No. Even if your external mark is 100, your final mark will only be 83 (Average of 100 and 65 is 82.5, final marks are rounded up).hypothetically, is it possible to get a final HSC mark of 90 in biology,chemistry or religion 2 unit with an assessment mark of 65?
i thought that was externalbut wouldn't the internal mark of 65 get moderated according to his rank... or something like that?
um the assessment mark you receive on your hsc results is already moderated.... i don't know what mark you're referring to, unless you mean your final school report mark. what enoilgram said is correct no. i mean if hypothetically i got 65 assessment mark for lets say chemistry . that would be my mark before it gets moderated.
so isn't the HSC mark your EXTERNAL (hsc exam) + moderated assessment?
so if i got 65 assessment mark and 92 external mark then my assessment mark of 65 would be moderated higher? and they use the moderated assessement mark + my 92 i received and make my HSC mark?
Yes, that gets moderated. Moderation can only take place AFTER the external marks have been calculated, so its impossible for anyone in the state to know there final moderated mark at this point.yeah i meant final school report markdoes that get moderated if you do well in external (providing your cohort does well)