Intimate Experiences Thread (3 Viewers)


Jun 8, 2012
"Currency is 3x stronger than urs"

Currency game too stronk


Sep 30, 2004
Uni Grad
I kissed a girl and I liked it
The taste of her cherry chap stick


Well-Known Member
Sep 26, 2011
Calabi Yau Manifold
Didn't really understand the story. But nice one Haya!
I should include a tl;dr haha

day 1: met a super hot drunk girl who I thought was out of my league, but helped her out anyway with being drunk.
day 2: she's super talkative and thankful about day 1 on fb. In evening we play pool together with her sister and my cousin
day 3: She again is super talkative on fb and says how awesome day 2 was. I ask her out on a date to polands best chocolate cafe. She agrees. At the end of the night we kissed. and yea :D


ON is my homeboy
Mar 4, 2012

lonely single 4 lyf

no inti8 exp


New Member
Mar 11, 2015
The night was cold on this third day. -15 degrees. But goddamn I was ready. My first date with a girl I truly have an incredible connection with. I put on my 50 cent beanie bought from beijing, some nice warm fluffy gloves and my dads thickest jacket, and step outside for what would become the best night ever to date.

I arrive at chocolate cafe1 hr early, and would you believe it, 10 sec after I walk in, a travelling group of down syndrome patients, like 25 of them, comes into the cafe, and all sit down with their carers, screaming and giggling at each other. I just looked at them and the first thing that came to mind was how sorry I felt for them, second thing that came to mind is, how interesting for something like this to occur on such a big night. To me it didnt matter, but I thought, it would be a true test of AA1's personality to see how she reacts to their presence when she arrives.

I sat there for 45 mins oh so eagerly anticipating the moment her beautiful face would come through those doors. I panicked. There was a back section to the cafe which had three tables, I went to the very corner and sat there, fearing for how things were going to go. Interestingly enough, the date was scheduled for 5pm, and I kid you not, the down syndrome group left on the dot 4.55

During the wait I was chatting and joking around with the good looking waitresses at the cafe too, who immediately asked where I was from. I wondered if I had developed accent in polish, they said no, there's simply no way you can be polish and be such a cheerful, vivacious young man. Polish youth basically never talk to others if they dont have to, and here I was happily chatting to them and enjoying myself. So yea. Apparently I was a big change to their daily clientele. I told them I was waiting for the most beautiful girl ive ever seen, and they started getting all giggly about it and saying "omg u no wat u should totes get a rose secretly hidden here and there" etc and stuff like "want me to bring u chocolate marshmallow heart/s or something cute like that?"
and I thought that was really sweet of them, trying to make things go better for me hehehehe.


She arrived 5.05, she sits down, and I tell her listen, my currency is 3x stronger than yours, so take anything and everything you want, and its all on me" and she was shocked at first, and refused many times, but after great insistence on my part she accepted, and ordered like 3 different bigass cakes and smoothie things lol.

She legit did 90% of the talking, and through most of the talking we held our hands together over the table just enjoying the warmth of each other. She said absolutely loved how soft my hands were, like the softest silk, and couldnt stop touching and massaging them (I dont moisturise. Idk how the hell I have such soft hands but they do a damn good job of impresssing girls :p)


then my cousin calls and is like "AA2 told me she wants to come visit you guys at the cafe. We'll be there in 10 mins"

I was like

wtf m9 did u really just say that... but he hung up and was too late, they both arrived and sat with us 15 mins after that call. I was like, fuck thats the end of the night for me, no getting anywhere tonight. But it was not to be so.

Fast forward

Lots of conversation, fun times, jokes, I payed for everyones meals, and it only ended up 20 aussie dollars lol for like enough to feed 5 fat men :p so beautifully cheap.

Then AA2 is like hey we should go on an adventure! lets climb onto the roof of one of the apartment buildings!

So we get our winter gear on and travel outside to Skyrim like temps at the temple on top of the mountain XD

the cousin at least uses some of his IQ points to realise that its better for us both if we split up with AA1 and AA2, so he walks fast ahead and around the corner with AA2 and im back walking with AA1. I think to myself, this is the moment that the night has been building up to, now is my chance. SO I stop her.

"listen, AA1, I want to ask you something."
"Yes?" She smiles brightly

"Do you trust me? like, really trust me?"
She giggles and pauses for a moment before saying yes again.

"Ok I want you then to close your eyes, and hold out your hands. I have something I want to give you."

She says ok and obliges. I gently take her by the hands and lean in for the kiss. Our lips touch, for a good 5/6 seconds, 5/6 seconds of beauty, 5/6 seconds of perfection, fulfillment and the most amazing feeling of warmth in the universe. Our lips part. She goes red in the face and looks down,

"Well I sure wasnt expecting that"

"Me neither." i said. We both laugh, hug for a good 30 sec and then walk with my arm over her shoulder to catch up to the cousin and AA2. I wont bore you with the rest of the details after that :p nothing much better happened.

End of story

Hope you enjoyed :D
i liked it mate pretty decent srsly

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