The aritlce about everyone being wrong is quite interesting, although I think the author could have expressed himself better. The funny thing is, the piece was quite convincing, but there are so many examples you can give of how religions are a load of crap.
I know many at time Ive had discussions with my mum (I dont believe in anything, she a christian) where she tried defending christainity, and most of the time I win the discussions. One example is about Noahs ark. The reason for the flood was that humanity's behavior had become so hopelessly evil that God could no longer tolerate them:
"The Lord saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually. And The Lord was sorry that He had made man on the earth, and it grieved Him to His heart. So The Lord said, "I will blot out man whom I have created from the face of the ground, man and beast and creeping things and birds of the air, for I am sorry that I have made them." (Genesis 6:5-7 RSV)
Yet God is merciful? And God is so nice, that he killed EVERYONE, so out of millions that would have been alive, there were no non-evil, spiritual people except for Noah and Co? And he kills all the animals, who have no say in religion and have nothing to do with is...they cant speak, and they dont go to heaven. He also hasnt flooded the world again, because I think their is far more "evil" in this world now then EVER before.
Then you've also got to contend with the fact that we are all insest, Adam and Eve were more than likely related (she was made from his rib) but even if she wasnt, their kids would have had to have been insest. THEN, even if this goes out the window, the earth was re-done after the flood, theirs some more insest!! So we are all related somehow?

. I thought that DNA would prove this? Then christians will try to say 'Oh, your not meant to interpret it literally', when its convient for them....well I say bullllllllllshit! The bibles makers meant it to be literaly for the most part, but because they were peasants, it comes acorss in the modern world as if no-one could possibly be that they say its metaphorical etc

. I also like how some chrisitans believe that if you dont praise god, it means ur in allegance with the about If you dont believe in god, you dont believe in the devil either and your only taking the common sense road

The problem with the bible is that it was made some time after all the events that supposedly occured in it, and that it was made when technology wasnt available. Sooooo, even if all the events occured, I think tryin to gain evidence decades after the event would be difficult, and we've all learnt via chinese whispers that things get distorted between a group of ten 10, try 10000000 people through many generations and see how it'll create a man called jesus who perofmred miracles (which could have merely been allusions cos the peasants would believe magicians to be miracle workers

) and some supreme being called god who is merciful (despite being a mass murderer, the likes of which this world has never seen) and wants you to praise him and no-one else.
Also, as I said technology, well they would have loved this because then they would have realised that genetically thru DNA you can prove if people are related.....and that genetically insest creates deformities etc. They would have also liked to have known that people cant live to 500, or women cant have children at like 100....especially when the dying age back then was like 50....if your lucky. MAYBE if they had technology and more reliable evidence....they could have created a more 'believeable' lie that is the bible.
(And theres more exposing of bullshyte where that came from, the bible is quite easily exposed for the lie it is by any educated person)
In short, If God exists, he sounds like a madman - if you oppose him, your dead. And even if your are nice person, who does lots of community work etc, BUT dont praise dead. Assuming this alternate worlds exist, and from what Ive heard.....I think Id like to go to hell, because god seems like a butt raping, twisted, sick, greedy, muderous freak who gets his rocks off people believeing in him and not going to the 'devil'