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Iranian woman faces stoning for adultery (1 Viewer)

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Oct 13, 2004
PrinceHarry said:
You are contradicting yourself with your own source. Pakistani and Indian burkas may expose the face or eyes. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Burqa#Regional_use

Who cares, I wasnt even making that point. So its not even remotely relevant.

I'll take you attempt to go off on a tangent as a concession of this argument.

Only ignorant dumbcunt like you include half of the male population who cannot have abortion :rofl: . The fact is 90,000 unborn babies are aborted in Iran per year in a country where sex outside marriage is punishable by death. In australia, abortion is not even illegal and sex outside marriage is not illegal. The Fact is Iranian muslims are just as nasty and promiscous as people in the west when it comes to sex.

You need the number of the population to work out the rate per capita, dont you get that.

Also, the abortion rate per capita in Australia is almost triple that of Iran. In the U.S its almost four times.

Not surprisingly, a country where One hour for a Fuck Marriage is practiced!

You sound jealous.
It is a great idea since performing abstinence until you're married is just not practical.

PrinceHarry said:
In the richer suburbs of northern Tehran, the supermarkets even do a trade in under-the-counter cans - slang for booze - and, at pizza parlours downtown, the waiters serve their pizzas with Fanta laced with a heavy dosage of vodka. :rofl: :rofl:

Booze in Iran is even older than Islam. The challenge for the authorities is how to keep the alcoholic dissent from brewing out of control. http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/middle_east/1740617.stm

That 5 year old article doesnt show us anything.
Judging by your grammar, I'll assume your English is not that good.

So here are some definitions of Widespread to help you out:

wide·spread /ˈwaɪdˈsprɛd/ Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation[wahyd-spred] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation

1. spread over or open, or occupying a wide space.
2. distributed over a wide region, or occurring in many places or among many persons or individuals: widespread poverty.

wide·spread (wīd'sprěd') Pronunciation Key

1. Spread or scattered over a considerable extent: widespread fallout from a nuclear explosion.
2. Occurring or accepted widely: a widespread misunderstanding.


Now you've shown that it happens under the counter in a certian suburb of a certian city, that doesnt mean its widespread. If alcohol consumption is widespread then that wouldnt be necessary.

Once again, you've proven my point for me. Thanks

TEHRAN For 27 years, Iran's Islamic regime has faced an uphill battle to cleanse the country of bootleg liquor. But even after a recent law increased the punishment for drinking to 74 lashes, a hefty fine and imprisonment of three months to a year, drinking is widespread.

One seller, who calls himself Allan, says business is so good that it is even worth the fine and the floggin

Again, you have failed to prove it is widespread. Read the definitions above that I have given you. One seller, and the opinion of one reporter dont prove your point.

The population of Iran is about 70 million, and the area is 1,648,195 km², now go back to google and according to the definitions I have given you show us how its widespread.
If you cant do it, then come back and just admit you're a liar.

Here is an example of widespread consumption in Australia, (this is just high consumption):

The Australian Bureau of Statistics Alcohol Consumption in Australia: A Snapshot, 2004-05 reports that:

•One in eight adults (approximately 2 million people) drink at risky/high risk levels.

•The proportion of people drinking at risky/high risk levels has increased from 8.2% in 1995 to 13.4% in 2004-05.

•15% of adult males and 12% of adult females drink at risky/high risk levels.

•The increase in those drinking at risky/high risk levels since 1995 has been greater for women than men. From the three National Health Surveys since 1995, the proportion of females who drank at risky/high risk levels increased from 6.2% to 11.7%, while for males the increase was from 10.3% to 15.2%, after adjusting for age differences.

•25% of those aged 14-19 years drank alcohol on a daily or weekly basis in the last 12 months.

In South Australia:

In excess of 85% of South Australians aged over 14 consume alcohol and over 90% of South Australian school students (aged 12-17) have tried alcohol.


Now see if you can find me similar statistics for Iran.

Also, Here a list of alcohol consumption per capita for a number of countries, conducted by the World Health Organisation.

As you can see, Iran is one of the lowest.

So it turns out that you are nothing more than a liar. You cant debate with facts, so you are forced to lie.

When you are faced with facts, you then turn to childish insults and go off on tangents.

Pathetic really.

I wont debate with childish liars anymore.

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So um, why is this even being debated. She's not the first, nor will she be the last. What do you want done.
God. Remember what happened last time we interfered in something that didnt concern us??
Apr 25, 2007
katie_tully said:
So um, why is this even being debated. She's not the first, nor will she be the last. What do you want done.
God. Remember what happened last time we interfered in something that didnt concern us??
are we speaking the war on terror?
the vietnam war?


How many examples can you think of? I supported the Iraq war to a point, now it's just stupid. Vietnam was well before our time so there is no point arguing about it's complete uselessness.

I'm even talking about foreign aid workers who go to these countries and try and convert people and just generally interfere. According to our standards it's sick what happens to women over there, but it's not our place to go over there in a huff and demand it stops.


The law in that country says if you commit adultery you get stoned to death. If you don't want to be stoned to death DON'T BREAK THE FUCKING LAW
Yes and no dude. I shit countries I don't even think they need proof. It's like that country where to prove you didnt get raped you need like, 3 men to vouch for you otherwise you get charged with adultery.


Jun 4, 2007
Snaykew said:
Oh, so you're one of those people who think the actions of a few Muslims represent all of Islam? What about the average Iranian who does these western things? Also, tell me other Islamic states that have this one minute marriage. Please go on, you seem to think it applies to all of Islam. Maybe you should specify that its a law of a single country instead of repeatedly linking it with Islam. If its so linked to Islam than plenty of other Islamic states would have this law, no?
Again it is NOT just actions of a few, it is a de facto state and religious policy perfectly legal under Islamic Law. No matter how hard you tried to distance the one hour one fuck marriage policy it is deeply rooted in islam, legaly acceptable and sancioned by religious authorities. It is NOT even a sin so stop calling actions of a few mischievous muslims. It is NOT a law of a single country but rather a practice acceptable under Islamic Law among Shia communities. In most islamic countries mariage and other civil laws are governed by Sharia laws. it is also practiced in India among muslims, Pakistan, Afghanistan etc.

Jordan.J said:
Who cares, I wasnt even making that point. So its not even remotely relevant
Jordan.J said:
I'll take you attempt to go off on a tangent as a concession of this argument.
It was you who said BURKA COVERED Everything and by putting a link of Burka artile from wikipedia. I exposed your lack of knowlege about your own religious dress and thats why now you pretend you did not care, because you were once again proven wrong :rofl: and now trying to run away from it.
You sound jealous.
It is a great idea since performing abstinence until you're married is just not practical.
Again seems like you are running out of arguments. I was only pointing out that these people who respect and valued marriage according to you; are the ones who devalued marriage by performing a sham one hour one fuck marriage policy to cover up prostitution. Jealousy or convenience is out of question and it is much more convenient to allow sex outside marriage, as in australia if you are looking for convenience of sex! :D

That 5 year old article doesnt show us anything
Judging by your grammar, I'll assume your English is not that good.

So here are some definitions of Widespread to help you out:

wide·spread /ˈwaɪdˈsprɛd/ Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation[wahyd-spred] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation
Again, you have failed to prove it is widespread. Read the definitions above that I have given you. One seller, and the opinion of one reporter dont prove your point.

The population of Iran is about 70 million, and the area is 1,648,195 km², now go back to google and according to the definitions I have given you show us how its widespread.
If you cant do it, then come back and just admit you're a liar.

All of your arguments above are hopelessly trashed to the bin by this article I already posted before.
TEHRAN For 27 years, Iran's Islamic regime has faced an uphill battle to cleanse the country of bootleg liquor. But even after a recent law increased the punishment for drinking to 74 lashes, a hefty fine and imprisonment of three months to a year, drinking is widespread
One seller, who calls himself Allan, says business is so good that it is even worth the fine and the floggin
Seems like you need that definition more than anyone else :D

Here is an example of widespread consumption in Australia, (this is just high consumption)
The Australian Bureau of Statistics Alcohol Consumption in Australia: A Snapshot, 2004-05 reports that:

•One in eight adults (approximately 2 million people) drink at risky/high risk levels.

•The proportion of people drinking at risky/high risk levels has increased from 8.2% in 1995 to 13.4% in 2004-05.

•15% of adult males and 12% of adult females drink at risky/high risk levels. .....................followed by meaningless statistics
Alcohol is not banned in Australia and it is NOT Illegal to drink alcohol by anyone, even underage can drink alcohol and it is only illegal to supply to underage. Your comparison and statistics does not mean anything in this argument ;)


Think about that. Underage can drink, but it's illegal to supply them with alcohol. Think about it.


New Member
Aug 8, 2006

I have not read this whole thread.....cause thats just a waste of time..

but from what I have read....I can clearly see that most of you guys have absolutely NO IDEA what you are talking about...

u speak the crap that u learn in your gay legal study or studies of religion classes which most is false.

You cannot even begin to analyse the Iranian government or Islam...without know the bloody long ass history...that has preceded it...and the culture..

There is alot in this thread about Islam n 1 hr marriages for sex.....what the hell is this....this isnt in the Quran hence it has nothing to do with Islam.....if Islamic people do this...this act is on their behalf and not Islam so dont generalise.

All this negativity u say is acceptable in Islam...what the hell are you talking about....no it isnt acceptable there....

Becuase the Mullah says its right...doesnt mean its right....that is the case for this day and age.

And another sed that the child of the women would be a terrorist....Damn Your Ignorant......You are one of those ppl you stereotype Middle Easterners to be terrorists.....what about all the White Christianers who are terrorists......did u forget the Oklahoma bombings?

and that is merely one example..

The only problem in Iran is the fact that the youth and tryin to become Americanised and they are reflecting that shit.

Neverthelesss the governement of Iran..with the underlying operator Khomeini, is 100% crap.........the time of the Shah was better.


New Member
Aug 8, 2006
man u have no idea what you are talking about.....

That is not an Islamic thing, tradition or custom.....it is not Islamic, so stop promoting it to be Islamic....
Jul 22, 2006
svodjdani said:
There is alot in this thread about Islam n 1 hr marriages for sex.....what the hell is this....this isnt in the Quran hence it has nothing to do with Islam.....if Islamic people do this...this act is on their behalf and not Islam so dont generalise.
You have never heard of Mut'a marriage? It was a allowed long ago, but now is forbidden.

That is not an Islamic thing, tradition or custom.....it is not Islamic, so stop promoting it to be Islamic....
When you say it isn't Islamic, are you referring to the stoning?


New Member
Aug 8, 2006
i read a bit of the first page....about the stoning and all

first of all Iran is not a backward country...it is TOTALLY the opposite...

so dont state crap...wen u have no idea about it

secondly....ppl dont generally know this...but Hezbollah alot of control in Tehran....and the lashings and so on are done by them....not the Iranian Government..


New Member
Aug 8, 2006
ofcourse i know what it is...and it isnt an islamic thing..

it is condemned by the Quran..it is condemned in the Surahs...it prohibits sexual realatioships outside of marriage


Google "9-11" and "truth"
Dec 20, 2004
svodjdani said:
i read a bit of the first page....about the stoning and all
That's great. Read the whole thread next time.

first of all Iran is not a backward country...it is TOTALLY the opposite...
it is a foward country.

secondly....ppl dont generally know this...but Hezbollah alot of control in Tehran....and the lashings and so on are done by them....not the Iranian Government..
Oh, that's delighful. A country that isn't backwards can't enough control itself. It has a militia group to enforce law and order or it can't get rid of them.

svodjdani said:
ofcourse i know what it is...and it isnt an islamic thing..

it is condemned by the Quran..it is condemned in the Surahs...it prohibits sexual realatioships outside of marriage
This post makes no sense. Ok, what you're saying is that because the Qur'an 'prohibits' sex outside of marriage and it 'prohibits' stoning, if a woman has sex outside of marriage, it's ok to stone her. It's not an Islamic thing!
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New Member
Aug 8, 2006
Mut'a marriage is an Arab thing...not islamic

secondly...one mans freedom fighter is another mans terrorist...so u cant say anything there.

thirdly...it has to do with the underlying rulers of the Islamic State.....Hellzbollah are giving Khomeni protection basically....


May 6, 2006
Snaykew said:
Majority of Australians follow the Christian faith, but you don't see me labelling Christianity as a religion of alcohol abuse, drug abuse, etc. Every country has its black market and it has nothing to do with religion deal with it.

Actually no, not Australia. Ireland would be a better example. They are fierce Christians as abortion and divorce are illegal there. Yet, Irish people drink plenty. Does this reflect their faith? Not at all.
right on. great post.
Jul 22, 2006
svodjdani said:
ofcourse i know what it is...and it isnt an islamic thing..

it is condemned by the Quran..it is condemned in the Surahs...it prohibits sexual realatioships outside of marriage
ok im lost!

1-If you are referring to the stoning, then you should kno that in the Quran it states that the punishment for adultery is to be stoned.
2-Mut'a marriage was allowed before, but now it is not, although the Shia [some of them] think it was never forbidden. From my understanding most Muslims in Iran are shia, which means most of them would think it isn't forbidden. Get me?

PrinceHarry said:
Yes, among muslims of course.
So according to you all Muslims believe in this and all Muslim do it?


New Member
Aug 8, 2006
please dont mix up my intentions..

im with u saying that its 100% wrong...but

u ppl saying that it is an Islamic thing...is wrong...you guys are making Islam look bad..im telling you that it has nothing to do with Islam....rather the followers....fanatical followers....which we have even in Christianity


Google "9-11" and "truth"
Dec 20, 2004
svodjdani said:
u ppl saying that it is an Islamic thing...is wrong...you guys are making Islam look bad..im telling you that it has nothing to do with Islam....rather the followers....fanatical followers....which we have even in Christianity
Stoning is a valid punishment in Shari'a law which Iran, Saudia Arabia and many other countries have.

EDIT: wait, are you referring to the marriage thing? Press the quote button when u reply because you're confusing everyone just writing replies to someone 20 posts later.
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