How to not 'burn out'? (1 Viewer)


Jan 30, 2011
Well how often/ hard are you studying now?
Do you have any extracurricular activities?
Do you go out often or only on special occasions?

The main goal is to find a balance between your studies and social life.
Give yourself some time to relax and have fun every now and then - manage your time to allow you to do so without freaking out about assessments and whatnot

If you haven't done so already, now would be the best time to figure out what study techniques are best for you as year 11 does not directly count towards your HSC mark.
The study routines you pick up now are most likely going to be the ones you use throughout year 12 so I suggest you don't slack off simply because you get a 'clean slate' next year

Don't leave anything til the last minute. This is a veerryyy bad habit. Staying up late or pulling an all-nighter to finish an assignment, or study for an exam is not necessarily the best way to go. Start working on assignments ASAP so you can get them over and done with. This will give you time to adjust/ improve upon a few things, start early on another assignment, or relax and treat yourself for your efforts.

A healthy body means a healthy mind. Don't neglect your general well-being when studying for the HSC as this may also affect your concentration and..well, your ability to study in general.. and sleep! don't stay up too late when studying 'cause I'm sure we all know that it's pretty hard to concentrate when your half asleep haha

So basically,
- It's all about balance.
- Treat yourself after accomplishing something or do whatever you do to keep you motivated
- Take breaks between study sessions (but not too long or else you may find it difficult to get focused again. It's hard to say since I don't know how you study)
- Get up and go out for a walk/ jog around the block. Stay active.
- Get together with friends and just have fun! It is possible to be educated and social at the same time :)
- Start early, finish early. Don't leave things til the last minute. Starting early will enable you to move through the work at a comfortable pace without having to rush through it all and risk losing a few easy marks.
- Manage your time to allow you live your life and if you find yourself becoming bored of whatever routine you're in, do something to break it. Anything.
LOL thx for the massive slab of text, i forgot about this whole thread, and i have adopted your techniques already, thx for your contribution


Sep 18, 2009
don't cram. Students who study a hell of a lot on the day, just before they go in for the exam tend to do worse in my experience.

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