originally posted by KeypadSDM
If your hypothesis is correct, then human nature (including the natural urge to procreate) is wrong. Hence humans should die out. Therefore you should commit suicide. Q.E.D.
Let me clarify. I said the human nature is
wrong because it is a
selfish nature.
The "natural urge to procreate" is not wrong. Is there anything selfish about procreation? No, not usually, because parents generally look
beyond their own needs to the needs of their offspring.
Think about it: If God created people, then he also created this "natural urge" to have sex. He even specifically TOLD the first couple to fill the earth and multiply! So there's nothing wrong with procreation
in itself.
It's about procreation in the
right context. And what is "the right context?"
A legitimate marriage relationship between a man and woman.
Now, if everyone in the world
was homosexual, then the human race
would die out. (No suicide necessary

God's original design ensured that the human race could never die out. Deviating from this original design gains nothing for the human race.
And back onto the point of your stupid argument, there is no possible reasoning that explains why human nature is in fact sinful nature. It's as if you've just assumed that for no particular reason.
Human nature
is sinful nature. Here's the reason why:
Since the beginning of the Earth's history (back in the Garden of Eden, when Eve took the forbidden fruit), humans have chosen to disobey God. Living in disobedience to God's word is
Therefore, because humans have disobeyed God, and continue to disobey God, (and in effect, follow satan, the deceiver) we have a sinful nature. In fact, we were born with this sinful nature. It is this sin that separates us from God. Thankfully, there's a remedy for this situation.
You don't have to be, or consider yourself, 'religious' - just being a live, human being makes it apply to you.
You wan't to know why we SHOULDN'T be against our own nature? Because in condemning our own nature, we're denying who we are.
In saying what I did, I meant that we shouldn't live
in favour of our sinful nature. In other words, following the lusts of our sinful nature - the lusts of the flesh. We don't even need to be condemning our nature. Our very nature (as sinners) condemns US!
RE: homosexual animals. The natural world, to some degree, has been degraded by sin as well, (i.e. thorns, prickles, rotten fruit, and death - these are all direct consquences of sin) so you can't really look to what "nature" does as a pattern for your own life.
Hopefully people will one day realise that doing "what feels right" isn't necessarily the same as doing what's right.
I realise that you may not agree with what I've posted, and that's fine. Your entitled to your opinion, just like we all are.
btw, it's "chookyn"

And you needn't resort to insults or name-calling.
Please, let's keep this a respectful dialogue.