I'm really being more honest than kind here so I can't take all the credit. Your marks are actually in my opinion above average (coming from me, a person surrounded by selective school students). Your maths however needs some obvious polishing but the fact that you got 45% for 3 unit means that you have the potential to raise those marks. It seems like you're not particularly fond of maths as a subject, I can totally understand seeing as I'm in the same situation. Have you ever thought of talking to your parents about your results and your thoughts about it? Your family are the closest things you have and I'm pretty sure they would understand your situation if you had sat down on a table and talked with them.
haha, as i mentioned before, i can't sit down with them.. they would like KILL me..
they expect me to finish the 3u course and get a good mark (highly unlikey)
the course i want to do, doesnt even require maths, let alone 3u. so i don't know why they hassle me so much
Hahas, thankyou for your compliment but to be honest I'm actually quite lazy towards my studies. And to tell you the truth selective schools in a way is more of an image... than an actual figure. I can name you alot of people in my school that are getting far more disappointing marks than you are so I guess you will get that upper hand against them if you put your efforts towards your studies

Hmm subjects that I'm doing at the moment are (Biology, Ancient History, Adv. English, Chemistry, 2unit Maths, Physics).