Hey krayzie, i'm indian as well....but like i've had a curry boyfriend and well i would have gone out w/ him regardless of his race and all, coz he was genuinely a nice guy...but i've had like a greek/italian boyfriend as well..n he was nice too..lolz i have a point somewhere here...to answer your question, i reckon generalisations r no longer acceptable, perhaps not to the extent it was a few decades ago..n even if it was true...btw i live in the "city" n i'm not backward

or absorbed in my culture......n even if these generalisations did exist, y let it get in the way in the first place? if i really like or luv someone, their racial background has never been the decidin factor - not like they choose it themselves. What exactly is my point in the midst of this rantin n raving?>???
oh yeah, stuff generalisations..if ppl generalise, it has nothin to do w/ their location or position in society, but rather just plain blindness, hypocritical, bigotry, n plain WRONG...wrong i tells ya...
btw, if your olds r like mine, they probly tryin to scare ya into non - inter relationshippin [is dat a word? well it is now

n now i shall get off mah high stage